The Cinematography of Joker || Case Study || Lawrence Sher

The Cinematography of Joker || Case Study || Lawrence Sher

Cooke Optics

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@gc3k - 16.08.2023 05:49

I can't think of a better-looking movie that was shot on digital

@miguelfmyers - 22.10.2022 21:24

One of my favorite comic book films ever, the cinematography is outstanding that scene with him on the cop car. Beautiful

@rogereriksen2472 - 17.08.2022 08:24

What a total load of psycho-babble bullshit of a narration. You just make all this bullshit as you go along?

@ColonizersBlow - 27.03.2022 08:46

The color schemes in this movie…blown away. Absolutely fantastic.

@maniveiszadeh8030 - 07.01.2022 07:53

What a well-spoken and articulate artist!

@DarrellTurnerJr - 30.07.2021 06:00

The theater was packed and I ended up sitting in the second row closest to the screen. The cinematography made being that close spectacular. I watched the last half of the movie with my mouth hung open

@snarlbuckle - 04.05.2021 23:32

It was the right movie at just the right time and done with a level of craft that set it apart from every other film of the era.

@LE672AJ - 07.04.2021 23:46

Pretty wild to hear that the bit when he walked into the fridge was improvised. Amazing.

@indoororchidsandtropicals358 - 02.03.2021 22:56

It wouldn't have been congruent for him to kill her if you ignore the very last scene which is totally inconsistent with his motives before that. He has empathy all over the place..I'm sorry but Todd is wrong about him being a narcissist and the only psychs who say he is are biased by comics. Those who aren't, never peg Arthur as one. That said, borderlines can appear narcissistic and rage, for example, can cover the empathy a borderline would otherwise have. We have what appears to be chronic feelings of emptiness, empathy for the kids and for Sophie and her kid, idealizing Murray and then devaluing him, same with mom, and in the statement "everyone is awful." We have self harm and suicidal ideation. Oh, and the total lack of identity and and and he takes on the identity "murray" gave him, someome he idolized, so while that's not exactly how it works, for the context of this film, its a fair depiction. And what do brderlines want more than anything? To feel loved. Ie the end crowd scene. Then you have whatever mental illness causes the delusions and the pba on top, but I don't see predatory manipulation, a lack of empathy, any kind of machiavellian behaviors..yes he seems to lack remorse for the murders, but likebernhard goetz, if you felt justified in your actions, you might be able to rationalize that away. I doubt goetz scores high for psycopathy or npd.

@1000000man1 - 18.01.2021 03:26

I always thought it was deliberately open to interpretation as to weather he killed her or not because when he is laughing in the next scene, we hear sirens and see flashing lights out the window. That had to be a deliberate choice in the film.

@ebubedike2626 - 17.08.2020 03:34

You wanna shoot this ? Yeah man I wanna 😁

@Angels-3xist - 10.08.2020 05:34

still pushing this movie after all this time? ten foot pole

@JJensen9 - 04.08.2020 15:11

Really solid interview. Lawrence did a great job.

Joker was a masterpiece. I know Lawrence is set to shoot the upcoming “Black Adam” movie with Dwayne Johnson and I am interested to see that as well.

@primitifsound - 29.07.2020 19:03

masterpiece cinematography

@a.t.3192 - 17.05.2020 12:09

An incredible film, and really the only one to ever make me uncomfortable in a meaningful way.

@puru - 17.04.2020 23:17


@Editbuddy - 03.04.2020 01:58

What MM was the interview shot at?

@JAYFULFILMZ - 08.03.2020 07:36

The more I understand film. The more I see that what I love the most about it had nothing to do with being a director! The cinematographer is god! Lol what do people compliment ? The look of a film, the angles, the acting, the locations, the camera movement, the sound, the effects etc & none are done by a director smh I feel cheated. I know we (the director) have the final vision but we all know how a film is supposed to look so yea...

@nikczemna_symulakra - 06.03.2020 22:15

He didn't kill her. There was no dancing afterwards.

@DerComicladen - 09.02.2020 00:46

Very interesting, great video. This guy is an oldschool cinematographer, in the best possible way. Awesome movie, that is more art than entertainment.

