SAINTS ROW 2022 Review: A Longtime Fan's Honest Opinion

SAINTS ROW 2022 Review: A Longtime Fan's Honest Opinion


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@visassess8607 - 10.01.2024 22:20

I really hate the characters so much. They're so painfully unfunny to the point where I got legitimately mad lmao

@elwourmo993 - 04.01.2024 08:10

I have to admit I wish they had done some things different but some positives for me were the were the custumisation and the sense of "magical realism" Saints Row always had that, with 2 at the very latest. The fact that professional killer is a carrer path as valid as chef or buisnessman really stood out to me in the begining. the sheer willingness to engage in crime is just ludacris (the only thing they complain about when robbing a store so they can make rent is that they have to do it AGAIN). But that can be in the way of storytelling.
I stand by the idea of the characters all of them have some good starting points for interesting narratives. But the story is way to short for that and the main cast is never involved in side activities. The criminal Ventures could have been a great way to flesh them out more. Let the friends be the ones who come up with it, Neehna steals art, kevin may come up with the foodtruck drugmuling idea. let Eli wash it all into legit buissiness or do the mayhem stuff to tank stock/property prices.
All three have compeling stories SOMEWHERE in there but it's only mentioned in offhand comments in favor of boardgame night and money fights. Nina (or however they spell it) is a refugee who just got screwed over py "her people" and looks to do what wasn't possible in her home country only to be rejected. Eli is implied to have good a good head for numbers but never gets the same capital nepobabies get which frustrates him, Even kevin could be compelling, an orphan with abandonment issues who does all the things that get him short term praise, sexual encounters, cooking, music. all things that people will tell him he did a good job but he doesn't understand that this cannot replace longterm connections.
The whole hardcore gangster game just doesn't work anymore, even GTA characters aren't like that anymore, which could have made this crew of misfits stuck in magic murder world good protags for saints row. It just feels like there could have been a good story there before the tenth rewritte and executives just requesting more meemes and more quips because fortnight. 2-3 hours more screentime, some somber moments and a writer who understands what he's doing wouldn't have made this a masterpiece but an enjoyable and funny story to build on in the future.

@khalyllwilliams8872 - 21.12.2023 08:16


@noahnorman6877 - 24.11.2023 22:25

“You roll with [Certain Kinds Of] people, and pretty soon you start thinking like them.” - Troy Bradshaw

@THE1vbLLover69_ - 13.10.2023 00:25

Nah this game is GOATED. Has the DJ hat 10/10, wish I could go back and claim it on PS+.

@myron817 - 06.10.2023 00:01

I didn't even know they had a trailer for this man stabbing you. It just doesn't make sense to me personally since we put him in jail. Of course, he'd have a vendetta against us. Whoever didn't see that coming is just kind of dumb. Granted, the missions with him in them were pretty fun.

@TheFabulousPotato1 - 15.09.2023 03:40

I feel like I’m insane. I’ve never played it but it looks okay. Not amazing but fine. Obviously it’s cringe but it looks like fun. I might have to play it and then come back and see if my opinion changes.

@zozzledwolf4653 - 13.09.2023 20:14

This game has some of the most awful woke writing in gaming and yet you're trying to say this shit isnt woke? Lmao ok.

@TenkabitoShien - 13.09.2023 01:15

And again

@ryanhasagirl11 - 12.09.2023 06:42

I don’t get why people rag on saints row 3, it gets so much disrespect, Troy baker as the boss his performance was iconic, yes saints row 2 is the best I understand the hate for 4 but 3 the only thing I see was, it wasn’t gangster enough? You became a gangster empire on some Peaky blinders type shit in sr3 in sr2 you still just a street gang which is dope and I get why people love it cause I loved it too but in sr3 you’re an empire it was great at the time your character gave less and less fucks and everything, but the space shit you lost me

@jimmysgameplaysandreviews6377 - 10.09.2023 15:50

Im playing it for the first time cuz its free on the playstation store i now understand all the hate just had to play it myself lol

@notesonwheels - 08.09.2023 19:23

Mate the game was just Saints Row 3 allover again. For someone who plays 3-4 and Gat out of hell, its a proper sequel.

@drunkenpolack4385 - 08.09.2023 04:18

RIP Volition

@thehotbox7474 - 24.08.2023 21:37

This game sucks. I don’t see anything good about it. This was their last chance to get back to the old ways of doing things.

