This free WIZARD makes WordPress shockingly EASY!

This free WIZARD makes WordPress shockingly EASY!

Jamie Marsland

9 месяцев назад

7,929 Просмотров

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Andreas Yiasimi
Andreas Yiasimi - 02.09.2023 13:12

This is awesome and so helpful. Thank you Jamie 💫

Visualmodo - 27.08.2023 23:05

really good content!

Andrew Wride
Andrew Wride - 27.08.2023 21:24

Looks like a really helpful tool Ollie has produced and would cutdown on some of the confusion from users especially beginners. Shame WP are being shortsighted by not allowing it in the repository. They need to change their tune.

Scott Fannin
Scott Fannin - 27.08.2023 09:54

The Blog Home description reminds me of instructions found on income tax forms.

timbearcub - 25.08.2023 23:40

Why is onboarding not allowed in official WP themes? That's crazy. New users don't care about 'separating design from functionality' as stated below - that line is REALLY blurry anyway, so many themes need plugins or extras to work, content pages in the template menus etc. It's a nice ideal, but that doesn't work currently, templates have content in them and functionality across both.

Susanta Kumar Sahoo
Susanta Kumar Sahoo - 25.08.2023 17:32

As much I want to embrace WordPress block editor and FSE, I find it has very limited options.

However, I like what Ollie has done and I’m sure they’ll try to make it even better. This theme belongs in the WP theme directory in its current form.

WordPress should find a way to address the growing discontent among its core users unless they’re on a self-destruct mode.

JoeGator23 - 25.08.2023 11:59

How was this compare to the styling of elements, padding, margins, features and "stylability" to GeneratePress.Blocks Pro? It's a hard theme to beat.
Very cool video, interesting.

OneBrokeBloke - 25.08.2023 10:58

Why does Wordpress not like for there to be an onboarding process?
If they made the learning curve easier, it wouldnt be necessary. Someone fixes that, and thats not okay?

ts - 25.08.2023 06:12

So basically, it's a theme customizer for full site edititing ;)

Susan Pearson - Creative Fibro
Susan Pearson - Creative Fibro - 25.08.2023 04:31

I tried Ollie before this wizard and I think the wizard is a great tool, having it as a recommended plug-in would be the logical choice, just like Spectra One does. In the end for now I have gone back to a stripped back Divi because I wanted to use PostX and they don’t yet support FSE themes. I was actually surprised to get an A on GTMetrix with Divi. I will no doubt keep playing with FSE themes in staging though.

Grant Furley
Grant Furley - 24.08.2023 23:55

Great video as usual thanks. And Ollie's wizard is a great means to overcome WP's shortcomings. But I'm not convinced Mike has got it quite right trying to include it. To my mind WP is right to separate design theme (theme) from functionality (Plugin) for block themes. That allows us to pick the best design for our needs without being tied to it, as we were with Classic Themes. As you often demonstrate you can do anything with the basic TwentyTwentyThree theme and the right plugin. Ollie and other block themes just provide an easy way to get a consistent, attractive design that works well with any plugin. Classic themes locked you into a vendor and changing your site to another required a complete re-work. I'm all for providing flexibility so if you want to change look and feel later you can do so easily.

SJF - 24.08.2023 23:32

I just went through this nightmare of a process you described with the Spectra One block theme, figuring out what was the home page, how to set it, and how to edit it. Perhaps Spectra will add onboarding and we won't need theme directory, as one block theme will be enough. In the meantime, perhaps a video comparison.

Kristin Aus
Kristin Aus - 24.08.2023 22:57

Thank you for pointing out the Home page issue. That confuses me, I can't imagine a beginner doesn't run to Squarespace over that mess. This is a great solution. And thanks for the instant setup - what fun!

