Muslim Women React To Bad Representation | MUSLIM

Muslim Women React To Bad Representation | MUSLIM


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Nishtha Neelabh
Nishtha Neelabh - 12.10.2023 22:46

ok so men see your body and sexualise you humans are sexual being they are made so that male and female attract {mostly}
If you see the science we were made for reproduction every single religion in the world state that you should have children and how do we have children by doing the deed right
you know what forget religion before we were civilised and before all of this religion stuff how do you think we lived , they lived like animals right find a partner do it have children move on so it in human nature to sexualise no amount of dress or modesty can protect a person from that, there have been many instances of females in full hijab being raped {look it up}
when it comes to me i really dont care but if men are hollering and touching you or making you uncomfortable just say it to them to their faces and if they continue its not your problem its theirs call the police
this is why i will never understand modesty cause however modest you are men will still not stop and dont think this is just a muslim problem this a bigger issue
all the religions in this world have made modesty a women issue not a men issue
teach men not to rape

The Mind Castle
The Mind Castle - 07.10.2023 04:49

Literally, the best way to do good Muslim representation is to just show Muslim people going around with their daily lives. Focusing too much on the religion in and of itself is just flanderization. People aren't tools.

Js Roblox gaming
Js Roblox gaming - 21.09.2023 14:41

Was the hijab flammable 😂😂

kawnartist - 06.08.2023 08:45

Are there any Muslim queens in the comment who can help me? I have a Muslim woman I've been talking to for about three years. Im an American man, 1/2 Caucasian and 1/2 Hispanic; light skin. We are considering the possibilities of visiting each other one way or another.

I would fight for her if people were so disrespectful. I know America has grown, kind of... but its very much an intolerant country depending on where you're at nonetheless... which is ironic, I know. What is more problematic is me going there, or her coming here?

(Just to clarify we are not romantic!l

IVastriox! - 16.07.2023 04:32

huh... are you girls really muslims ? Am i watching a real muslim channel ?

Freddy - 15.07.2023 12:49

The way they are trying to be respectful and represent but they do it in the most unrespectful way gfgirgnkrgf

Sumeyo - 05.07.2023 06:51

Why y'all acting surprised? the kafir media never liked the Muslim community.! So, if they have the chance to disrespect Muslim women, they'll take it before time runs out! But yeah, to every Muslim girl SLAP a kafir if they ever get bold enough to try to REMOVE YOUR HIJAB! it's physical harassment.!

ilovehorses - 28.06.2023 16:41

Masha'Allah ❤❤ nice to meet u ladies!

wishwewere12 - 07.06.2023 10:27


yvesus - 30.05.2023 11:03

can’t believe winston told goldi to “just take the hijab” off.

buntizz - 03.05.2023 16:51

bro name is literally muslim aint no way

Alexander - 29.04.2023 12:11

Did your husband's give you permission to make this video

Cef Benzo
Cef Benzo - 28.04.2023 21:58

A channel named MUSLIM and uses music ?

bilel smith
bilel smith - 28.04.2023 04:20

Yeah media always shows people who have Islam phobia because for they agendas & wonder 🤔 why there no Christianity phobia or Judaism phobia 😒 or any others religious phobia or only Islam 🤔

Álí Ímrán
Álí Ímrán - 24.04.2023 23:43

This account is founded by zionists

H A Z H I M - 16.04.2023 15:50

Is this a joke video? What am I watching and what is muslim women day? Islam is against celebrating random days including "mother's day" we love our mother's but those holidays are not Islamic holidays and never have been.

CYBORG - 16.04.2023 01:07

Do not support this page they literally support LGBT community!!! Ummah wake up!!! Wake up!!! These are fitnah!!

Schon Tell
Schon Tell - 14.04.2023 05:05

Hi 😂😂

Rejan Islami
Rejan Islami - 13.04.2023 15:42

Im pretty sure that they became muslims the werent from the start(born muslim)cus most of them had painted nails and werent covering their hair properly.Thats a very big mistake but i guess i can say their trying to be good😅No hate tho😊

Radjesh Singh
Radjesh Singh - 09.04.2023 17:39

Do you know that in koran is written that Black People Will go to hell .you Black People are making yourself a big joke becomming muslim and not knowing this .
And did you know mohammed had Black slaves ??? Sirious you make yourselfs looks like very stupid not knowi g this and become muslim .

