I Used Godot For 100 Hours, Here’s What I Learned

I Used Godot For 100 Hours, Here’s What I Learned


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LazyAlarm - 13.09.2023 19:10

Since more people are seeing this video as a result of Unity's recent pricing change, I would like to emphasize that these are my opinions on the engine pre-4.0 update which addresses and fixes a large majority of issues I had with the engine, and adds a number of valuable features.

Second, many of my concerns or wishes were also addressed by more experienced users in the comments, and were a result of my lack of experience. I hope the comments can be a good resource for anyone struggling with the same things I was.

Since this video released, I have continued to use Godot. I've made 3D games, I've made 2D games, I've made simple graphics, I've made more detailed graphics. I've made VR games. I have yet to try a game idea that I felt could not be achieved with Godot.

jugnot - 19.11.2023 02:54

this video was a year ago and i like coding so i am going to try godot

frazomania - 18.11.2023 09:25

what would be ur opinions on unreal engine 5.3 as of now compared to godot? I've found it much better to use than previously

Mattman993 - 17.11.2023 18:27

Not a game designer or much of a programmer, but I am a Linux enthusiast and daily user, and I find your closing words to be very much in line with why I like Linux and open source projects in general. If I see a community post with a link to linux builds in the future, I’ll give it a try and let you know what comes of it!

TarasKhan475 - 16.11.2023 15:41

Godot has many good games in the community made by small indie coders! "Rocket Bot Royale" is a really awesome Godot online tank game!

Ammonix - 11.11.2023 17:34

all your language specific tooling problems come from you not using c# xD

chocoland tv
chocoland tv - 09.11.2023 17:44

Thank you 🎉

Nick Kusters
Nick Kusters - 06.11.2023 22:53

I started with GoDot for fun yesterday, having a bit of Unity experience. It's fairly easy to get started with, though some baked-in stuff lacks some thought to make it foolproof. Like, if you want to dynamically scale a RigidBody2D that has a LinearVelocity applied, it will constantly reset your scale to (1,1) and you'll have to add an override property and set the scale every time in Process... that feels just dirty 😅 Another thing is, similar to many other game engines, is the fetish for targeting stuff by their name in strings you type yourself... This is just a runtime error waiting to happen, so I find myself defining constants (which should be auto-generated by the editor imho) and a load of extension functions to make stuff easier. Then there is the GetNode<> fetish... All examples just call that when you need it. It would make way more sense to have an 'expose' checkbox in the editor that just does a GetNode in _Ready and exposes a variable for use, because I find myself writing this same boilerplate logic for _EVERY scene I make... Other than that, it's been a fun few first hours with a new engine 😅

dang dude dan
dang dude dan - 05.11.2023 23:02

god this shit all just gives me a headache. i just want to make a game man.

TripleSpear - 03.11.2023 13:38

Bro 100 hours is less than a montqh and less than a week

Zift Ylrhavic Resfear
Zift Ylrhavic Resfear - 30.10.2023 20:54

Thanks for the video :)

Ben Satterwhite
Ben Satterwhite - 30.10.2023 18:50

This game kinda looks like Pineapple on Pizza

NJM - 29.10.2023 20:25

What is your normal job to pay rent ? making these videos must take 40 hrs or more. Also Do you live with your parents?

BallsyBread - 26.10.2023 16:13

about the intellisense: if you connect to an external IDE, you're way more flexible and you can find various extensions that help you with intellisense. I use Godot with VSCode, CSharp and a couple of extensions and Intellisense works flawless.

Toliswm - 26.10.2023 13:24

Tldr: Godot isn't Unity, especially if you're used to Unity but it's a darn good alternative especially now with Unity's new policies

Adyn Goldman
Adyn Goldman - 26.10.2023 13:11

they fixed the no popout wondows in some 4.x update

Wallace Sousuke
Wallace Sousuke - 24.10.2023 14:09

Imagine using this turd instead of Unreal....

FishyFX - 23.10.2023 21:14

transient parent has another exclusive child

Taron - 23.10.2023 17:09

Is the shader lag fixed now?

Maxwell_ Edison
Maxwell_ Edison - 22.10.2023 11:47

When are you putting 100 hours inhto ROBLOX?

Joeray Barmica
Joeray Barmica - 22.10.2023 02:19


Olly D
Olly D - 19.10.2023 09:41

Uses C++ though :-/ horrid language. Why many modern games have crashes. Use Rust already!

therandomdot - 18.10.2023 06:59

You can only have 1 world post-processing shader going at once? Choices between Fog, AO, etc? That seems like an odd choice. A lot of modern graphics are layers of shaders... horizon scattering handles fog. AO helps add shadow body to objects even if shadow maps are off. etc, etc. It makes no sense why they'd limit this. Why not just have a shader pipeline that lets dev tack together whatever shaders they wanted in vertex, pixel and post-processing? I was interested in using Godot until I heard this.

doit - 17.10.2023 14:52

Unity will be forever alternativ

Afandy - 17.10.2023 05:32

if you have any issues with the engine you can just change the engine, godot is open source which basically means you can go into the code that makes the engine run and change it however you like.

Tom Setberg
Tom Setberg - 15.10.2023 23:06

Godot is the equivalent of using an Etch-a-Sketch as your "Laptop". Although it isn't entirely useless Unity and even GameMaker are so much better and more efficient (even for beginners) than Godot. They are also built by companies and so you don't have to deal with the drama of side companies raising money to support Godot then spending all of that money on things that don't even cost a 10th of the money that was raised and then people make videos claiming that it wasn't a scam because Godot is a non profit without realizing that W4 and Godot are not the same company that the entire reason to create a separate company to work on Godot was to avoid reporting funding. I would argue that Game Maker is better for 2D and if Unity ever drops the install fee its better to a point which Godot will never pose a threat to it for 3D.

