Cisco Learning Labs - Review

Cisco Learning Labs - Review

Kevin Wallace Training, LLC

9 лет назад

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@DergEnterprises - 24.12.2015 00:50

Very good review. I'm studying for ROUTE and I read reviews that the Learning Labs are not that good. However, I'll give them a try.

@DergEnterprises - 24.12.2015 00:52

On my Mac, I use iTerm. Just my opinion, but it's a lot more robust than Terminal.

@clintonoshea - 24.12.2015 03:24

Great review, definitely something I'll consider for my studies :)

@KasyapAbhishek - 24.12.2015 08:36

All the times, I am seeing only CCNA, CCNP R&S only.. I am not seeing other tracks of cisco labs.. They must have to work and provide labs.. Expecting CCNA - wireless, Voice, Data center and others..

@ahmadalzard6425 - 25.12.2015 18:56

from the video, I quote ...... "you can buy your own gears and make a home lab, and that's a great solution"......

and this is exactly what your most students are waiting for Sir, how and what exactly should we buy specifically (for CCNP r/s) as you did for CCIE collaboration video ....

for this video, it is informative video as usual, excellent ...

@ChrisV25 - 08.01.2016 15:29

Looks ok but I am not a fan of the 50 hour limit. I like to take my time to read and watch vids while I lab. I know the test has you under a time crunch, I don't want to stress over that when I am trying to learn too.

@MihirPradhan - 02.02.2016 05:38

Thanks for the review! Any idea how these labs compare to Boson NetSim?

@come_alive8889 - 02.02.2016 06:38

Greetings, I'm wondering why there is no transcript for your ccnp videos cause that would be very helpful for taking notes. Thanks

@FranklinSt1 - 28.09.2016 21:57

Kevin , when you complete a lab do you know whether it give you a mark / points based score to let you know how well (or bad lol) you have done on the lab? similar to packet tracer's marking system?

@BeemerTwelve - 14.09.2017 06:20

I wouldn't even consider taking an exam without giving this a try, this is probably the closest you'll ever get to using real equipment (without actually using it, that is). I don't work for cisco or get anything for recommending this, but I see people all the time spending a hundred bucks on a pair of pants only to wear them twice. A cisco certification is most likely going to help you for the rest of your life. Greetings from Spain.

@davidleitman - 28.05.2019 06:03

Kevin, thank you for laying out the labs for folks who are interested in looking into them. I saw some requirements preventing me from running VIRL on my current machine. Could you tell me if there is anything like that to deal with for those who sign up for the Cisco Learning Labs?
Loved the vid.

@sagharichi - 06.01.2020 14:57

Great review