Magnus Selliers von Moranville
Magnus Selliers von Moranville - 06.04.2023 13:52

Salam Aleikum. The message of the video is good and all, but with all the respect why are there so many women with make up, nail polisher and fashion hijabs? Thats not hijab. SubahanAllah, Allah is The Judge, but I think even that is a bad representation for our modest Sisters.

hahaha - 06.04.2023 13:25

Just a 17 year old muslim brother popping by, I'd like to remind our sisters that wearing the hijab doesn't make you unattractive or ugly, it shows us that you are an angel who respects herself enough to be able to choose to hide her skin from strangers. May Allah bless you all, and may your efforts in covering up be rewarded in Jannah tenfold, Ameen.

ThE HaNiFaH - 18.03.2023 11:46

I am definitely not taking part in a day that was never given to us💔 my Allah

sarah Dauda
sarah Dauda - 15.03.2023 22:07

Hi there! I'm currently working on a personal project just for fun on a story set in a Nigerian university, and I'm hoping to create a Muslim character that avoids stereotypes and tribalism while exploring their complexities.
I don't want to reduce the character to their religious identity, so I'm looking for hobbies, interests, and quirks that will make them relatable and authentic. I would appreciate any tips or advice from those who live in multicultural and multi-religious countries, or from writers who have experience creating diverse characters, especially Nigerian Muslims, (including Yoruba or Edo Muslims and not just the north) I'm open to suggestions on which university to use (UNIben, UI, Babcock, Afe or ANU, UNN, Nile, or should I make a made-up place?)
I'm considering several scenarios, such as a boy dealing with his parent's divorce where one parent is Muslim and the other Christian. I don't want their reason for divorce to be religious, whether it's a girl struggling with body image due to her skin colour or possibly having a condition like vitiligo or albinism and being curvier than the ideal skinny look, or a girl striving to make a name for herself as a business owner despite coming from a wealthy family. My goal is to create a multi-dimensional character that can exist within a diverse group of friends while attending university. If you have any tips or advice to share, I would love to hear it!
I'm also searching for a non-common Muslim name that would fit the character.
While originally, I had considered writing about a university student who had recently discovered his parent's funds Boko Haram, I realized that this would not align with my aim to avoid tribalism and the religious basis that already exists in Nigeria. If you're familiar with the story of the "Owner of Abuja's Wonderland Amusement Park, Amigo Supermarket, linked to terrorism," then you'll understand the vibe I was going for. However, I want to emphasize that I am not looking to be offensive in any way, and my primary goal is to create a relatable and authentic character that I can write as a beginner. add a reference to media like I guess anime, movies or popular real-life Nigerian Muslims

Muhammad Hayes
Muhammad Hayes - 08.03.2023 19:06

I've seen trying take off a woman's khimar go really really bad for the guy who tries it.

I wouldn't recommend😂😂😂
Super ghetto

Don't let me be near buy cause👊🏾

Kris Radjpaul
Kris Radjpaul - 21.02.2023 08:25

Why don’t you go to Iran and tell your stories

Kris Radjpaul
Kris Radjpaul - 21.02.2023 07:06

Why don’t you talk about honour killings?

Alejandra C. Diaz
Alejandra C. Diaz - 16.02.2023 17:43

It is incredibly how some people around the world can be manipulated. One comment: I will die with my hijab on” religions has caused to much damage… people still believe … in what? I will ask to all these women who defend the hijab, do you know Why human being wear clothes on? I am pretty sure that they don’t have any idea.

Andrew Michaels
Andrew Michaels - 14.02.2023 17:59

This is liberal Islam at its finest and it’s finest is trash. How are you letting Hijabis on that aren’t wearing it properly. You are exposing their sins publicly and allowing it this taking on the sin too. Astaghfirullah fear Allah. Unsubscribing from this rubbish channel

Shimmer - 13.02.2023 10:49

React to Alli Bandari from Degrassi.

