Skyrim - Top 5 Holy Builds

Skyrim - Top 5 Holy Builds


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Gato Astronauta 🚀 🪐 
Gato Astronauta 🚀 🪐  - 26.09.2023 23:13

I love all of them!

ps. restoration is a perfect valid school of magic.

Saman Bouniady
Saman Bouniady - 08.09.2023 22:08

Me combining Paladin, Templar, and Vampire Hunter into one giga force of light.

Lazzen Hendricks
Lazzen Hendricks - 15.08.2023 22:31

I am a vampire but I Hunt other vampire with dawn gard armor so I play pretty interestingly

Morworld - 13.08.2023 18:39

"She was blinded by anarchists and lost her ability to judge people" What?

Andrew Hazlewood
Andrew Hazlewood - 17.07.2023 02:50

Holy builds are gimped by at least two things. The most powerful items usually require an amoral character to get by joining evil factions or serving evil daedra. Also the strongest effect of the Restoration perk tree is only available to vampire characters.

Dragon James
Dragon James - 17.05.2023 19:59

I wonder what a paladin of dibella would be like.

Will Bushmeyer
Will Bushmeyer - 24.04.2023 21:48

What's the chest armor/robe on the paladin?

Blake Ryan
Blake Ryan - 21.03.2023 07:38

I really wish skyrim had more sun magic, being a wandering priest healing the hurt and performing last rites while also annihilating the undead an purging corruption would be amazing.

Shovel Enthusiast
Shovel Enthusiast - 27.02.2023 12:56

The twohanded Paladin is one of my fav builds

Rutherhood - 31.01.2023 17:49

THE 109833716273839261st HAND TOUCHES THE BEACON

I Cook Children And Eat Them
I Cook Children And Eat Them - 29.10.2022 03:46

Your holyness, league of legends.

Éric Surprenant
Éric Surprenant - 15.08.2022 06:36

But restoration isn't a valid school of magic...

Flabber Gasted
Flabber Gasted - 10.06.2022 21:20

I don't consider Meridia to be a daedric prince. If anything she is an Aedra. I think she should be considered one of the 9 divines. After all she hates wickedness and evil and wants to rid the world of corruption and her sword does damage to undead. Meridia, Mara and Auriel are my favorites. I usually have my character follow all three because it falls in line with their beliefs and wanting to bring light to the world and saving everyone they can. I use the Mara amulet and typically restoration enchanted clothes of some sort. And use Dawnbreaker and Auriel's bow as my main weapons. I don't ever use shields instead I'd prefer to have a hand free for a healing spell. Otherwise I would use Auriel's shield. I usually go with Dawnguard armor or go with some sort of light armor I made and enchanted myself. Sometimes I will go with mage robes and some arm guards and boots and a hood that has armor. Or no head covering at all until I find the Atherial crown. Kind of like a vigilant of Stendarr.

Yes.Eleven S
Yes.Eleven S - 15.04.2022 11:34

“Restoration is a holy skill,”
Every vampire build using it for the necromage perk.

paladin maguire of BOS
paladin maguire of BOS - 20.08.2021 06:36

I made a character who slaughters undead using auriels bow in a very stealthy way.

Goldfish and chill
Goldfish and chill - 20.07.2021 20:27

I play as Warrior Priest of Arkay

Kojiro Sasaki
Kojiro Sasaki - 23.05.2021 02:26

God damnit I just want info

Deltaskarmory97 - 22.05.2021 23:26

I play a witchunter build. i will hunt every undead and daedra. he also uses conjuration to use his targets own tactics against them along with the archery and restoration skills the usual vampire hunter has.

Ivan Voloder
Ivan Voloder - 25.04.2021 09:12

Hey Fudge can you make top 5 destruction builds?

SirVoltik - 10.04.2021 07:47

445th comment.😐😢😭
