Hearing Loss in Children - Hearing Loss Symptoms, Causes, and Types

Hearing Loss in Children - Hearing Loss Symptoms, Causes, and Types

Pro Fit Hearing

3 года назад

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@erwintagari2299 - 30.04.2023 20:03

My niece is late development baby 3 years old. Until now she cannot speak but finally she can walk... she undergo go already for hearing test and assr test... as per her eent her nerve something problem. .. the Dr said she can't hear ... then she need to use hearing aid... very active and responding all what she can hear. Do we need to take another 2nd opinion. .? Please advice

@lauriecox2689 - 10.10.2023 04:52

You did not mention the causes of Central Hearing Loss or what can be done about it. My grand daughter is 1 1/2 yrs old and was tentatively diagnosed with this. She does not speak at all. She’s supposed to go back to the pediatric ENT for more testing. Apparently she passed the first part of the hearing test, but had problems with with the volume & pitch part???

@MariaFeSabando - 23.11.2023 09:47

my son in the ages of 3 speak only mama,baba

@astrinymris9953 - 30.05.2024 02:00

Um... most parents who choose sign language options like Total Communication or Bilingual-Bicultural also get hearing aids for their kids, unless their kids have been determined to be totally deaf. Not hatin', just sayin'.
