SD card DO's and DON'Ts

SD card DO's and DON'Ts

Dieter Van Holder

2 года назад

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@Chongosaur. - 28.12.2022 15:36

simple, to the point, high quality, 10/10.

@AktaHasutan1948 - 11.11.2023 07:15

thank you... good advice.. im using microSD for my phone

@bennykanny - 08.11.2023 14:34

My sd card is broken, I have the lower part of it, the grid part that connects with a sd slot on your computer. Question is there a memory card slot you can insert that piece in? That you can purchase online?

@bobsbigboy_ - 13.10.2023 21:49

mine was 10 euros lol

@apchan - 13.07.2023 17:02

I thought using a usb cable is safer when transferring files , i thought taking out the sd card everytime will damage it , or those golden plates will disappear..

@JeramieSaito - 27.06.2023 05:13

problem is Macbook do not have SD card slots so I always use my SD card reader and i got a portable card reader to connect to my Mac but not sure if the read speed matches with the card. Is there any way to know? This is probably why my SD cards are always saying cannot be read or not accessible.

@sandeepmates - 31.05.2023 11:54

thanks ..making doubts clear

@BigBExecutive - 17.05.2023 14:21

Hey man, for the card reader section, you think it would be fine if I put an SD card in an adapter for a MAC (USB ports, SD card reader, HDMI etc.) ?

@Laszlomtl - 09.05.2023 15:59

Excellent advice... Laszlo Montreal

@AntonioRivera28 - 17.02.2023 07:44

i heard you want to keep sd cards around 15% empty. but i cant find any information on why. was wondering if you knew or if that was just a myth

@aprilsaavedra2727 - 29.12.2022 22:26

Thank You , you are the first person who just got to the point and I didn't have to decode what you just said

@klklkl427586 - 21.09.2022 15:37

Used 2 12 euro 128GB aliexpress "Samsung" micro SD cards with adapters first in my X-H1 and X-T4 later.
After 3 years i had no problems with them, even 400mbps video works. Use them in backup mode for peace of mind, would never trust a single card (even very expensive ones).
For me its better to use 2 cheap cards in backup mode than 1 expensive. If someone can spend on 2 expensive cards then go for it i see no advantage.

@splatink - 11.08.2022 21:15

micro SD Card adapters do not have any parts that affect speeds in any way shape or form. They simply bridge the metal contacts of the microsd card to a larger form factor

@noimnotakpoppfpsheacy2526 - 27.04.2022 21:57

Thanks 😁👏👏
