Picking From 20 React State Managers

Picking From 20 React State Managers

Jack Herrington

2 года назад

84,411 Просмотров

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Johnny Panikulam
Johnny Panikulam - 23.09.2023 21:52

Is that a real background❔

Suraj Kewat
Suraj Kewat - 21.09.2023 08:22

Hey Jack thanks for the video. Has your opinion changed on any of the state management libraries also if we can get a 2023 update on this video. Thanks

real23lions - 18.09.2023 10:19

Amazing content. I'm new and this makes it easier to understand across the state managers.

Dev - 17.09.2023 23:43

I liked it, but you need to take into account how easy they are to unit testing, it is an important factor in teams that do a lot testing or TDD, it is not the same developer experience when test mobx, redux, or xstate.
Do you have any video about it?
Thanks and Greetings

Sraxler SF
Sraxler SF - 15.08.2023 12:30

I did a udemy course for a full stack project where the instructor used MobX and since then I have not been able to use other state management tools to that extent. I want to use redux toolkit but I am not confident using it.

Many say that redux is good for large scale applications but I am more familiar with MobX so I am not sure what to use for a professional project.

mando - 10.08.2023 01:12

simply insane comparison. Im lost for words and the repo for free to go over it. You are a legend! I've been working as a full stack dev for a couple of years now, and yet only came across local and global state implementations. Hopefully with time and practice will get to the level of thinking in architectural way. Props for another great video

WillsB3 - 03.08.2023 01:10

Thank you for such an excellent video Jack. Really informative 👍

Fudzer M Huda
Fudzer M Huda - 17.06.2023 17:44

wow, you covered what most people don't think, thank you

vedmack13 - 04.06.2023 18:51

great one, thanks!!!

Wei Lin
Wei Lin - 24.05.2023 23:45

Hey, I’m new to this and I’ve only used context api for my personal project. Now I’m working on a group project where it uses SWR, which state manager would work well with it?

divekei - 14.05.2023 19:29

saved my messed up brain 🤯 really thanks

Søren Høyer
Søren Høyer - 12.05.2023 11:49

Great work.

Madhav Nagpal
Madhav Nagpal - 02.05.2023 19:37

how do we put business logic in custom library ?

ederEngine - 01.05.2023 16:00

Could I use two state managers in the same project?

Lewis - 20.04.2023 06:42

No easy-peasy?

Programmer Yk
Programmer Yk - 12.04.2023 09:14

i think forget about react and just move to vue js 😂

Sam Sparton
Sam Sparton - 31.03.2023 22:50

Hi, what’s the tool / setup you use to free draw on the editor?

Arijit Roy
Arijit Roy - 23.03.2023 09:45

sir, currently I am using nextJs with reduxtoolkit & rtk-query, can it be made simpler(less boilerplate) by replacing it with react-query & zustand ?

Will Bond
Will Bond - 04.03.2023 06:53

Jack glances at the product requirements and picks one state manager and never regrets it. He is familiar with every state manager out there. 🤯

Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes - 14.02.2023 10:32

Found another, Reactish-State , it's atomic in nature like jotai/recoil but has simple setups like zustand , let us know if it can be a good choice or not

Reinier - 27.01.2023 13:45

great overview

ashton middlefield
ashton middlefield - 18.01.2023 09:43

Awesome! Could you do a tutorial about using signals from preact, please?

serg472 - 17.01.2023 06:42

Good overview, but I was hoping to see how these libraries are handling complex states, that's where all the troubles start in vanilla react and when you start looking for alternatives. For example let's say you have a state with the dynamic number of button groups, the number of buttons in each group is also dynamic, and each button's state is an object (color, label, etc). Now you want to change a color of button X inside group Y, and you want only that button to re-render. Something like that, where default shallow state comparison stops working and it becomes very difficult to surgically change state and re-render individual components.

Mahdi Khashan
Mahdi Khashan - 15.01.2023 19:19

wow, that was great!

Mad Muskoka
Mad Muskoka - 12.12.2022 02:27

About to watch this video. I love Jack's videos... But before watching this... I am annoyed... not from Jack but from react... and other frameworks... Why or Lord why.... are we using state management frameworks such as React, then having to bring in other resources to manage state??? Am I the only one who thinks that is ridiculous???? Perhaps... react, Vue, Angular... etc... should all work on their state management a little more so that we do not have to import other state management resources...

Yes sure... React has Context now, and we can now use custom hooks to manage state.. but we all know that Context is slow and that using a custom hook is still not as simple as it should be..

I find that it funny that all these javascript frameworks to re-render the dom are silly. How about a framework where when you declare a variable you can say it is part of state..
eg... as an example....
const as state color = "red"

or for memoriazation....
const as state if not changed color = "red".