@nerdodragonnerdpl4167 - 22.08.2023 17:31

Why you wanna seriousnes in saints row?
It was never serious

@OskarasNauseda - 17.08.2023 21:40

and whats funny they removed horse testicle joke in a new expansion

@jiezzle2579 - 04.08.2023 07:13

Bro it’s not the diversity that makes this game woke, it’s the characters themselves and what they talk about

@gman5787 - 30.07.2023 13:35

Don't throw their stupidity to the gen z, I'm a gen z (even though I dislike alot of my comrades) we are not all the same, I remember playing SR 2 and having fun and being sad when one of our most loyal friend died, laughing at the stupid game mode, I didn't want a woke ass game but a real SR, this incompetence come from millennials not us, and their political correctness and imposing their point of view to a game that isn't supposed to be.

@Carguy-ty6mi - 25.07.2023 04:28

I playd through it with some hope iv playd all the others boy was i wrong it got worse an worse lol

@nottheo5councildataexpunge - 04.07.2023 20:35

Saints Row Twitter edition couldve been a little good if it had a character die like Kevin or even Snickerdoodle wouldve been good.

@lightknightayden813 - 26.06.2023 02:50

@RPG Gameplay your custom boss character and Johnny Gat in saints row 2 looking alot more badass and scary though !⚜

@Rachebart - 23.06.2023 08:37

I cried so much at the end of the video 😭 so sad

@ghozt714 - 20.06.2023 05:23

All the people critizing are people that cant stop living in the past like yourself comparing everything to two fucking gta clones that came out well over a decade ago that cant acept that the fucking franchise changed like 12 fucking years ago and that each fucking game will be something diferent

@Dietghostscp2107 - 20.06.2023 02:49

Played the British voice..had a blast with that. This being said. To me. As someone who loves 4 and hates 3 nah. This rendition of the boss isn't much different from 3 and 4. I arguably would have preferred the boss remain silent like they mostly were in the original.

@Shorty_Lickens - 19.06.2023 14:33

I dont care if the game is woke. I care if the game sucks. And this game really sucks.
None of the side activities are fun, and they should be. Nothing in the main story is fun, and thats shameful.

@trevorwalsh9443 - 15.06.2023 10:05

Are we not going state the fact that not one character was wearing Purple.

@skrillabagbg - 13.06.2023 20:56

Fish from spongebob has a message to volition: “OH BROTHER, THIS GUY STINKS!!”

@lambda-m1676 - 10.06.2023 02:51

The only good part:
The end of the game

@ainzer2903 - 09.06.2023 09:00

SR 2022 is not Saints Rows, there are only 4 SR games I acknowledge. I know 4th is a mess of plot and storyline at least it's fun in gameplay (not as fun in others but it's okay), SR 2022 is not different from any GTA rip-offs

@justinonespot93 - 04.06.2023 21:20

Garbage game

@opinonzg8157 - 03.06.2023 08:12

To be honest, it's not the storyline or the characters that made me hate this game. It was the shooting and the predictability of the missions. Every mission was you shooting what felt like hundreds of enemies hundreds of times. The shooting felt like you were firing from a paintball gun. Every mission would end up being the same no matter what cutscene was played before.

@bhumibolrushing7830 - 02.06.2023 14:26

I like how they thought the woke lesbian chick with the male haircut was gonna be the boss but they had to change and hamfist a character creator.

@AJDraws - 01.06.2023 17:32

I mean, It not having a selectable gender is pretty evident that it does have elements of what many consider as woke. But then, the word woke has so many different meanings and refer to different progressive concepts.
I definitely agree with most of your critique on the game..
My issues with the game would be the horrendous writing, as if all the proper traditionally educated writers were on strike, these weak 'all about love' characters, and also the fact that Volition has lost it's balls. This studio used to make fun of EVERYONE and was audacious enough to take jabs at Rockstar Games. Now it's afraid to call Rim Jobs what it has always been called. And there wasn't A SINGLE badass moment, which was abundant in the previous games.
It's sad though. I was really excited for the Latin-American vibe of the game and the world.

@harley_yelrah9429 - 31.05.2023 19:10

Is this hitops films?

@anguscombahee5432 - 31.05.2023 04:34

When someone seys saints row Is Woke They are not talking About The Diversity. They are talking about that bullshit Wimpy ass Individuals their personality You don't have to make everything into a race thing😊

@kennedynisbett182 - 30.05.2023 19:12

Sir I thought the lapping quest was the best part of the game as far as story side quest go's, and as so Nina story about her mom's car. But the end as a dud it could have been sooo much better.

@a.nonymouse - 27.05.2023 15:06

The Saints Row franchise has been TREADING WATER for some time now... speaking of bad water puns, I've been playing Man Eater, it's fun because it gives you a different perspective on things and there simply aren't enough good UNDERWATER GAMES these days. What game are YOU PLAYING?