@Landonlacey10 - 06.02.2020 09:32

Lawrence Sher is out of focus almost the entire video lol

@jamiedean5280 - 06.02.2020 02:29

I don't get why he says he didn't kill her? Amazing cinematographer though, and the Joker looked incredible. Thank you.

@michaelrossi9435 - 05.02.2020 08:27

Holy Crap Batman the Joker rips my heart out. Great cinematography & great performance.

@seroviro - 29.01.2020 23:43

I have read the script. The tear thing WAS in the screenplay in a different scene, in a different way, but it WAS in the script. I don't like that they are always saying it came out of no where

@rcnewman51. - 20.01.2020 19:50

I wondered if the fridge scene was improv or not, what an incredible actor Joaquin is!

@capthook1 - 18.01.2020 07:06

For fuck’s sake, do we have to analyze the life out of everything in this world?

@sign543 - 16.01.2020 16:59

I’m always amused at how some people defend their fan theory as if it’s fact. You can’t defend something that’s not set in stone. The film is up for anyone to interpret however they want. Arguing with someone over a theory is as stupid as arguing whether there is anything outside of the universe or not. Just believe whatever you want and go about your business.

@lsb2623 - 13.01.2020 18:00

I only watched it once, but as depressing as many parts of it are, no other movie I ever saw had it's finger on the pulse of what is going on in culture so well as Joker. Mental illness, rich vs. poor, urban decay... Joker is real talk on real shit and I say it is ultimately a great achievement. The climax was one of those "oh shit" moments and got my blood flowing!!! That moment SAID IT ALL. There's a reason people were afraid of this movie when it was coming out... because they are afraid that the tens of millions of people under the boot of upper society will stop taking it in the face, and we are seeing this happen all over the world now completely independen of any work of art! I dont claim to have the answer but Joker is shining a spotlight on some things that need to be examined before another city gets burnt down. And in places like China, Iran, Iraq and many more, people are fed up and the bullshit is not going to be tolerated. There is no putting the genie back in the bottle so we need to talk about this stuff, now.

@frenic906 - 12.01.2020 17:48

i was on Arthurs side the whole time I watched the movie. good job

@joesatva - 05.01.2020 12:17


@Sweeneytodd1021 - 02.01.2020 18:57

I never realized how people define what is best cinematography until I saw this film I finally realized, thanks

@nenon809 - 28.12.2019 23:34

The genius guys behind a genius actor.

@NomadFM - 28.12.2019 19:48

The movie sucks at promoting violence. It is the same as shooting in school.

@benconnor3206 - 28.12.2019 15:39

What a film, what an experience, i will remember that theater night the rest of my life

@subhamkumardas137 - 27.12.2019 21:25

Please make more case study

@pressar9954 - 27.12.2019 16:25

whats the background music used in this video

@aeromundos - 23.12.2019 08:23

He achieved that empathy for the Joker charachter , as one can only feel compassion for this charachter whose downfall into chaos came not from evil but from sadness and suffering. What a cinematic achievment !!

@Tonyslices - 22.12.2019 11:14

I was lucky to sit next to Todd Philips at the gate in LAX on the way to Manhattan. it was the coolest experience ever, literally right next to him. we spoke about filmmaking because I'm a filmmaker, we talked about the secrets of joker and future projects. I wish I gave him my number, I told him ill be more then happy to work for free on any set lol

@veil1792 - 22.12.2019 00:05

We never saw Arthur eat, or sleep in the entire movie.

@FancyAthan - 18.12.2019 23:34

The idea of making each frame tell a story is so great. So well done in this film. \m/

@michalkos9627 - 16.12.2019 11:14


@LikeAGentlemanPlease - 14.12.2019 20:03

12 dislikes? Guess they like cgi, explosions and shiny things! Best movie of the decade!

@westonwalker5291 - 14.12.2019 09:40

The soft eyes on Lawerence are killing me. Otherwise EXCEPTIONAL content per usual CookeOptics TV :)

@isthisaweirdname - 12.12.2019 17:21

Really interesting stuff!
But i'm wondering, how can a video about a great cinematographer, made by a company that makes superb cinema lenses, be out of focus :/