We can even make declarations be local or global...

eg... const as state local = "red"
or... const as global = "red".

Or we can make files to store global state variables...

All of state management, all of it... should be handled in it's declaration... regardless if the variable is scalar or reference..

I find that state management in modern frameworks make reading code a bit more difficult then it needs to be.

As someone who has been involved with software engineering since before the internet existed.. this is all silly.. it really is..

Seriously.. we have Chat GPT which can write code for us now.. but we still cannot make state management in Javascript be simple.. It boggles my mind..

I love React hooks.. I really do.. but back in 2001.. I loved using class methods even more... Anyone out there ever learned and used Smalltalk??? That was a wonderful language back in the day....

Anyways.. all of us coders are screwed with Chat GTP... unless we all become masters at CSS and UI/UX design.... We all better become mechanics and carpenters... Because in the next few years, few months, few days.. a successful programmer will be someone who knows how to ask Chat GPT the right questions and directions....

Anyways, enough about the rant. I love Jacks' videos.. But we all better find a way to find a living off of living in the A.I. revolution.....

Jeffrey Schultz
Jeffrey Schultz - 04.12.2022 19:26

do you know of any open source apps that extensively use a state machine for UI navigation?

براء سامي
براء سامي - 29.11.2022 21:32

Nice hard work
Thanks !!

Ryan Smith
Ryan Smith - 23.11.2022 00:55

Recoil state is not global, unfortunately. Even though the atom definitions are global, the state itself is stored in the Recoil root within the React tree.
Atom effects can be used to connect to global state, but you can't really control the lifecycle, so good luck disposing your websocket connection in that scenario.
The ability to chain async state dependencies is a Recoil super power however.

HikaruKun - 31.10.2022 00:14

I love working with MobX but most devs prefer Redux and now when you showed how Redux Toolkit works and how less boilerplate it needs, I believe I will choose it as the main one (dependent on business needs of course)

Mathieu Laforce
Mathieu Laforce - 29.10.2022 11:25

Thank you for making this video. Saves me a bunch of time, but still alot to think about :-)

Jason Davis
Jason Davis - 25.10.2022 13:12

This video was really informative. Thank You!

Lekky Jayz
Lekky Jayz - 24.10.2022 22:31

You didn't say much about how/if Redux Toolkit causes re-renders.
Does changing state in the store causes all wrapped components to re-render just like with context hook?
Do you have another video that elaborates on this?

Abhijit - 26.09.2022 21:49

Great video and there’s a lot you covered I’m bit surprised that you didn’t cover Recoil

Igbo Man
Igbo Man - 24.09.2022 18:14

Why not add useContext to the vanilla example?

Валера Гарифуллин
Валера Гарифуллин - 18.09.2022 09:38

Great video. Important addition for everyone watching this: Don't use state managers for fetching data, use React Query and you will find that probably 90% of your state is actually server state. And React Query is handling refetching, loading state, errors and caching for you out of the box.

Santosh Marigowda
Santosh Marigowda - 16.09.2022 23:20

Excellent demo. Thanks.

Steve Phuc
Steve Phuc - 28.08.2022 17:23

thank you for marking this video.

Yashi EL
Yashi EL - 11.08.2022 14:59

This is really helpful, thank you

LaLoses - 06.08.2022 00:17

A little question, it would be nice if you could explain a bit more about separating the business logic of the code source, because I cannot imagina a way of doing that.
I'm going to check in the videos of the channel to see if there is one video about that :)

sikor02 - 28.07.2022 12:41

What? How many? Damn... I knew maybe like 3

M - 27.07.2022 19:11

great review + huge work done on github project. thx

Bora Sumer
Bora Sumer - 24.07.2022 19:25

Great content, thank you. I personally use Apollo Client, React Hook Form and also Reactive Variables from Apollo client to handle the Client side state. I used to couple Apollo Client with React context, until Apollo came up with reactive variables, so I don't introduce another state management tool anymore, and just handle everything with Apollo Client.

mehdi - 13.07.2022 23:08

impressive ,i find it quite useful thanks for your effort

Ted Fitzpatrick
Ted Fitzpatrick - 03.07.2022 16:15

Hi Jack, it’s really neat how you can “draw” on your code screen - are you using Surface or iPad for that?

Nick - 19.06.2022 00:12

Great video. Thanks!

A K - 17.06.2022 22:59

Impressive amount of work 👏

Ajeet Chaulagain
Ajeet Chaulagain - 11.06.2022 08:51

I have been developing react app for couple of years. But watching your videos makes me re-think about my prod code, and I definitely get some improvements and refactor in the code base !

Man you are legend for preparing clear and concise content. Keep up the hard work ❤️❤️
