The 5 Signs Your Relationship Is Over | Mel Robbins

The 5 Signs Your Relationship Is Over | Mel Robbins

Mel Robbins

3 года назад

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TJ_Puma - 18.09.2023 00:53

I feel like my partner brings out the best AND worst in me. More so the best. These signs only apply when we argue, I’m starting to find myself less patient with her during our tough moments.

Shady Soldier 847
Shady Soldier 847 - 16.09.2023 17:22

, I am split from my ex of 23 years with 5 kids who I haven't been allowed to see for over a year now , & if it couldn't get any worse , I haven't even been allowed to meet our youngest baby boy of 9 months! So to me that sounds scetchy & she never allowed me to be on the birth certificate for the new baby😔 So I'm not sure if acausation made by a certain angry someone was telling. The truth & fact she was talking to the said certain older man , & telling him things that are not the usual things to talk with a basic stranger other than casual interactions between them. Things I heard one time I was outside at the front door while she spoke to him or should i say she shouted with pure venom in her voice about me to him. Not knowing how much I heard from her rant about me to him & some Small examples of kinda subjects she spoke about was our sexual interactions, small things like having little diggs at me & she was very derogatory ,about me . along with saying very private stuff involving my family members that nobody else need to know about etc & things like my mum wasn't a good granny & so on & on, however it did get worse as she has never let my wee mum see the kids nether & 2 times turned my wee mum the kids grandmother, away from door with gifts in her arms without even letting her meet the new baby or
see the other kids!! I mean I never thought she was like this or capable of doing this. I haven't seen them kids & not met the new baby or put me on birthlines he does have my last name but that's it. I'm wondering is it even my baby.?? I'm not sure what to do next for the better! , ? I need help to get my kids ,as for her possibly cheating . How nasty would it be to keep us going through all the hurt & heart brake especially for my wee mum and family to eventually turn round & say the baby isn't even mine . & Worce thing is there is not a valid reason for this. I got to just stay Gohgsted till she feels like it 🤐😭well to who ever read all this I'm sorry for ranting on but this is still happening & my kids are aged 18y ,7y ,4y, 3y & the 9 month old baby. this is most emotional pain I ever have had to experience, & it's doubled because my wee mum. Thanks for reading.

Terresa Marthy
Terresa Marthy - 16.09.2023 01:42

Nothing more lonely than being in the wrong relationship, you can't believe what i found out from my ex Husband's phone because of his recent inconsistency at home, i reached out to 𝐀𝐥𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐲𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐮𝐬 (ongoogle) through a friend at work and he gained me access into my man's phone socia media activities, he was shocked by the evidence i got from his phone when i confronted him, but i'm grateful to the genius for saving me from such deceit and liar..

Paul Kuriakose
Paul Kuriakose - 14.09.2023 21:38

It's not true ,whoever you're , every circumstances there's peak and trough

No es cierto, seas quien seas, en todas las circunstancias hay altibajos.

Eric Kriebel
Eric Kriebel - 14.09.2023 19:30







Henry Morle
Henry Morle - 14.09.2023 12:48

FUCK. I’m in quite the pickle

Cpunkt Spunkt
Cpunkt Spunkt - 14.09.2023 12:17

I was sometimes annoyed, because I was used to be lazy, whiles she comes and kick my ass to move which eventually was good for me and for us in genereal, as it made me a better, more active person

SV Asian Philippines Go!
SV Asian Philippines Go! - 14.09.2023 08:33

My relationship had NONE of these yet he STILL left me after five months of constant talking and saying he cares for me lol. Talk about BPD and a 180.

