Make Low Poly Characters in Blender!

Make Low Poly Characters in Blender!

Thomas Potter

1 год назад

13,246 Просмотров

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@saint_junia - 20.10.2023 12:52

Hi, this is probably the best tutorial style I have come across for low-poly modelling. For those saying this is too fast - you can always pause the video and use your brain to figure out a bit of it yourself. There is a bunch of documentation on these Blender features that you can look up in more detail if you struggle with something. IMHO this is a perfect showcase of a character creation process - of course not every button and feature used will be explained in great detail. For total beginners I suggest getting familiar with the UI and the basic functions first. Thanks Thomas, you have a new sub!

@OttWV - 11.09.2023 16:59

Hey man, i'm currently using your guides to speedrun my blender course in artschool (the course is quite basic).Fingers Crossed i get half my day free. Gud vids m8 subbed :)

@widearchshark3981 - 11.09.2023 09:21

Good video mate.

If I may suggest that you slow down on the key moments. You threw in a bevel on the face that was so quick it was easy to miss!

Also, references on the body will really help you.

All good though. This is a very useful video. Thank you. 😊

@esrg2342 - 10.07.2023 17:11

Hey love the videos, could you maybe make a tutorial for a ps1 style character? theres not many good tutorials about it

@aslan_wise - 28.06.2023 22:38

a good vid would be how to make beards, cuz mine sucks :v

@spideyfilms5093 - 21.06.2023 08:44

This isnt a speed run dude this is a tutorial, wayy to fast to keep up, stop trying to flex how fast you are and make a tutorial people can actually follow.

@OneFromEasternFinland - 06.06.2023 15:35

No offense, but I would've used round cube (radius 1.00) to make the head - it's maybe harder that way, but IMO it gives the final result more organic look; this is a bit blocky - but that's only my opinion, 'cause I've always liked more realistic looking graphics...

@jasonwilliams8730 - 05.06.2023 03:30

Thanks for sharing

@TitaniumRat - 04.06.2023 20:19

