Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer Course - Pass the Exam!

Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer Course - Pass the Exam!

2 года назад

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ExamPro - 04.05.2022 17:55

It's Andrew from ExamPro. Thanks for watching the course and good luck on your exam!

I just wanted to point out a minor production mistake. In the very last section for "Operational Suite" Antoni suggests there is another lesson but actually this is intended to be the final section. So there is nothing missing in this course.

Paper Hands
Paper Hands - 08.11.2023 14:18

Was Tony fired?

Beena's Comedy Adda
Beena's Comedy Adda - 08.11.2023 08:47

plz send me git repository link

Octa - 06.11.2023 10:40


The Moose
The Moose - 04.11.2023 06:51

You didn't EQ your voice. You really need to reupload this and level the audio out. I HATE having to go and adjust my settings every 10 min or so when sections change. I really hope your other videos are not like this, would be very disappointing.

Joshua 윤호 Han
Joshua 윤호 Han - 30.10.2023 23:12

How do I access the github repository?

celo TV
celo TV - 28.10.2023 15:28

is this still updated?

Cornello - 25.10.2023 19:16

My journey ended with an error OR-CBAT-15 ERROR when trying to add a payment method.
Must be a sign to switch to AWS.

Sd - 17.10.2023 17:50

Hey guys
Is there anyone who actually finds a job after this certificate?
I've been looking for 11 months

Mallikharjuna - 07.10.2023 00:58

To be simple and crisp learn the concepts by googling
1.networking in cloud
3.vpc ,cloudvpn,gke,docker,ingress, instance family,life cycle of instance, compute machines family.
4.OSI model
5.spend some time on gcp web interface
6. Try to remember the gcp console commandlines following some cheatsheets
7.spend leisure hours on UI of gcp for more understanding

Your good to go..

Phạm Minh Quang
Phạm Minh Quang - 02.10.2023 06:32

why readwriteonce is most commonly used? i thought many node can access is better than one?

Ajay Morzaria
Ajay Morzaria - 25.09.2023 14:52

Where can i find the material to download for this course

SouthPadre Q
SouthPadre Q - 25.09.2023 00:42

I have tried Pluralsight and Google for training I am only 3 hours in on your video and it has surpassed both of the previous training options i went thru. Thank you so much!!!!

Mark Watson
Mark Watson - 21.09.2023 19:05

Not sure how I feel about this course yet. I’m 7.5 hours in, lots of stuff in here that he says is not on exam, very dry, no actual practical use cases presented yet (except small demos that are not given any practical context). The next 12.5 hours might be rough only to seek other tutorials.

Kushal Patel
Kushal Patel - 13.09.2023 06:03

I passed the exam, and it is all thanks to this course! THANK YOU, Antoni! You not only helped me pass the exam, but your course taught me a lot of the fundamental Network and IT concepts other courses never touch on. It's clear you have a very deep understanding of each and every concept and took the extra step to articulate that understanding for us. You are easily the best teacher from any of these online cloud courses I've done (and I've done a lot!). So again thank you for really going out of your way to explain the fundamentals and details even if they were on the exam. It helped to understand the concepts deeper which helped tremendously when taking the exam.

Sebastián Jara
Sebastián Jara - 30.08.2023 18:38

so... where is the github repository?

Nate Helman
Nate Helman - 29.08.2023 00:47

Just passed the test, thanks a lot! This is the most comprehensive material to learn everything in depth. Re-watching some parts that I missed on practice tests helped a bunch, too, and technical jargon made much more sense.

Mahitha Setty
Mahitha Setty - 23.08.2023 12:26

Thank you so much. I cleared the GCP ACE exam today