Stephen Vaughan
Stephen Vaughan - 24.08.2023 22:44

It’s funny, when you demonstrate all the steps one has to go through to get the basic site structure right in terms of pages, it does look daft. The Wordpress core fan base seem to have this obsession with the whole blogging aspect of Wordpress when the vast majority of users have moved onto a lot of other use cases, some of which are fairly sophisticated.

And what is it with FSE and templating the home page and other individual pages. It should be a free form experience in terms of layout; perhaps for header, footer, and outer page structure. When I’m on the home page as an individual entity I want to edit it directly.

As you say, the makers of Ollie have brought something useful to the table only to be turned away by the inn keeper.

Patryk Lasek
Patryk Lasek - 24.08.2023 21:55

Hi Jamie, do you know how to change breakpoints for tablet and mobile on classic Wordpress (my theme does not change them)?

I’ve searched through the whole internet and cannot find answer to that.

TesotaOlneya - 24.08.2023 20:59

Awesome. thx for sharing. 💥🚀⭐😎👍

Tim McReynolds
Tim McReynolds - 24.08.2023 20:54

This is fantastic. The way that the block editor gets really confusing really quickly and it definitely is a steep learning curve. Thanks for showing this to us, it's awesome.

4T1 Show
4T1 Show - 24.08.2023 19:53

I am creating a site with Kadence. But i am encountring a strante thing. The Post Content Block is not there. I needed that for post template.

And one block theme question, I don't understand how will you create sidebar with block themes.

Oliver Reese
Oliver Reese - 24.08.2023 19:39

Thank you for all your videos with tips. I love the new full site editing with the ollie theme, but what about hover color for buttons. I miss it so.

Richard Wade
Richard Wade - 24.08.2023 18:56

Great demo Jamie... The Ollie Theme certainly seems to be making great progress with taking the friction out of setting up a WordPress website. It's a shame (actually it's F**** stupid) that the overlords are not allowing it to be added to the WordPress depository because of the Wizard. They should be embracing this kind of evolution.

David Eyler
David Eyler - 24.08.2023 18:35

Yes this is so much easier - Wordpress needs to change their tune and adopt Ollie's superior setup.

Ankit - 24.08.2023 18:08

I finally decided to give up on Full Site Editing. The menu block is annoyingly featureless and there are no 3rd party alternatives. It looks ugly on mobile devices, no matter what you do. In FSE, you can't edit Header, Content and Footer on same page (why even call it FSE). FSE is buggy if you try to make a serious website instead of just playing with it.

Out of all the FSE themes, Spectra One is the best (most features). Ollie is second best (useful presets). 3rd is Neve FSE.

Blocksy or Kadence theme with gutenberg blocks is my preferred free choice.

John Haynes
John Haynes - 24.08.2023 16:29

The Ollie theme is good but the main "Plus Factor" is the video tutorials Mike makes, it is surprising how little effort is being put in by others to do the same with Block Themes.

Paul Cobb
Paul Cobb - 24.08.2023 16:29

Way to go !

Risharyanto Rizhar
Risharyanto Rizhar - 24.08.2023 16:27

Hi Jamie, could you please create a video of Spectra One vs Ollie WP??

Aravind Ajith
Aravind Ajith - 24.08.2023 16:22

This is a brilliant approach!

Alex Morgan
Alex Morgan - 24.08.2023 15:53

Why is this method not the default way of starting a new WordPress site in 2023? It’s so simple!

Tim Gummer
Tim Gummer - 24.08.2023 15:48

Great - looks to solve a lot of the most counter intuitive snafus that my students have with wordpress

Murasaki - 24.08.2023 15:26

That might just be enough for me to get off the sidelines and throw my efforts into starting properly with WordPress. As you say, it's a pity this cannot be incorporated into themes as standard.

Ghost Runner
Ghost Runner - 24.08.2023 15:18

Thanks Jamie, I think the Ollie block theme is setting up some great benchmarks here. Love how lightweight and neat this theme is! It's a pixel perfect block theme out of the box.

I’m definitely not going back to classic themes again.
