30 Percent Off Sale, Almost Over! 3x Railgun Killer Pack Purchase | Military Tycoon Roblox PS5

30 Percent Off Sale, Almost Over! 3x Railgun Killer Pack Purchase | Military Tycoon Roblox PS5

Seraph Phaeton

55 лет назад

1,715 Просмотров

At Ease Soldier,

They got me Again! i went for the TV Solder and ended up buying 3x Railgun Killer Packs for 899 Robux Each and Zero TV Soldier 😭 ....i Swear it's Bugged but i Did Obtain 2x Railgun Killer and 1x Boss Killer so 😂🤣🎉🥳🎉

If you decide to Pull some packs during this sale i wish you the Best Luck Soldier! 🪖🍀🍀🍀🍀👍

#seraphaeton #militarytycoon #militarytycoonroblox #roblox #robux #railgunkiller #bosskiller


#PS5Share #RailgunKiller #Roblox #Seraphaeton #ShareFactoryStudio #bosskiller #infinityinteractive #militarytycoon #militarytycoonRoblox #tvsoldier
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