Every Computer Science Student Neglects THIS

Every Computer Science Student Neglects THIS


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@debarghyamaitra - 26.02.2023 16:40

Funny how my college professors of same department can't even coordinate with each others and which results in everyone pushing too much pressure on each student!!

@misstweetypie1 - 21.01.2023 20:47

I’ve been in uni for 6 years now, and I’ve still got three years of cs to go before I get my bachelors, lol. Taking fewer classes if at all possible is my recommendation. I’ve worked part time as a server for the entirety of my post-secondary education, so I learned that three classes is my sweet spot to still be able to learn the material and do well, while still working enough to survive. I only had one semester where I worked 2-3 evenings per week, was on the board of a school club, and took 5 classes, and it was hellish. 10/10 do not recommend unless you really want to. I got all my breadth requirements finished years ago, so now I can just take my actual cs requirements, which still works out to three classes a semester. I would definitely recommend to all new students that you start your first year with three classes each semester, just to adjust yourself to the new way of work, and also to not get in over your head! It will take longer, but I think it’s worth it. (I’m in Canada, so tuition at my school is around $4000 for the year with three classes in winter and spring semesters, so I currently have no school debt either, since I worked at the same time and full time in summer)

@CBurlingame - 18.01.2023 18:33

I wanted to take a winter course this past break, but it wasn't covered by financial aid so it wasn't feasable, Also I'm unfortunatley taking what would be a prereq at the same time as two classes who build off of that prereq

@darkdudironaji - 10.12.2021 19:06

If your school offers it, you could also consider doing those classes that are only half a semester long, but accelerated. Then instead of taking four classes you can take two and two. It'll be the same workload but less of a balancing act.

@majestictrain - 27.11.2021 19:42

I've been debating taking on more classes next semester, and honestly I'm glad I came across this video now to talk me down from the ledge.

@OniByFame - 04.11.2021 06:02

I took a full course load in the physics program while working full time. Long story short, I felt like offing myself after every exam.

But I passed lol C's get degrees 😂😑
Although I didn't cheat but it felt like I learned very little and I'm more confused than ever 🤣

@GabrielTobing - 29.09.2021 06:42

The Australian Government: Be a full time student with 4 classes per semester or we won't pay you $300 every fortnight.

Seriously, this be the only reason why I'm so stressed XD

@xRIGGSx1992 - 24.09.2021 08:10

originally I was going to school for mechanical engineering. I took 4 classes equaling up to 15 credits while working 2 jobs. it destroyed my motivation because I felt like I wasn't learning anything and felt like I didn't do as good as I could have. I got all C's except 1 B. the next semester in differential equations I failed hard. I forgot how to do basic integrals and the whole idea of relearning calculus just killed my confidence and I dropped out. Here I am 7 years later trying to get a degree in CS trying to avoid the same mistakes. some of these college classes are just ridiculous and feel useless. what purpose other than paying 1500 bucks a semester for a class should I have to write 9 pages of filler a week for a degree?

@erab4490 - 29.08.2021 23:03

I cheated my way through OOP, C programming, data structures, and computer architecture, now I'm taking system programming, and I don't have any clue what's going on, how can I make up for the courses I missed before, is it very late to realize that I fucked up T.T, can I still make it up?

@samwebster4047 - 26.07.2021 07:06

I wish i could have a schedule as relaxed as this. My college has a credit hour requirement so I have to take 6 classes/semester minimum to even attend. To those who have this much freedom, use it for you don't know how lucky you are

@alimirza4864 - 14.07.2021 00:35

watched this just now and this kinda opened my eyes to yeah I really didn't learn well while trying to rush through certain classes by just hitting up a website and trying to make something quick to turn into the professor.

@HangNguyen-wu3fs - 16.06.2021 23:24

Getting good grades is the most fun part!

@KMMOS1 - 13.06.2021 21:22

It's a scheduling problem brought on by ancient farmers demanding kids work during the summer to the exclusion of all else. Modern farming doesn't need summer kids, so we can have a staggered educational schedule that operates year-round. More flexibility means better chances to coordinate faculty, courses, students, and curricula. Yes, the summer vacation industry will complain, but family scheduling around jobs and schools is still more flexible and satisfactory. A vacation on the other side of the equator might be fun!

