BRUTAL BEGINNINGS!! | A Plague Tale Innocence Gameplay Walkthrough PART 1 Full Game Playthrough

BRUTAL BEGINNINGS!! | A Plague Tale Innocence Gameplay Walkthrough PART 1 Full Game Playthrough

The Real Noodle

5 лет назад

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@planexshifter - 31.05.2019 13:53

Early Squad reporting!
Again, it’s good to have you back👍🏻

@planexshifter - 31.05.2019 15:25

You are doing fine-
Mini-Noodle seemed to have no problem getting back into it!
Maybe he can give you a pointer or 2 :)

@omg-vert - 31.05.2019 16:40

Welcome back. Nice to see you making videos again.

@alexb-b7971 - 31.05.2019 21:20

Ugh, not you again...

I mean... This game looks amazing and i love the more relaxed commentary

@Labolas2Glasya - 11.06.2019 16:35

take your time getting back into stuff, recover from stuff like that also takes time.

edit: you defintly should be yourself while talking, honesty is allways better than a fassade. so far i still enjoy your narration and i dont think that this will change. keep it up!

@schmoopgoat2779 - 21.07.2019 19:14

Don't worry Noodle I love your drony self 😝
