BARTHOLIN CYST- My Story & PREVENTION! How I Got Rid of the Bartholin Cyst! Home Remedy!

BARTHOLIN CYST- My Story & PREVENTION! How I Got Rid of the Bartholin Cyst! Home Remedy!

Kathy Elisabet

3 года назад

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Queen's Move Armwrestling News & Analysis
Queen's Move Armwrestling News & Analysis - 27.09.2023 13:07

I had one when i was 5 months pregnant with twins. It was huge. It grew to about the size of a lemon. I couldn't walk or do anything. Went to the dr and they drained it. It came right back a few days later. I ended up having a procedure called marsupialization done where they basically stitch the cyst open so it will never fill again. Boy was that fun 🙄

Philip Stephan
Philip Stephan - 27.09.2023 04:59

I wouldnt go to that quick med location ever again. If i wer you go to the er from now on. I feel for you sweet girl. No matter what the problem is, i would go to the er from now on. Bless you, i hope things go easier for you from now on. Stay safe.😊

Joyce Keller
Joyce Keller - 25.09.2023 18:12

You are so brave and smart❤

Lily Wood
Lily Wood - 24.09.2023 18:03

You’re so right about there not being enough information about this. I straight up was in denial that something like this was possible and started freaking out like I have cancer or something lol

Hira Naveed
Hira Naveed - 24.09.2023 00:18

Omg, I’m literally crying while watching your video!!!! Thank you so much for sharing🫶🏼 I have got the bartholins cyst 2nd time after a week. It was painful the first time too but oh god oh, who knew it’ll be this much painful this time😭 I’m rn laying down in extreme pain with a hot pack down there, unable to sleep, completely frustrated, exhausted but your video helped me so so much!!!😭❤️❤️❤️❤️ thank you

Rowena Sanchez
Rowena Sanchez - 23.09.2023 13:18

Thank you, Kathy!!!❤

It worked for me, not the same brand, but cyst burst on its own after 2 hours of taking Turmeric capsule (Turmeric Force - Newchapter) 😊

I thought I would be operated again 🫤 but then this video of yours helped me a lot. Thank you so much, and God bless 💕

SUPERO TECH - 22.09.2023 07:31

Is it come back again? Am an indian am just struggling with this can u plz rply. I scared about this😢😢😢

Maheswari Mahi
Maheswari Mahi - 21.09.2023 20:27

Sister i got this problem. Now that private place burning wt can i do plz give me suggestions

Madeleine M.
Madeleine M. - 20.09.2023 20:40

I am 45. I got this abcess all my teenage years and it was so embarrassing. I tried to talk abt it with one nurse but he told me that it was due to infection like vaginal infection.
I had to live with that cycle abcess breakout, getting full, burning, popping by itself until, I got my own job at 19 and went to a gyneco who placed a name to my abcess, made surgery and turn the inner skin where the bartho was repetitive and voila!
Since there, I am free.

If u knew, how I felt guilty all my teenage years bcz they told me that this was due to sexual intercourse, STD.

Stay blessed for sharing, you are a Star.
I ll share it with my 20 years old daughter.

Sumitra Gurung
Sumitra Gurung - 20.09.2023 20:31

I cant differences between skin tag or genitial warts or cyst .I have a small bum inside my labia manora

truth teller 53 King
truth teller 53 King - 20.09.2023 08:41

Thankyou so much.😊

Lynn Bierschenk
Lynn Bierschenk - 19.09.2023 11:07

I can’t believe the doctor didn’t drain it and put you on antibiotics. He knew you were in pain and did nothing? That’s terrible.

Melinda Unknown
Melinda Unknown - 18.09.2023 07:30

Sitting in a hot bath with epsom salt helped mine. It would pop easier.

Kitty Gonzalez
Kitty Gonzalez - 17.09.2023 06:52

The Bartholinns Gland is not the only gland to lubricate the vagina. There are glands within the vagina that do most of the work.
I once billed a clinic for My Time at my normal rate of pay ! Amazing...they Zero’d out my balance! I’m now a Retired RN. (And suffering from one of those damned cysts!) I know exactly how the pain suddenly disappears when the damned thing finally pops!) I am having round two...don’t use pads...I’ve started to have some urinary leaks, and the fibers from those pads seem to pierce the skin. Stretch jeans are the worst ! Completely unbreathable fabric! I’m not a dress wearer, but I wore one at home, and that did help it to resolve..And ice packs! The ziplock bags done inside the other ....ahhhhh!😎😇

Eny Giannikakis
Eny Giannikakis - 15.09.2023 12:14

I just back from this surgery an hour ago

Maxine Thompson
Maxine Thompson - 15.09.2023 05:18

Rub some Tea tree oil on it also, it kills the bacteria!

