How rescue services work in the USA and Russia (911 and 112)

How rescue services work in the USA and Russia (911 and 112)

Know my country

2 года назад

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@vovchikkolosok7451 - 12.03.2023 12:50


@cmconley33 - 28.03.2023 23:55

What, where the firefighters and EMTs drunk when the call came in? I’ve worked in EMS in the United States…if a mall is on fire, practically the whole county’s Emergency Services are activated: multiple police, several fire departments, and as many ambulances as are available. Typically, the fire chief for the county is there as Incident Commander. Every unit that arrives is assigned jobs. First fire unit there will start exterior attack of the fire, with some firefighters preparing to enter the building to search for victims and determine the stability of the structure. Second fire unit is primary rescue. First EMS sets up triage stations and a recovery area for the firefighters, and begins triage of victims. Additional ambulance crews are assigned either to a triage area or to transport roles.

To work in emergency services in the USA, you have to take a class called National Incident Command Management System (NIMS). Its boring as hell, but it cuts down on confusion at mass casualty events.

@cmconley33 - 29.03.2023 00:00

Also, the total lack of professionalism from the Russian 112 operator would get her fired as a 911 operator anywhere in the United States. 911 operators are expected to remain calm…not argue with the people calling. Its also expected that for a mass-casualty, the operator will get many calls for the same emergency, and their job there is to 1) see if the caller has any additional information that may help the rescuers and 2) reassure the caller that help is on the way.
