Signs of Selenium Toxicity: Only Take THIS Much

Signs of Selenium Toxicity: Only Take THIS Much

Dr. Westin Childs

3 года назад

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@JaneFonda-pj1jj - 11.01.2024 10:10

Humans can easily take 800 micrograms of selenium daily without any toxicity. That is wayyyyyy more than the vast majority of people get in their daily diets. So, the odds of toxicity are slim to none.

@JaneFonda-pj1jj - 11.01.2024 10:09

The FDA allows us to say "selenium may help prevent cancer". Thanks to Dr. Joel Wallach's lawsuit against the FDA. Thank you Doc Wallach. Another win for Naturopaths.

@JaneFonda-pj1jj - 11.01.2024 10:04

The odds of someone having selenium toxicity is slim to nil.

@DaveOriginallyfromBrooklyn - 14.12.2023 19:16

Can we take just 1 or 2 100-200 mags a week? Instead of daily?

@DaveOriginallyfromBrooklyn - 14.12.2023 19:16

Of story is probably
To supplement

@helkomelko2373 - 10.12.2023 01:58

i get hotfleshes from 200mcg

@terri4337 - 05.12.2023 12:49

Probable why the carnivore diet reverses Hashimoto’s

@maryagendron - 28.11.2023 21:16

selenium lowers copper and iodine also needed for thyroid function. If you take iodine or copper without selenium it causes problems, if you have too much selenium it tanks your copper and iodine. Having too much iodine and too little selenium and copper can also cause goiter.

@JohnQPublic345 - 09.11.2023 01:27

According to my Brazil nut bag, each nut contains about 180 to 200 mcg of selenium

@juliantreidiii - 05.11.2023 22:09

My Ex had a faulty coffee pot and she got a selenium overdose. It was bad. She could not walk for a week. It had a selenium Solder.

@lemercenairedelespace4199 - 23.10.2023 23:22

400 mcg of selemethione gave me headache while i can go with 800 mcg of selenite easily without toxicity .

@vitanilange6926 - 15.10.2023 11:28

But defiency also cause hairloss brittle nails?

@yedabocaletto95 - 10.10.2023 14:21

My blood exams showed me that I have more selenium that I should. I don’t know why. Never supplemented it and I don’t eat lots of Brazil nuts. It baffles my doctor.

@michaelmelling9333 - 27.09.2023 22:43

Gosh, I'd been buying big quantities of Brazil nuts and eating handful after handful day after day.😢
Thanks for the heads up!👍

@sranney1 - 04.09.2023 13:23

200 mcg over here

@sranney1 - 04.09.2023 13:22


@Asa-wv1zb - 02.09.2023 15:59

So, what is the treatment for the toxicity? If we are talking about hair loss type toxicity, what's the treatment? Or is the treatment to just exclude it from the diet?

@kristiecichon3099 - 09.08.2023 21:46

I got a package of Brazil nuts and I ate half the package. I’m scared now!!

@m.d5886 - 02.08.2023 16:30

I just consumed 200g of Brazil nuts. I did not know about selenium before I consumed the nuts

@soiboughtabus9563 - 28.07.2023 05:20

I effed up. I consumed over 5lbs of brazil nuts this year. I have stopped, looking back, I had 2 days, different times where I slept 30 hrs. Diarrhea/not a solid stool for about a month, and pain extremely similar to an anal fisher minus blood. How do I fix this?

@neerajkerkar - 14.07.2023 12:25

I am getting 100mcg of selenium (as L-Selenomethionine) from my multivitamin. I analyzed my diet and I don’t think I am getting more than 100mcg from diet, so overall I might be getting no more than 200mcg/day. However, my blood work has shown high selenium level. Do I need to stop taking the multivitamin a few days/weeks before blood work for the test to be accurate?

@theperfectautumn8781 - 30.06.2023 18:30

(((Has this video been sped up? Voice and mouth not lining up.)))

@ambermac77 - 24.05.2023 03:39

I’m taking 200mcg a day, just from a supplement (not taking into consideration my multivitamin). But I feel like I’m overdosing. I’m having fatigue, joint pain, hair loss, my nails keep chipping, and recently I’ve been dealing with constant nausea. 😢 Should I go get a blood test to confirm?

@rcayers1700 - 19.05.2023 09:50

As with many vitamins & minerals, the factor that determines tolerance is based on the patint's weight & age & gender. There has to be a scientific research based table that shows safe tolerance, minimum & max recommended the 3 factors above.