Veera Kocha
Veera Kocha - 24.01.2023 04:47

Unless terrorists are represented as terrorists, it can't be a good show.

★彡[ɢᴏʙʟɪɴ]彡★ - 16.01.2023 15:29

My heart goes out to all of yall who wear hijabs its your body your choice no one elses ❤it disgusts me to see how much muslims are treated like absolute crap my heart goes out to all of you strong women!!!! ❤❤

B. M.
B. M. - 08.12.2022 22:29

lol @ these frigid bitches thinking all muslim women are like them. sincerely, a muslim.

Rocqui Watever
Rocqui Watever - 29.11.2022 20:16

I’m not Muslim but I know a few. The way Nadia was portrayed in this show made me very uncomfortable.

Mary Sunshine
Mary Sunshine - 29.11.2022 17:46

I think The Boys deserves a spot in this list.

AP - 10.11.2022 07:39

You can go ahead and dress up like that but you cannot hide or cover your sins, your shame, your pain,your distress,your dirty works, you can not hide who really are inside, your thoughts because nothing is hidden before Jesus. He can see everything. He even told me " Nothing is hidden before my presence. Go and sin no more". Come to Jesus and leave what you are doing so He can wash you from all of your sins, from all of your unrighteouness and give you the Life that is only in Him. Only Jesus can save you, nobody else can. He went to the cross to die for us, for our sins so we receive the free gift of Salvation today. God loves us in Jesus. You are loved by God. Do not let the devil deceive you anymore. If any christian is reading this right now this word is for you "Stand up for Jesus"

kykypi3a - 24.10.2022 18:25

Honestly there making us publicity, peoples will search more abt islam, and they will know the truth

Laura Almoosa
Laura Almoosa - 22.09.2022 00:03

"was the hijab flammable" 🤣🤣

Ron Benítez
Ron Benítez - 14.09.2022 23:12

They are so judgemental tho

KingRyu - 08.09.2022 09:42

But yall wear makeup?

TheMsLollidella - 05.09.2022 21:50

Wished media portrayed religious women in a better light. Its always some muslim girl whose oppressed or some Jewish girl trying to run away from her orthodox jewish family or some crazy christian girl whose ignorant to the max. Like there are the rest of us who are living fine , its just to the rest of society its seen as so "odd" or "different" only because for the past 60 years religion in society has fallen away 🙄

Ritchie The cat
Ritchie The cat - 03.09.2022 00:36

I don't wanna say it but in hijab you have to cover your neck . of course your hair too
better without makeup and wear a tall skirt

facha - 16.08.2022 17:12

"Was the hijab flammable🤔🤨?"

Teenie Weenie
Teenie Weenie - 13.08.2022 22:16

I love the niqabi representation here! I appreciate what your channel is doing & i feel sooo bad for the girl who said the year she 1st converted during Ramadan someone bullied her and took off her veil, people can be so foolish & inconsiderate sometimes. I cannot understand how unfair and racist a lot of them can be, while still complaining of other races being racist to them. Like shouldn't minorities understand another minority? or do they think it's okay to treat other specific minorities however they'd like due to how their mood is? Like the whole thing is unfair & dumb. I just hope yall be strong and continue what ur doing cuz yall are AWESOME and BEAUTIFUL inside-out & have got nothing to prove to anyone. <33333

potato - 26.07.2022 17:58

If someone is threatening you to remove your hijab it's fine to remove your hijab before they start doing something physically. And Allah S.W.T doesn't want to burden you with hijab and why would he want you to get hurt. But if u don't take it of it's fine because its your choice. So don't blame anyone for removing their hijab in a serious situation. The only thing I am gonna say is just don't judge. These all are scripted so these are okay. You can just advise someone and talk to them when you know everything about it.

Peter San Miguel
Peter San Miguel - 23.07.2022 00:43

Isaiah 7:14; Micah 5:2; Isaiah 53; Jeremiah 31:31-34.

Think about that
Think about that - 19.07.2022 18:28

Learn islaam it's true purely from One God Allah accept it with heart inshallah u will go in jannah