Mitch - 14.09.2023 06:20

Shut up

Verlyn Khonje
Verlyn Khonje - 13.09.2023 12:51

Must read book: Separation and Divorce Surviving with Your Children- Bridget Michaels

Cliff Champion
Cliff Champion - 12.09.2023 14:43

You remind me of sally Jessie Raphael

ikewrizzle - 12.09.2023 01:33

3, 4, and 5 all happened after she lost my trust. It’s like all the small things and big compromises got way heavier. The shine came off

Farhan Jabbar
Farhan Jabbar - 10.09.2023 06:50

My wife always shout on me and fight on small things . I might kill myself .. guys I am so tired I am broke .. only way is suicide .. god bless u all

Moses - 09.09.2023 20:52

Hi. I'm terrified that I am watching this.
Its all falling apart.
37 years.
My wife and I started dating when I was 15 and her 13.
I'm going on 52 and her 50.
We've always been each other's best friend.
She had been supportive of my cptsd issues.
Until recently in the last two years.
Another man is trying to make her believe that he's a better choice.

Rather recently she has thrown daggers that have absolutely destroyed the children in my mind.
I endured years of rape as a child.
A few weeks ago, she got really mad about nothing and told me that I "probably enjoyed being raped"
I hate saying this, but that was probably the beginning of the end.
The inner children no longer trust her because of that, and are doing everything to avoid her because that's just entirely too painful to have thrown in my face.
She is all that I know.
She has always been my anchor.
Now I avoid her like the plague and she can't seem to understand why and then really gets mad.
I'll tell her why and she always spins it to blame me.
I'm at a loss, forgive and push forward or end it all.
I just don't know what to do.
Follow my dreams or squash them.
She isn't supportive of me getting better.

Erik Peterson
Erik Peterson - 09.09.2023 18:18

Still waiting for number five 🙂

John Bolongo
John Bolongo - 08.09.2023 06:01

She left me.....i was upset for 5 minutes......then elation set in and joy set in on poker night.

Asmodeus - 07.09.2023 15:31

No relationship last ..women dont want one man for too long relationship and marriage are long term..time kills sex feelings and emotion...6 months the most a honest honest young girl once said

Alan Call
Alan Call - 07.09.2023 11:51

Wow what a wake up thank you

Sushma Sinha
Sushma Sinha - 06.09.2023 19:33

Thank you Mam for giving me good advice

Timothy Brozell
Timothy Brozell - 06.09.2023 05:50

Number 5

noplacelikehome2.0 - 05.09.2023 22:11

Every time I said I deserve better, he thought I meant $$. No just no cheating, no meth, no lying, no abuse. 😏

Mikio Rioda
Mikio Rioda - 04.09.2023 19:22

Thank you so much. This really helped

Tabatha - 04.09.2023 18:53

My bf of 6 years gets mad and always says thatz y I'm done with you. I try to communicate* which he can not do* asking what's going on and if he really wants be to go every time he's mad its that's y I'm so done with u or go move out. But then an hr later he's fine. He's been saying it more and more. We have kids. It must be said i can not rely on this man. He doesn't cook clean or even work. I set him up a small business all he had to do was add invetory n pack orders. He did neither

I guess I'm afraid to leave. But this is not the way i should be treated. Working so many hours enough for both of us and he can't even pick up the house.

K - 04.09.2023 05:37

You are literally describing my relationship. The sad part is I don’t even have friends to go to once I divorce him they all have left me because of my marriage to him. I would rather be alone and start over than to be with him any longer.

K - 04.09.2023 05:34

I have been second guessing this marriage the moment I said I do. I should have never signed this horrible contract and now I feel stuck 😭

Stephen Hobbs
Stephen Hobbs - 02.09.2023 19:40

When she starts boning the town cop, that might be a sign...

Chad Smith
Chad Smith - 02.09.2023 09:39

I love my wife more then anything we have been together half are life and have a family and out of nowhere she changed I feel so broken and even tho I know I should leave cause how bad she treats me I can’t do it cause I’m scared and I’m not scared of anything.I wish someone could help me 😢

Chad Smith
Chad Smith - 02.09.2023 09:37

This video helped me so much thank you

Sandy Hatfield
Sandy Hatfield - 02.09.2023 08:45

18 years of marriage, note at the coffee pot, i want out. I lost 10 lbs in 2 days. Nest day, nope im staying. 2 weeks, i tried, im going. Now as his brand new truck, with his new raise and VA benifits, 100,00 a yr, controlled all the money, i stayed home, helped raise 2 grandkids. Now at 62, see ya????? Omg im going from room to room getting rid of things, gotta box things, gotta get a job, no more Harley rides, hes takeing away my whole life,, maybe he will trip and that big truck run, um never mind lol just being a bit furious!