@Gr21212 - 17.05.2023 03:13

That's funny My nails were brittle and my hair was falling out when I was diagnosed with low thyroid and I was never taking selenium. Anemia will also cause GI problems, I had pernicious anemia and when I started taking B12 liquid vitamins, because I've noticed I do best on liquid vitamins, I no longer needed medication for heartburn.

@Gr21212 - 17.05.2023 03:11

How would you know if a doctor never checks selenium?
Doctors check vitamin D and calcium but I don't really see them checking much of anything else besides magnesium.

@JavierBonillaC - 16.05.2023 20:08

9 minutes?, I’ll ask chat GPT…. Just kidding. It was very much to the point. Thank you.

@mac-ju5ot - 10.05.2023 06:37

Thank u Dr I just bought Brazil nuts and found myself eating a lot today....didn't know u can get overdose.on a nut I'll use precautions and be warey

@user-le7zh4zd5e - 24.04.2023 15:14

does 100 mcg tablet per day do toxicity ? i took 200 mcg per day one day and next day I got swelling and itching and redness under hand and on one side of face . and I am taking 100 mcg and my hair is thining , so should I take 40 mcg per day ?

@katiedoherty2329 - 20.04.2023 23:58

Ive been taking selenium 200 mcgs for only a month. My thyroid medication gives me anxiety and i had a drs appointment coming up thinking selenium and vitamin d would fix the problem. Well it didn't and my thick hair was coming out and i had horrible heartburn, not to mention i was going to sleep at 5pm!!! Im now going to take my thyroid meds religiously bc my bloodwork was horrible and my dr upped my dose and i have more bloobwork in 3 mos

@michaeldowdy9303 - 17.04.2023 05:07

Purchasing selenium in the right dose is difficult. What is on the market is too strong of a dose. The problem is the manufacturers. 50 micrograms should be plenty.

@rebeccalopez1776 - 15.04.2023 22:32

883 Brazil nuts started itching all night the next day I ate three Brazil nuts I was itching all over again. That was three days later still itching has anybody had these symptoms

@kelsmo - 12.04.2023 19:10

About how long after stopping supplementation (I was eating a handful of Brazil nuts a day for a month or two) until toxicity symptoms disappear? I have the fatigue, stomach upset, hair loss… I just now realized that the Brazil nuts were causing these symptoms that I have been trying to figure out for weeks now. What can I do to counteract the selenium?

@davetoms63 - 01.04.2023 16:47

on the carnivore diet, should we supplement selenium ? I've started taked 3 drops of 2% iodine and my hands get cold all the time

@mariakeyvan4789 - 27.03.2023 21:23

Thank you for the information
I am currently taking synthroid 0.75
Also have hashimoto’s
Is ok to take selinium? And how much?
Thank you!

@naturallyneenea5768 - 16.03.2023 10:14

I have been taking selenium for a couple months and recently took colloidal silver.. i didn’t know these two were toxic with each other.. now i’m experiencing a metallic taste in my mouth.. idk if it’s from the colloidal silver or the selenium.. please help.. i need to get this taste out now :(

@user-vj9qz3br6l - 08.03.2023 17:39

Is the hair loss permanent? I started taking 200mg/day and have not experienced hair loss, but have experienced the garlic breath. I am now reducing my dose to taking it every other day.

@autoimmune8601 - 25.02.2023 14:49

I bought a 8oz container of brazil nuts and ate it in 2/3 days. That's roughly 8000mcg of selenium... I don't think I feel any ill effects right now. Is there anything I should watch our for or when I would be in the clear of toxicity?

@eternalfight1032 - 14.02.2023 05:49

When I take selenium I am quicker to get angry and confrontational, is that a sign of toxicity or could that just be like a testosterone boost?

@LJK2159 - 27.12.2022 03:47

Great info but your talking waaaaaayyyyy toooo fast
Slow down
Your throwing a ton of information in there in such a fast matter is difficult to follow
I’m not sure why so many video presenters do this but it’s not ideal for the listener

@maxkang351 - 20.12.2022 18:36

how long after taking selenium should you take iodine?(minutes/hours)?

@DJSTOEK - 28.11.2022 13:24


@tessafrith - 24.11.2022 23:44

Hi Dr Childs, I love your videos thank you! However, I had Hurthle cell carcinoma and had to have a thyroidectomy and would be very grateful if you were to make videos about those of us who no longer have a thyroid. Tess

@MaxHarden - 04.11.2022 05:58

Why would Centrum Mens One-a-Day put 100mcg (182% DV) in a single dose? I've been taking too much my entire life!

