What is the global minimum corporate tax? | CNBC International

What is the global minimum corporate tax? | CNBC International

CNBC International

3 года назад

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justin beaver
justin beaver - 20.10.2023 13:18

I love watching capitalism fail

freedom fighters
freedom fighters - 20.05.2023 12:20

This governemnt is keeping workers poor. The american dream is a lie.

Danny Nowak
Danny Nowak - 16.02.2023 21:15

Global wealth should SERVE society, not rule it.

vahab armenian
vahab armenian - 23.12.2022 04:37

bunch of communists trying to destroy their countries

Abidemi Michael
Abidemi Michael - 29.11.2022 18:50

Jar of coins ..

Lee Adickes
Lee Adickes - 22.09.2022 11:24

abolish the income tax and move to a progressive consumption tax things like second homes and yachts big luxury items a 50% tax. items like clothes food and medicine taxes at 1%-2% or whatever it needed to be. Then you could file your taxes on something the size of a post card.

Pilot Fire
Pilot Fire - 02.08.2022 19:46

These guys will Never learn. This will not change anything. It doesn’t matter what rate you change it to, it could be 90%. 90% of Zero Profit is STILL ZERO!

Paulsur - 17.07.2022 00:20

All corporate taxes are "transitory". Corporations transit the tax right to the consumer in the form of higher prices, always.

MiSSFLORA FACTORY - 15.03.2022 22:47


Shanin Coffer
Shanin Coffer - 14.11.2021 23:03

Slavery supposedly caused a civil war

ASTRAPI - 30.10.2021 23:01

Who are they kidding, the rich did this not the politicians the politicians are their puppet ,,,we are not stupid with what they are actually doing, they have found a way to tax the middle class...

bantumwt - 30.10.2021 21:10

The very idea of a global anything is frightening. Sovereign nations would do well to fight this.

Rose Roses
Rose Roses - 12.10.2021 18:47

So, we end up with either companies moving out of the country so we lose jobs and tax revenue, or we have companies staying and hiking up prices so we pay more for items we need. I don't see the win anywhere in that.

Tracy J Swanson
Tracy J Swanson - 11.10.2021 18:09

Anything with the word Global in it should be avoided at all costs.

VK RGFAN - 10.10.2021 00:17

I think the only competition must be allowed is for the value and quality of the product, not the price. Then companies will feel more pressure to deliver good products to customers not just disposable one time use goods that end up in the trash 🗑

Chestnet - 10.09.2021 07:29

Good luck trying to tax them

Mehedi hasan
Mehedi hasan - 06.09.2021 09:35

Us want to rule the world with global minimum corporate tax.

James yes
James yes - 05.09.2021 22:46

This only benifits rich and powerful countries so Basically the rich countries will do an average corporate rate tax for all countries
So these small countries like bahamas, malta, Ireland, cayman Island and many more will lose tax moneys from companies that is under their tax rate so these big companies will go back again to their perspective countries and the country that onced had small tax rate will not prosper the same way like before

Dean H
Dean H - 05.09.2021 15:03

Yeah, right, big companies will NEVER pay more, they will keep growing and keep making us THINK that they're tryna change, don't get your hopes up for anything (I'm talking to you, the person reading this)
