you forgot to mention, getting stuck in an office chair/office desk then getting mobbed by a bunch of crawlers
ОтветитьThe first time I died it was because I ate poisonous berries or mushrooms while foraging and didn't have any herbalist perks or books to help me identify them.
Ответитьif you eat the sleeping pills and drink alcohol you can get cured of the zombie infection!
ОтветитьBurnt food will kill you so fast
ОтветитьYou Forgot quiet alot...
16. Sleeping Pills + Alcohol
17. Alcohol poisoning
18. Gunshot wound Bleedout/Headshot
19. Corpse Sickness.
20. Screwed over by Telecorn
21. Freeze to Death
22. Depression
23. Poison Mushrooms
24. Helicopter(tho this would b e considered just zombies)
Theres probs more that i forgot about.
Tf2 sounds equals brain candy
ОтветитьCongratz on 100k views 🎉🎊🤝
Ответитьpeople talking about story telling content on pz is the humor need more like you,kevin and james on this game
ОтветитьI smoked myself to death in a game once. smoked multiple times until my character got ill. I was sitting on the ground at the time and got a unique animation.
Ответитьtheres a mod you can use to eat a BRICK
Ответитьi xan beat your speedfun record,
i once survived 2 minutes (because the game spawned me in a mini horde
If I want to kill my Char softly after he got infected, I give him 6 Sleeping pills an a bottle of Bourbon. He will die drunk and kinda happy ^^
Ответитьnice I too enjoy dieing
Ответить16th : u can die on too much smoking XD
well except if u have traits
tip for your future videos, you should give your text an outline in a different color to make it more visible. the text in this video is just pure black which is often obscured by dark areas in the game footage.
ОтветитьI think I saw something where if you chain smoke enough cigarettes without the smoker trait you can die from it.
ОтветитьBy trying to heat up a pot of soup in the microwave is one way I died.
Ответитьin my first real playthrough the power went out.
I grabbed my car to where i knew a generator was waiting for me.
It was a thunderstorm outside, i still went because i did not want all my perishable food to... perish.
successfully come back with the generator! Successfully manage to get it running!
Check Fuel Usage - 1 Fridge, 11 Lights
First light switch I hit to turn lights inside off to save fuel kills me by electrocution...
Can only extrapolate that being completely drenched in rain water + a thunderstorm can kill you via lightswitch...
Oh yeah, when I returned with a new character I noticed that placing generators indoors is a bad idea xd
Running into trees at full speed can kill you.
ОтветитьI have a good one.
So yesterday i was playing, important to note that i have over 1500hours in this masterpiece game, i have looted some city in a mod that i don't know, was testing out, and was overencumbered, out of nowhere a zed broke a glass in the store near me and and 15 zeds flooded the park lot near my car, i was carrying to much weight and was pretty early in the run, like end of day 2, so i was greedy to not start over looting or come back to get anything, i had all the usefull things for long term survival. Started walking down the street already cleared out to lose then out of sight and the weight made me tired af, so i though it was really mandatory to drop anything i could. cans, books and anything heavy that wasn't rare or needed for the shorter term. Then i thought to myself "what a wonderful world, what if i strip down to loose weight? i don't want to fight anyway!" so i started taking of the heavy jacket, shirt, droping on the floor, and walking in close chase by 30-60 zeds in that time, they came out of nowhere, i think it was a trap building. dropped gloves in the street, even the watch, then... I saw my socks... white, clean, perfumed socks... i clicked and dragged then out of my inventory to the the street AND MY FUCKING CHARACTER OBVIOUSLY KNEEL DOWN TO TAKING OF THE FUCKING SOCKS AND 3 ZEDS GOT HER AND EAT HER ASS.
I have over 1500 hours in this game.
I love this game.
Fun fact: if you stand near to many corpses you get what is called "corpse sickness" this effect will and has killed people, especially with prone to illness on.
ОтветитьYou forgot #16 : Interrupting an Orgy
(When you go to clear last room of a house and there's 20 zombies in a bedroom)
cant you die from depression?
ОтветитьGetting shot 20 times by an NPC and not noticing because superb survivors has a bug where gunshots don’t make sounds for some reason.
ОтветитьOne time, in "A Really Bad Day..." (i think thats how CDDA is called in spanish which is the version i have), i Literally managed to Escape Successfully, without attracting any zombies, and found myself the best loot ever
...then died because i forgot the fucking glass shards in my balls
What about playing russian roulette with 6 rounds in the chamber?
ОтветитьDidnt show death by walking in grass barefoot. This list is a sham.
ОтветитьAbsolute travesty. This is a game about how you died, not a game about how you're struggling to die. There must be more ways to die added into the game.
ОтветитьI once died after killing a huge horde with my three axes (two broke). After 15 real minutes of fight.
My character died because in that fight i had i little scratch i couldn't cure obviously draining my entire blood.
my little goofy ive done is make the pz jumpscare a sound in the discord soundboard and scare the shit out of my friends when we play pz :))
ОтветитьOne time I started chopping down a tree, then my body exploded. Nothing except my head was left.
ОтветитьForgot about getting shot by the world's worst teammate with an aim stat of negative 2.
ОтветитьAlthough it didn't kill him, when we needed to put down a teammate that bot bitten, one guy stayed too close to the body which reanimated faster than he expected and he got attacked by it and screamed at me to shoot the new zombie. With a shotgun. While he was standing right behind it. I later put him down with the same shotgun after realizing he got bit by the new zombie.
Ответитьcan wearing a gas mask protect you from the toxic fumes?
ОтветитьI love this game but i run the cheat menu and and respawn mod cuz I dont count glitch deaths. Zombies that can quantum phase instanly upright and characters that wont wake up when a single zombie chips a barricade over the window im sleeping under for 2-4 hours.
When they get me, they get me. But it is so very fun to till they do.
being shot to death
Ответитьexercise to dead do you have try it yeat ?
ОтветитьYou can you die from drinking un purified rain water
ОтветитьAlso you can die from mixing sleeping pills and alcohol
ОтветитьBurning food
ОтветитьYou can die by getting hit by your own car through physics jank. Saw an example on Reddit I think several years back. The player tried to hitch a trailer to his car at a strange angle and it made the car spaz out and start to float and wiggle around rapidly, then it span and hit the player at high enough speed to instakill.
ОтветитьFastest way to die is a laceration to the neck, I believe. But other then a zombie swiping at you, or falling into a container full of broken glass, it's a bit difficult to speedrun :P
Ответитьdying from zombies draging you down?
ОтветитьI died because I forgot
ОтветитьWhy does it actually gives me discomfort to see the character walking in glass shards? It's almost as i can feel the same pain...
ОтветитьCan't wait until ingesting rat poison falls under the intoxication category too.
Ответитьyou can overdose from whiskey and pain killers. there is a mod that makes hypothermia kills you.
Ответитьthats a relief, this entire time I thought thunder could strike at random and start fires or kill me. I would be nervously out in thunderstorms trying to hurry and find shelter lol
or stash my metal weapons and use a baton instead