@whoami0696 - 01.06.2021 02:07

What is the name of the background song?

@minefacex - 20.05.2021 12:27

5 classes 😂 that is the minimum at my uni basically if you want to keep up

@tinkeriso6169 - 18.05.2021 16:09

You should change the name of your channel into ' Coding Messiah'

@zalem7246 - 04.05.2021 00:34

My challenge: learn English with channel about technology, cause I study Science Computer and I understand how important learn English for this area. I’m from Brazil.

Thanks for channel!!!

@jaedson-barbosa - 03.05.2021 16:55

Obrigado, Jesus.

@almosthelpless9374 - 30.04.2021 18:08

It's important to ask yourself if you're taking certain classes because you feel like you have to, or because you're actually interested in the subject. Take something fun outside of computer science. If you don't it's easy to get burnt out from programming projects. You'll do better in your classes overall if you're doing something you like and are in a better mental health state.

@dekuparker - 30.04.2021 14:11

This is why I decided to take two extra quarters so I could take 3 classes each quarter instead of 4 for the remaining of my curriculum. I know that slight change will help with the burnout and give me extra time to focus on other things.

@stephenmccallion5886 - 29.04.2021 14:54

I tend to overthink a lot and create projects that are larger than necessary. Usually, CS assignments are usually only looking for a MVP (Minimal Viable Product) yet I think we expect them to be industry-ready applications. I remember when I made a forum website for my client/server module. In my head, it had to be equivalent to Reddit or FB which looking back is ridiculous. I started designing and programming all these additional features that weren't asked of me - it turned out to be a mess. This is why requirement engineering is crucial and should be taught during the first year in uni/college in my opinion.

Plus I'm the biggest procrastinator I leave things last minute, assignments are started a few weeks before they're due. I've learned that overloading + procrastination = Stress and bugs.

My advice to uni/college students is you're only one person, you're learning comp sci/software eng and is one of the hardest topics in the world. When it comes to assignments read the brief and make sure it ticks all the boxes you're not going to get any extra marks for any additional features that's it's not asking your for. Learn at your own pace and don't compare yourself to others. Everyone is different and remember it's not a race. Finally, just enjoy it and have fun learning. A grade is a grade, they don't matter in the real world.

@steel200000 - 28.04.2021 23:07

This may or may not be a bit off topic. I'm curious what you think of the various coding boot camps compared to university degrees. This is something I'm wondering about as somone who didn't finish a degree but still wants to gain more education about coding and make a profession out of it.

@mohammadsalam6434 - 28.04.2021 17:47

I have python, cisco networking, security fundamentals, computing maths all in the same semester (not a year, semester) and I kinda hate it. I lost motivation and stop studying long ago and that is setting me back from my classmates which is not what I want I just dk where to start. there is always something and I don't have time to keep practicing everything cuz I also need a life for myself so I just do my homework and set it aside not practicing and that's leading me to forget whatever I have learned and all. idk I kinda feel like either dropping out or find a different way to study.

@blyaticon8190 - 27.04.2021 10:12

I am studying rn and I basically spend ~35h per week on my tasks because I had much stuff in my A-Levels and don't really need to do that much work and spend most of my time doing random Linux stuff

But I imagine that this shit is stressful for people who didnt have that much Comp Sci in their A-Levels

@Testout332 - 26.04.2021 04:41

You’re so right cheating it’s just cheating yourself but I have ran into a few times when my professor thought I was cheating because of the extensive knowledge I had already on the subject of the paper only for the fact that I took training with my mother though her work . Since I am always looking for the new and upcoming things in the IT Field

@malcolmkeyes2665 - 23.04.2021 07:12

just stumbled upon your cs vids - I saw a Pungo Board House shirt. Are you based in va beach?? videos are great :) im a cs student at yale, from va beach!

@antoniofontes5181 - 23.04.2021 01:33

Taking 11 classes each semester, two semesters in a row 🤡

@johnnydam6545 - 22.04.2021 20:21

I agree. Overloading yourself is not good.

Btw, you are a huge inspiration! Keep up the good work!