Ramya Ganesh
Ramya Ganesh - 14.09.2023 21:48

That is what we do for any cyst ..... turmeric is used in our daily cooking too

Cathy DeFelice
Cathy DeFelice - 14.09.2023 16:57

My husband would pop mine. I thought I would go blind or passport from pain. Mine were stress induced. Have not had one in 18 or 20 years. Popping and drainage is instant relief.

moshi moshi
moshi moshi - 14.09.2023 09:49

I started getting a small bump on my right inner labia post period. It becomes so painful but it goes away within a week and come back again after period. Sitz bath does give a relief for sometime but it still feels the same.

Is there any advice

Sandy Manning
Sandy Manning - 14.09.2023 01:13

I had a Bartholin cyst. I went to the gynecologist and he did a marsupialization of the cyst. It has never returned.

T R O Y - 12.09.2023 10:24

Just found your video because im up and I can’t sleep because I feel another cyst coming. This will be my 5th one, thank you for your tips and support. I look through your comments and see so many other women going through this same thing! Thank you so much for speaking out and letting all of us know we’re NOT THE ONLY ONES! ❤❤❤

Andriana Vassall
Andriana Vassall - 12.09.2023 02:23

Thank you! Courageous of you to make this video. Very informative and helpful

Mk B
Mk B - 11.09.2023 05:53

My cyst has been around for a few weeks but only severe for over a week, its at the level now where i cant get up anymore, im bed bound and hardly able to move, i can roll with great difficulty. I have a big problem with going to the hospital due to trauma, i suffered 3 yrs of recovery and only just completed the recovery this yr after a severe and near fatal motorbike accident where i was impaled through the backside from my bike footpeg. As a result i now have apparently alot of trauma associated with pain and hospitals, especially the local aesthetic. And especially with injury or problems around this region of the body because ive just gone through yrs of absesses forming and needing draining as my wound healed, a wound which left me bedbound. So ive only just gained freedom and im back in hell, its incredibly triggering. I hate to use this terminology but its exactly what im experiencing

So as a result I'm mentally trying to push through and get this to pop naturally, I'm implementing essentially every single recommendation ive found online from drs, gynos, and women who've experienced it themselves. The cyst is anrye as hell now, it hasn't looked this red and ready to burst before so that makes me think its close but it just hasn't got a clear, obvious head on it. Can anyone else tell me their experiences surrounding when it burst? Was there any others who didn't have a noticeable head or who felt severe pain prior to the pop? I feep really alone and lost, scared and so tired. Theres so little information out there about this issue and i just feel like i need to speak to others who understand what im going through. The pain is absolutely beyond explanation... I feel most people would just have gone to ER by this point but the problems i am living with from my past have left me here. I want to deal with this naturally, i need to beat this naturally

Margaret Caine
Margaret Caine - 10.09.2023 15:16

Apparently this is a common problem...about 20% of women will develop a cyst in their lifetime.

ellen rawls
ellen rawls - 10.09.2023 04:44

Is this cyst on the inside or outside of the vagina?

Love Over Division
Love Over Division - 10.09.2023 00:33

thanks for sharing!!!

SuperDesignChick - 08.09.2023 08:15

I’m commenting again after reading more comments. Ladies, this will keep coming back if you get it lanced. You have to go in for the gland surgery where they remove the whole gland. If yours are getting infected, do not just have it lanced. You need to have the proper surgery.

SuperDesignChick - 08.09.2023 08:03

In Canada, just ask to see a gyno. There are two Bartholyns glands so you can get one removed. The surgeon will explain that it’s a really difficult surgery and a rough recovery because they need to leave the wound marsupial (open) so it can heal from the inside out. You will need to use a spray bottle to wash yourself properly after surgery when using the loo and can only pat, no wiping. It’s just a gland that can get blocked, it has nothing to do with being dirty or anything gross. They usually resolve themselves in a few years so most women don’t opt for the painful surgery. However, if it is hot and painful or impeding your ability to do things like walk, you need to be admitted for surgery right away. The infection can go to your blood and make you septic so get to a doc if you have those symptoms. I’m not sure what she is speaking about with regard to shame or why y’all can’t get answers. These are very common, a lot of women don’t even know they have them. Mine took more than a decade to go away but it finally did after I got the Mirena IUD. Not sure why or if it broke during that surgery. Good luck everyone.

lady redd
lady redd - 05.09.2023 18:55

Please please ladies anybody that is suffering with this situation please ask the doctor for a marsupialization I probably spelled it wrong but your doctor will know what it is I suffered from the bartholin cyst several times the last time it got big as a lemon that's when the doctor put a permanent tiny little hole in your lips so that it can always drain out you will not feel the whole you will not see the whole it is so small it has been 3 years and I have not dealt with that that was the worst time in my life being a woman so embarrassing and smelly I have mine performed in the emergency room I hope this helps someone that's experience in this also hot Epsom salt baths really helps a lot you have to do it three times a day hot as you can take the water with epsom salt that will keep busting the cyst for you but to permanently get rid of it you need to get the marsupialization.

