Essential AI Research Assistants: Tools Transforming Research Today!

Essential AI Research Assistants: Tools Transforming Research Today!

Andy Stapleton

2 месяца назад

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@biri4210 - 14.05.2024 11:50

another great video! thanks, Andy!! hey, where do you buy your colorful t-shirts? I'd love to gift my husband with one like yours :)

- 14.05.2024 10:45

Thanks for all of your work. I’m sharing your videos with students.

@TheHistoryCode125 - 12.05.2024 19:08

This video is basically a 10 minute ad for this guy's course on AI research assistants. He throws a bunch of tools at you like Consensus, Elicit, Sciaspace, Perplexity, and Argo, but doesn't really explain how to use them effectively. He just shows the basic interface of each tool and says "it's really great." What he's NOT telling you is that these tools require careful prompting and critical evaluation of the results. Don't expect to just type in a question and get a perfect answer! He briefly mentions Connected Papers, but only for finding derivative works, completely ignoring its potential for exploring entire research landscapes. Overall, this video is more hype than substance. You're better off looking for in-depth tutorials on specific tools and learning how to critically evaluate AI-generated research.

@eliaszeray7981 - 12.05.2024 18:25

Great ! thank u.

@liamduffy5276 - 11.05.2024 08:35

most important thing to speed up is me. Also, how sure are you that these aren't giving out BS references?

@snoopywalker1881 - 10.05.2024 21:18

Love your videos. It’s like Russel Brand had a PHD and is excitedly sharing his tips and tricks !

@markrosenberg4369 - 10.05.2024 10:43

But very little that edits PowerPoint files using academic manuscripts to learn, adapt and produce new PowerPoint files!

@quickestsleets - 10.05.2024 10:32

Hi Dr andy got a quick question. As an undergrad who has barely done any research reports in school, which course on your site would be best?

@justaname999 - 09.05.2024 23:57

I have used all of these before but still would add a caveat, just in case people have too much faith in machine learning applications:
Any of these models are generally fairly capable but never rely fully on these tools to summarize papers faithfully. One thing are errors of misinterpretation, which you can usually easily check by quickly glancing at the abstract or conclusions. But the other thing are errors of omission, which are harder to find. I've had several cases where these things gave completely wrong answers about methodology.
Now it doesn't matter if you'll go over the recommended papers anyway but I'm seeing some stressed student using it and just putting that into their lit review and it being completely wrong.
Generally, these models are not yet as amazing for summarization as we'd like them to be. Tools like the individual columns of scispace can be useful because they can, indeed, make use of individual flags for the compilation of the points they extract but they will fail to produce a good, coherent summary in the majority of cases.

@ahmedmostafa247 - 09.05.2024 23:46

Consensus ❤ game over

@mayankchhaperwal4108 - 09.05.2024 23:09

Hi Andy. I follow your channel for most of the advice regarding PhD and everything related to it. Over the past few months I tried to try the tools you have been show casing but it is becoming difficult to keep track of so many of these AI tools and websites. This is also because many of these have such a large overlap in there functionalities. It would be very helpful if you could make a video summarising your own AI videos into categories. For example as a section in the video you can talk about all the AI writing tools you have discussed till now and the 1 or 2 you recommend everyone to try and then maybe other such sections can be AI tools for literature review, for data processing etc. Thanks for all the help. I really appreciate your videos.

@BybbyCreme - 09.05.2024 18:16

stunning tools! thank you for your effort :)

@Rico_1970 - 09.05.2024 13:29

Don’t you think it’s getting more and more boring? I’m following your channel a couple of years now, but in the last year my impression is that your videos are only a marketing channel for AI tools. I am missing your videos where you were talking about research topics and which really gave very useful information. But now…. Repeatedly the same AI buzz word bingo. AI tools will not help anybody if they have not understood the research process and how to write a paper at all.

@adnanpuskar645 - 09.05.2024 10:36

Thanks for reasearch help.Sir you are great

@farzanhussain9427 - 09.05.2024 10:15

Hello sir I hope you will response to this comment. Actually I am writing 2 research paper and the methodology is same just the dataset is different , so can I write the same content in methodology for both my papers or will it be consider as plagiarism?

@mehdiberber8395 - 09.05.2024 09:23

Super hero power ❤

@dipenshah6660 - 09.05.2024 06:33

Is there scispace like tool to research international court judgments? or can we add this kind of literature research functionality to free database of judgments like worldlii?

@ogbonnayaagom-eze6854 - 09.05.2024 05:31

Ride on Doc!