@a.syahir1271 - 22.04.2021 16:10

Im actually, have become a bit demotivated to learn programming and explore new thing, as im quiet busy with all of these club activities, a lot of assignment, there are a lot of thing that i need to commit, and it makes me feel lost and like to procastinate my work, as i dont know where to start now. Just wants to ask if you know a better way to get it back on track. Hope you can give me some advice based on your experiences.

@lvulpesl - 22.04.2021 15:35

Is that you Jesus?!

@guilherme5094 - 21.04.2021 17:02

He's the messiah!

@johnwig285 - 21.04.2021 16:57

Preach. Don't focus on RUSHING to finish within 4 years. Like Gordon Ramsay said in Hell's Kitchen, he aint looking for an Usain Bolt in the kitchen who can finish fast, he is looking for someone who cooks quality food.

@williamkibler592 - 21.04.2021 05:22

I love you I needed to hear that part about competing for a grade taking all the fun out of it. I Shoulda told my parents that before they shipped me out

@devonedward2027 - 21.04.2021 03:53

i always fine it wired how you almost always have a window in the background of your video I mean the video is useful but just a thought
I am not sure if you will ever read this but if we can talk about this whole new world I am going into this will be great. where I live the island is completely backwards and not many people take jobs like this

@babyboie20 - 20.04.2021 21:01

I agree with almost everything you said here only push back would be on the number of hours should take vs have to take. Many folks who are using financial aid have to be "full time" in order to receive financial aid for school so it wouldn't be possible for them to take 9hrs in the full semester and 6 in a mini only because they NEED to be full time. I agree with the point it would give them much more time to focus on the content and learning over just trying to fight to get the grade and on top of working full time. Students these days actually are taking 18-21 hrs a semester and working full time because financial aid will pay tuition but they still have to pay for their apt, food, ect.

@georgeayob7724 - 20.04.2021 06:30

great advice

@lorensims4846 - 20.04.2021 00:16

I'll second that. I actually had extra classes scheduled when I was supposed to be in the lab, and while the others were in the lab in the evenings, I had a full-time job (and a full-time marriage, but that's another story). None of this worked out for me, though I sure did learn a lot. Mostly to not overload myself when I have important things to do.

@torchtician6717 - 19.04.2021 18:01

Good Day Jesus

@VirusVideos2008 - 19.04.2021 12:54

I see a cs Jesus video, I like

@zuleiniskristina2270 - 19.04.2021 07:55

I feel like i was meant to see this.. I'm on my third year of college ann still have three more years to go if I take the minimum amount of classes.. but because I'm sick and tired of school and the fact that I have to teach myself the things I actually want to learn through the internet.. I was ready to take the max amount of classes each semester from now on so that maybe I could graduate asap. But tbh. i don't have a life and its affecting my family too so Im reconsidering my dumb plan

@kaiosama1237 - 19.04.2021 05:05

Didn’t know Jesus codes.. Cool

@sebastienluciani3677 - 19.04.2021 00:56

Now Imagine that I’m doing a math and CS degree (Data Science) at the “Université de Montréal” and its 3 years.
The normal CS degree is also 3 years. And well apparently it gets results since it’s the third/fourth best in Canada for this degree...

@SGprooo - 18.04.2021 23:18

Thought I saw Jesus, I wasn't wrong.

@TheFootballPlaya - 18.04.2021 18:53

I feel ya. right now, im in a communication class. I know communication is super important, but this is the extremely boring type of communication. Where chapters of material are on the usage of commas and proper punctuation. And writing memos and business proposals for completely fictional people and businesses. Even writing resumes for fake people. Idk what the point of this class is, I thought it was for me to get those skills, but now I have to figure out a story line for fake people lol. It's very strange and distracting from all my other courses. It's not hard at all, but It's a ton of work. regular 7+ page reports due every few weeks. So happy it's my last one of these types of courses. Finally onto the actual cs courses lol

@aaronj1084 - 18.04.2021 12:09

Hey , Love the video and love the Clean Code Friday Newsletter

@jollywgiant1760 - 18.04.2021 11:58

Man I don't know whet's going on with your CPU cooler, but you need to sort its shit out!

@bro...5849 - 18.04.2021 07:35

Next semester I will be taking 2 programming classes along with discrete math and calc 1. Idk if I’ll be able to do it 😐

@michaelevan9184 - 18.04.2021 06:17

You will learn more on your own.....period