@matchesburn - 23.05.2023 00:31

Honestly, I can say Saints Row went "woke." And it has nothing to do with Diversity™. It has to do with shoehorning in ideologue nonsense. Never, ever, did I ever expect to hear main characters going on about the evils of capitalism, complaining that their gang cars weren't eco-friendly enough and talking like basically Portland hipster millennials. Constantly talking about karaoke, waffles, making rent, capitalism, etc. It's so very cringe.

@vampvhs - 20.05.2023 09:32

she stroganoff my beef-

@yungrenegade3130 - 11.05.2023 12:03

The fact that the end game boss was the character I would rather be playing is mind blowing

@andrewmcclintock7582 - 22.04.2023 22:07

It's not Diversity that makes something woke, it's being woke that makes something woke.

@tonysstonersaloon9351 - 10.04.2023 06:14

This game made me cringe so hard I thought I was gonna be diagnosed with stomach cancer.

@minakatahizuru - 04.04.2023 16:20

Saints Row is Woke game

@roguerifter9724 - 25.03.2023 10:27

I liked this game but I still think either it or the first game are the worst Saints Row game with the third being the best followed by 2 then IV.

The setting is my favorite in the series (at least so far.) It kind of reminded me of parts of trips to visit mom's family while neither Steelport or Stillwater really reminded me of anything familiar.

The Larper missions brought back memories of Nerf gun fights with my cousins and some of their neighborhood kids during visits to mom's family in Arizona. I didn't like them much but I didn't hate them nearly as much as I expected to going in. The Larp missions including a Shotgun equivalent was a pleasant surprise.

Neenah is my third favorite Saint in the series behind Kenzie and Johnny Gat. Though I think Lin would have been in third place instead of fourth if Lin had been around for longer. Eli was amusing to me but still far behind many of the original setting Saints. And Kevin is definitely my least favorite major Saint ever but he was not nearly as far behind Josh Birck as I expected.

I had some pacing issues with this and definitely agree the Neenah art heist mission should have been much sooner. But I had some mission pacing issues with 2 as well. Especially the tattoo ink mission in 2 which I feel should have happened much later in the Brotherhood plotline then it did. As it stands I think the tattoo ink was an absurd over reaction temper tantrum by Boss then actually making sense.

Edit 2: I liked Agents of Mayhem and hoped the next game would be a follow up focusing on the version of Boss in its setting including the versions of the Saints that appeared in it until the reboot was announced.

Edit 3: Sorry I have a bad habit of writing replies and sometime editing them mid-first view of a review. One important thing is this is actually new. For some reason the number of twentieth, and twenty first century setting open world crime games went through an absurd drop in the eighth console gen. Look at the seventh gen. four Saints Row games, two new Grand Theft Auto games, and several other games of this type. Look at Eighth gen in comparison. Saints Row alone had more games in the seventh gen then Mafia, Saints Row, and Grand Theft Auto franchises combined last gen. I can't be the only one who gets tired of replaying games I liked but beat multiple times due to the shortage of new games of this type.

@jaebarnes - 20.03.2023 11:30

I can't believe they blamed the lack of interiors on "memory" on a 2022 game. Lol. Use a better engine. We got games like GTA5 and Watch Dogs with way larger maps, equal level graphics and way more interiors. And these games are 5-10 years older.

@edvin97ful - 14.03.2023 20:42

You want to know my opinion? People should play it for themselves before judging it. I got it two days ago and it's giving me the same vibes as SR2. Empty city, not knowing what to do next, random events all over the map. People say the game is bad just because they don't like the characters. I didn't even care about the characters. You can't say it's not fun seeing those gen z people without any gang experience do all this. Most people reviewing it probably didn't even finish the game. I am at almost 40% of the story and I'm having fun. The activities are good, different from the ones from the other games. I had no problem with the shooting, they added that new flux thing which is useless, but you don't need to use it. I didn't even need to use. It's just there. The performance is good, it looks good. My pc is from 2018 and could still run the game on all three modes (dx 12, 11, and vulkan) on medium settings. The soundtrack is good, they have Delinquent Habits, Meshuggah and more. Again. PLAY THE GAME and don't listen to people talking online.

@gauge5009 - 02.03.2023 01:56

Sergio looks like Andrew tate

@nze69 - 01.03.2023 00:50

This is it… This is the end of Saints Row. It’s quite sad. Theyre not going to go back to how they made saints row like in SR2. I will forever remember the fun memories I had in SR2/3. RIP :(