Gwyn Nielsen
Gwyn Nielsen - 01.09.2023 16:11

Yup. This is about it. The worst is the long-distance relationship. Number 2 and 3 are the essence of it. Ugh. Relationships are tough stuff.

T P - 30.08.2023 22:36

Put down the smart phone and get off the social media apps

Farhia Farah
Farhia Farah - 30.08.2023 09:05

EsEartiesflower PEse Respect, ShE. E5555555555555555 toook takEeeeeee from ShE oll thE valouple offcourseee offcourseee offcourseee offcourseee offcourseee 🖐🤍

Farhia Farah
Farhia Farah - 30.08.2023 09:01

ShE, E5

Rebecca Bryan
Rebecca Bryan - 29.08.2023 01:45

That is an excellent video!!! It is straightforward and factual. Thank you.

Paul Cordova
Paul Cordova - 28.08.2023 05:06

This is the worst platform to post on beleive it

Brent Nelson
Brent Nelson - 27.08.2023 12:25

That’s the worst advice I’ve ever heard and I’ve been married 37 years

Penny Hare
Penny Hare - 27.08.2023 01:09

What if your already married

Jay Whelan
Jay Whelan - 26.08.2023 14:34

My girlfriend has changed Towards me

Seth Chin
Seth Chin - 26.08.2023 03:54

But I have a son with my partner we didn’t plan it but we love him very much and want him to grow up with the parents he was brought into the world with but we’re fighting all the time and hardly does it feel like I’m acting like myself

N.G.B 1
N.G.B 1 - 26.08.2023 02:57

Great vid. Like wow. Great. Just subscribed. Thanks

TORRES RUIZ JUAN MANUEL - 24.08.2023 16:10

Can we work 9n the issue instead of breaking up, is that an option?

OperationGetThugs - 22.08.2023 14:51


Strawberry Bangles
Strawberry Bangles - 22.08.2023 10:06

#4 😭

Nina - 19.08.2023 20:22

Respectfully disagree, unless someone is being abused, couples should make effort to make things work and just have patience knowing that your partner isn't going to be the 'perfect match' for you at all times in your life because you're both human.

Nowadays people split up just because they're getting annoyed or their partner isn't serving them anymore.

How often do we not get on with our parents? Do we cut ties just because of that, no we don't! We work on in.

Relationships should only be over if abuse is present. This modern age of self serving thinking doesn't cater for long term relationships. Nowadays many people are too selfish to invest in commitment.

Cherry Bacon
Cherry Bacon - 16.08.2023 21:24

It got to the point where I did enjoy the company of my friends more than being with him. I also would dread going out with him as he was an embarrassment by being loud, rude and unkempt when I at least made the effort to look nice. I would enjoy the few hours when he was at work so I could relax and dreaded him coming home as I walked on eggshells around him. I ended up leaving him.

Scott Wolf
Scott Wolf - 15.08.2023 03:32

How do i leave when i only work n i cant afford 2 homes n 5 kids..cuz if i go shell lose the house n my kids will hate me

Wisconsin Farmer
Wisconsin Farmer - 14.08.2023 11:16

Dreading when she comes home. Every blaring tv, cranked-up radio, and light comes on destroying the peace.
And her slamming stuff around.
That was eight years ago. We're divorced now.

motherhoods beauty
motherhoods beauty - 14.08.2023 08:28

So I am in a Zombie relationship?

Justin Hickman
Justin Hickman - 14.08.2023 03:37

Party on, Garth