Weexer - 15.10.2023 04:49

Once I had a problem with my in-game bullet clipping through walls, and some random dude actually put together a entire project that he himself documented, it had different solutions and examples of the problem. The last one had a message wishing me a good journey with gamedev

Spicy chicken bulgogi
Spicy chicken bulgogi - 15.10.2023 01:13

Ive watched many videos like this, this is the best video like this. Great job.

popothebright - 14.10.2023 13:59

This was great. Can you do an update for G4?

Stimpak - 13.10.2023 20:44

Wait, you can only have one script on a single node in Godot? Ouch! There goes performance.

j o
j o - 13.10.2023 06:50

your opinion is so painful, it's the most passive aggressive joke

GlowGlew - 13.10.2023 00:37

I hate the voice visualizations clips, it makes unconfortable to watch

ver2ion - 12.10.2023 23:00

One day I opened a Unity game i had been making for 6 months and it was completely broken out of no where, and then it just stopped opening.
Fragile is the exact reason i stopped using unity & switched to gamemaker for 2d and godot for 3d, i even used source control.

Jack Dout
Jack Dout - 12.10.2023 21:55

Seeing two elif next to eachother gave me bad flashbacks.

tukars - 12.10.2023 14:14

rotation matrices have to have a negative z axis for the forward axis otherwise transformations using matrices wouldn't make any sense, its a math thing not a godot thing

Giblet - 12.10.2023 13:30

do you have any reccomendations of where to start with learning godot, like tutorial-wise?

knightshousegames - 12.10.2023 11:33

I've been a Unity user since Unity 4. I like Unity and how it works (though, I stopped updating my version of Unity at the end of the Unity 5 cycle because I don't want my project breaking and I liked the features I had) I know how to make Unity do what I want 90% of the time

That all being said, I am also a Linux user, and the Linux version of Unity has...issues. Not only that, I like the idea that Godot is open source, and it just seems to work nicely on my OS.

I think the struggle for me is that I've been working on my current project in some way shape or form for the better part of 6 years, and porting it feels so daunting.

I especially feel like there are some features that are missing for me, like I'm not sure if it supports HDRI maps, or reflection probes. Before this video I was told it didn't have a post processing stack, but I guess maybe it does? Theres also weird little Unity features I like, like the Scriptable Objects Paradigm I've been experimenting with, or Unity's audio mixer (I know Unity's audio even now is still a bit of a mess, but having those effect chains and such in engine was super nice)

The big one for me though is some of my plugins, like Probuilder, so I don't have to use Blender, because Blender sucks. (I love open source software, I do all my art in Gimp and Krita, I do all my audio in Audacity, but every time I've tried to use Blender has been frustrating and underwhelming. When every other 3D software, including the game engine has 1 set of common shortcuts and keybinds, but Blender has to be wacky land with it's controls, and has to change stuff so often that no tutorial is correct for more than a few months, it's just an infuriating experience) So losing out on Pro Builder is kinda huge for me, especially since it lets me build my levels in engine, no importing, I can see everything as it will actually look rather than having to deal with that disparity.

I do like the sound of that Signal system, I'm working on an RPG so having a really strong event system is kinda huge for my battle system.

I want Godot to get good, I want it to succeed for the sake of all open source software, and making a fully open source game dev suite viable, but I'm still struggling with making the switch right now. It feels like it's SO close to being ready for prime time, it reminds me of where Linux as a whole was about 10 years ago, where it was right on the edge of being really good, Like Ubuntu 12.04, or Linux Mint first really coming to prominence, and that shift in focus to making the Linux desktop experience better just getting underway. It took huge strides after that, and I am hoping Godot does the same thing

DevDoge - 11.10.2023 14:08

Yet the IntelliSense Problem hasn‘t Been fixed

Samuel - 10.10.2023 22:29

Love the OSTs in this vid

RoyaDuck - 10.10.2023 14:53

For the importing poit I would like to point that meshes in obj can just be dropt in the scene

Chaiyawat Nunes
Chaiyawat Nunes - 10.10.2023 02:20

I know this is an old video and there's a good chance somebody answered this, but you can get autofill to display class-specific variables and whatnot if you do static typing. So, if you had a script called with `class_name Player` at the top, you could then create a variable `var player : Player`, and typing `player.` will display all the class's variables and methods with that pattern.

Misticalkai - 09.10.2023 23:22

the new 4.1 version fixes most of these bugs and non exisiting features but overall i like it and now i use godot as my main daily driver for game developing.

nutarvis - 09.10.2023 20:45

I haven't been using godot for long and am typing this before I finished the whole video, but

you don't need to get_parent().get_parent().get_parent()
you can just get_owner()

Chris - 09.10.2023 09:58

Visual Studio Code and the new C# tooling are amazing with godot

Rawsome1234 - 08.10.2023 23:39

"Unity's favorite word is depricated"

Oh no. He knew

HalasterBlackmantle - 08.10.2023 19:50

I think my main problem with Godot so far, which would make it hard for me to switch from Unity (which I used for over a decade now) is that its Editor is not as extensible. I know that you can write Modules and Plugins to create new docks, but as you already said, the Editor UI is pretty static, so I would figure it would be pretty hard to actually create extensive new Editor Features with vast UI like I can in Unity. Which is unfortunately quite important for the types of games I am creating. Other than that, I really like the engine and the Editor. It is quick and usable, so I might use it for rapid prototyping.