@niklashansen8594 - 28.10.2022 14:18

Crazy, never saw that many comments of people intoxicate themselves with selenium through in part food sources. I myself had a selenium intoxication 3 1/2 years ago which was due to...surprise: brazil nuts!! I ate for almost 3 weeks 30 to 40 g a day, a smaller hand full I would say. Not on every day, but almost. I thought I could treat my mild selenium deficiency with that, didn' t want to swallow pills, do it natural, of course, so stupid!! Oh if I just had swallow pills instead. I didn' t know that brazil nuts can contain fucking 2000 mcg of selenium and sometimes even more and that in form of selenomethionin that gets absorbed very well by the body, way better than anorganic forms like selenite etc. and luckily can be even stored better! The confusing thing is, if you are not explicitly informed about the selenium content in brazil nuts there is no way that you can just rely on your intuition and normal eating patterns to avoid intoxication. You can eat walnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds etc. every day, you can even eat a generous hand full of it and it is probably even recommended from a health perspective, but dont think that that the same would go for brazil nuts, they don't like too much attention and will soon let you know. Honestly I dont understand why these nuts can be sold in the way they are. Governement food safety institutions should force the food companies to mark the packages with a eyecatching warning sign that not more than 1 brazil nut a day should be eaten especially in combination with supplements. They already do the same with algue products which contain massive amounts of natural iodine. Whereelse should a lay know that he or she will otherwise get excess amounts of selenium? Not everyone of us is a toxicologist. I live in Germany and nothing happens here in this regard, although everything is so clear, simple math. If SOME people (not everyone) eat more than 400 or 600 mcg long term wise they will get an intoxication and if you eat intuitively modest amounts of brazil nuts like a hand full you can clearly reach than no go area.
After intoxication I had diarrhea, joint and muscle pain, extreme thirst, unusual body heat, hair loss, extreme feelings of fullness after eating, fatigue and motor weakness for several weeks. Many symptoms disappeared, but unfortunakety some stayed. Till today after almost 4 years I still have to pay close attention to the selenium amounts that I eat, always have to stick to a low selenium diet with no red meat, eggs, fish, mushrooms, oat, rice, some nuts etc or at least only in amounts very cautiously dosed. If I only eat normal amounts of selenium for 2 or 3 days, amounts which you get easily by eating the things stated above on a regular basis, again and again and again symptoms like severe fatigue, motor weakness, hair loss, GI symptoms and paresthesias in my arms start to occur more or less out of the nowwhere. There were times after eating normal amounts of selenium for just 2, 3 days when I had fatigue so strong like after a heavy sleeping medicament. You feel so out of space then, sleep all the time and totally unable to concentrate on anything which requires just a little bit concentration.
I guess some part of my selenium metabolism is permanently impaired after the original intoxication. I know it sounds very strange and probably only a very small minority of people will develope something like that after a selenium intoxication (like only a minority of covid patients develops long covid), but of course you don't know whether you belong to that group.
I can only restate the warning made in the video. Be careful with selenium supplements, be even more careful with brazil nuts. In most cases its easy to satisfy your selenium need by just eating red meat, fish, eggs, oat, sunflower seed, mushrooms etc., no need for supplements or brazil nuts in most cases! After a certain threshold you dont get any benefits anymore from eating even more selenium, because your body already produced the maximum amount of the selenium dependant enzymes and proteins which are important for the redox state in your cells and your thyroid function.

@user-rd9mb1kc8t - 27.10.2022 20:10

Thanks for this video, very informative. I regularly eat lots of egg, brown rice, spinach, oatmeal, salmon, and shrimp. Coincidentally and unknowingly, I began eating 2 Brazil nuts and spirulina. Well, I think this was what drove my intake of selenium to excess. I began having thyroid ache, fatigue, and hair loss. In the past I had thyroid issues, even though the blood test said I was fine. By reading books on the subject, I decided to take iodine and I read that selenium protects the thyroid whenever you take iodine. Long story short, I became much better in the past, but now I messed up my thyroid again. Here is another information I found online, whether it is true or not I don’t know: “If there is a selenium deficiency and attempts are made to supplement with iodine, the iodine will exacerbate the selenium deficiency causing it to worsen as well. In fact, anytime one is high and the other is low, symptoms will occur and often times get worse. If there is a deficiency, both must be supplemented and kept low.”

@maryb6269 - 03.10.2022 21:02

Can’t I just eat 4-5 Brazil nuts a day instead of taking a pill?