lady redd
lady redd - 05.09.2023 18:42

I had this situation when I was 38 years old and I had just had my last child I had to get something called marsupialisation that's when they put a tiny hole in your vaginal lip so it could drain mine was the size of a lemon and when it would drain it smell like 💀 I was so embarrassed I can say that the Epsom salt hot really helped I thought my life was going to be over my husband was so supportive because I wouldn't want him to smell that coming from one day if I finally went away but it can dream freely whenever it build up with the permanent opening you can't feel that it is so small😢

fatima asif
fatima asif - 04.09.2023 21:19

i have this cyst from several years gonna try this turmeric thing please pray for me 😭

Stacey Smith
Stacey Smith - 02.09.2023 14:00

The dermatologist schedule me for surgery not telling me what it was. I juiced a cucumber and apple and it went away in a day. Cumber is an anti flammatory. The cysts went away. It came back once but very small and went away after I juiced another cucumber.

Alpha Temptress
Alpha Temptress - 02.09.2023 09:51

Hoping to hear you soon I’m already absent on my work because of this 😭

Alpha Temptress
Alpha Temptress - 02.09.2023 09:51

Do I mix it with hot water and do a sitz bath? Or should I drink it?

Alpha Temptress
Alpha Temptress - 02.09.2023 09:50

Hi I really need your help I’ve been experiencing the same case which every two months it always comes back. Can you do me a favor on how to properly use the turmeric powder?

Sneha Sharma
Sneha Sharma - 02.09.2023 06:25

Hi mam I'm currently cross the age 18 now I'm 19 and i had also facing a cyst side of my vagina now what am i do. It's really painful i don't want any surgery literally I'm crying right now to texting you pls help me

Lisa Wilkerson
Lisa Wilkerson - 01.09.2023 08:55

I'm 55 and currently on the healing end of one of these things.. I researched and the same thing kept coming up, Barthalin cyst. When you say excruciating pain ,you are not kidding!! I also have diabetes and I know whu this happened. But I'm changing things and I hope I never get this thing again. It was so hard 😢

HalfPint - 01.09.2023 06:22

I know this video was posted a while ago, but I just had an inpatient procedure 2 days ago to drain mine. It was traumatic and your video has given me hope and given direction of what could possibly work for this not to happen again. Thank you!

Michelle Asafu-Adjaye
Michelle Asafu-Adjaye - 31.08.2023 21:02

Can I use tumeric powder as tea? I’m going through the same thing for the second time,first was before I got pregnant had to go to the docs and had it surgically it’s back after like 8years!

Shilpa Dutta
Shilpa Dutta - 30.08.2023 20:13

I had the same exact experience like same to same!! I am having it rn and it is soooo painful!! I will use turmeric too but 😅😅 I don't have a bath tub to take sitz bath what should I do 🥹🥹

Lisa P
Lisa P - 30.08.2023 19:09

I'm an older person and I had the cyst twice when I was younger. One of the times I was pregnant. yikes. I slept with a heating pad between my legs and that popped it pretty quick but it was big. The second time I just kept squeezing it until it popped and I squeezed it probably five times a day for a few days to get all of it out. I've never had another one since thank goodness

Amalina Mantaza
Amalina Mantaza - 30.08.2023 17:32

I had mine after 10 days giving birth of my second baby, had to get it removed thru operation 😢

Melissa white
Melissa white - 30.08.2023 02:40

I’m pretty sure this is what I have! This is the 3rd time within the last year maybe 2 I’ve gotten it! The bad thing is I’m already-on an antibiotic due to a surgery and I just had to have my stomach drained and I’m getting over that infection, now this! 😢But I’m
About to get that salve cause this is getting very painful

Daniella Offeh- Gyimah
Daniella Offeh- Gyimah - 27.08.2023 20:46

Jeez thanks girl... tG I found this video...can you please give some turmeric tabs

Nicole Gomez
Nicole Gomez - 26.08.2023 16:04

I’m 19 and I’m scared I just found out yesterday I’m gonna try it the warm water

Amanda G
Amanda G - 25.08.2023 19:46

Thanks for this video! I have been dealing with my cyst for 7 years now. I have tried diet & bath, etc. maybe doing more steams & adding the turmeric will be beneficial. It’s def something that happens often & that women are ashamed to speak about. I know personally it affects my confidence. I have looked into this a lot & I almost think that it could be tied to some type of emotional trauma stored in the body released to the root & sacral chakras.

Evelina - 24.08.2023 03:26

Thank you for this enlightment can you share the link to the turmeric from gnc please

Udoh Etiene
Udoh Etiene - 23.08.2023 15:55

Oh I’ve been to the doctor 5times already this year, and I’m having one now but I’m going on prime now. Thank you thank you. I pray it works for me

Update, the turmeric worked, but by the time I took it I already had the cyst so I am at the hospital to get to out and then make turmeric my daily supplement. The doctor want to perform l Marsupialiazation but I said no I’m going with turmeric. Thank you thank you thank you

Jim Rock
Jim Rock - 22.08.2023 21:37

That Dr is an idiot
Yes, you have to stay on top of your own health
