5 Signs of Rheumatoid Arthritis That You Should Not Ignore

5 Signs of Rheumatoid Arthritis That You Should Not Ignore

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Reshma - 14.09.2023 17:43

Hi doctor. I am 24 years. I started having symptoms after Covid. I got tested positive to Covid and then after 3 weeks my fingers started swelling. Always itching and it doesn’t go away until I sleep. With continuous meditation I was able to subside the symptoms. Now after 2 years I started getting swelling again. My blood works show I have inflammation but my RA test is negative. My doctor suggests it might not be RA but vitamin D deficiency.

Mond - 15.08.2023 18:08

It will be helpful if somebody can answer what OTC MEDICINE to take for early onset RA please?

Lucian Marin
Lucian Marin - 15.08.2023 00:03

I have all these symptoms after taking Ofloxacin two months ago. What can I do? I'm taking supplements: probiotics, collagen, curcumin, fish oil, vitamin d. Blood tests look completely normal.

Tarun Chauhan
Tarun Chauhan - 02.08.2023 09:27

Planet Ayruveda's OA care pack helps in management of osteo and rheumatoid arthritis.

Corazon Panganiban
Corazon Panganiban - 01.08.2023 22:21

Dottoressa I just want to ask is there some cure for high reumatism

Phil u in
Phil u in - 10.07.2023 11:17

I have recently been diagnosed with ra can anyone tell me if this can effect your short term memory or cause pain cramps in other parts of the body not related to joints? Thank you.

Julian Mclittle
Julian Mclittle - 09.07.2023 16:44

Thank you for the information on the swelling and soreness in my left wrist. Could it have also been caused buy blunt force trauma at toddler age? The memory is blurred but can always remember being almost hit buy a car when parental instincts of a loving Father Snatched me out of the way. Preventing me from being hit buy a car wherever you are thank you for saving my life... God is Love and I Love You...

Tarun Chauhan
Tarun Chauhan - 27.06.2023 08:32

nicely explained mam. you can try an RA care pack for the management of rheumatoid arthritis. thanks to planet ayurveda.

Brenda Pasol
Brenda Pasol - 19.06.2023 03:52

Thanks Dra.for sharing the information. God Bless!

Rabindranath Pal
Rabindranath Pal - 14.06.2023 20:07


Mr.Avid Outdoorsman
Mr.Avid Outdoorsman - 10.06.2023 16:47

Had to watch on 1.5 speed🤣😳

Nepali Mulbasi community UK
Nepali Mulbasi community UK - 28.05.2023 16:56

WayUp1111 - 13.05.2023 09:51

What is HLA-B27 positive with the blood work? And how does this affect the eye with uveitis/iritis? Ty! 🙏🏻

Bonita Zepeda
Bonita Zepeda - 01.05.2023 22:09

Is nausea a symptom along with body aches and fatigue?

Tom M
Tom M - 25.04.2023 19:10

I'm newly diagnosed after a long kidney issue seems to have exposed my RF factor that was never noticed before. On meds now but feeling it accellerating more then I thought it would. I'm a strong guy who now needs to take it easy due to major fatigue and stiffness. I started trying to excercise more and walking as much as I can handle. Take it from me movement is the best medicine!!! It helps me with joint pains. yes it hurts but it also helps. Softcore walking, not running!!! Drink a lot of water! I use Zquil to help me sleep because the joint pain keeps me up at night.

Les G
Les G - 23.04.2023 11:47

Can rhumethoid arthritis be just in 1 side eg only right hand?
Thank you

Michelle Anderson
Michelle Anderson - 01.03.2023 22:25

I'm wondering if I have ra I've got osteoarthritis in knees hip feet and spine. But now my hands hurt and I ve got shooting pains in my thumb's going up into my arms. Any advice please .

Karen Dehoniesto
Karen Dehoniesto - 12.02.2023 11:34

I have severe pain in my fingers and hand. Comes n goes. Weakness picking up items. Swelling in hands. Is this carpal tunnel?

TheGeorges - 12.02.2023 02:56

I have RA & I suspect Sjogrens- best thing I did to manage symptoms is go gluten-free (occasional slip up) & radically increase fruit & veg & reduce animal products (especially processed)- it’s made a big difference to the fatigue & swelling- diet does matter. all of the above changes came as I began seeking the Lord✝️ put your trust in Jesus.

Doreen Evans
Doreen Evans - 10.02.2023 02:02

Can you do one on Shulman's Syndrome. Thanks.

The Happy Sheep
The Happy Sheep - 09.02.2023 12:48

I'm 62 and for me the fatigue has been a thorn in my side for many many years. I feel like a dead woman walking. No amount of rest,sleep or anything else one can name ever makes it better. It is insidious. And depressing and frustrating. There are so many things in life that I would love to do yet so many times they out of arms reach to accomplish. It is so very maddening. Just sayn'.

Debbie Henrie
Debbie Henrie - 08.02.2023 11:13

My RF is negative, but my anti-ccp is very high. I was on everything, including TNF meds. MY rheumy left and I got a new one. She told me my joints weren't swollen enough to cause me pain. My pain is very real to me. She said I didn't need any meds, so I haven't been on anything for 2 years. She just wanted to observe me. I have 2 brothers with RA and they have never experienced this kind of care. Is it normal to not treat RA and just observe it? Thank you

Just Me
Just Me - 31.01.2023 17:11

A discussion around myasthenia gravis would be appreciated, 2 of my daughters have it.

Ramble On
Ramble On - 30.01.2023 01:00

Yes please- carpal tunnel and other AI diseases associated w/ it.
Can you describe arthritic conditions that are genetic? And show more photos of what you mean by certain symptoms or expressions of disease. More importantly, can you include what tests and things are done to diagnose these diseases? Bc I often go to doctors and have to make a choice between different tests or ask for certain ones esp if they don’t have the illness in mind that I do- ie RA vs “just” chronic pain or fibromyalgia etc… Thx!

Thelma Gurinorco
Thelma Gurinorco - 27.01.2023 09:44


Nancy - 21.01.2023 05:32

I was told I had fibro, bursitus, menopause symptoms for 7 years. My GP would not do anything since my RA factor then was 0. It got so bad I could not use stairs, change diapers, open jars. I got so bad I made him refer me to rheumatology. By then my RA factor was over 600 and I also had palindromic RA. 20 years plus with RA, now my joints are damaged. I eat an animal based diet now and it helps. As far as eye care, I use restasis and see my eye doc 2x year. That is very important.

bhanu - 11.01.2023 17:46

I have TB and have been using pyrazinamide medicine for 42 days now. Uric acid levels are 7.8 My knees got swollen and I have been suffering from wrists, ankles, shoulders, knee joint pains. Is it due to pyrazinamide medicine or Rheumatoid arthritis ? How could I know, please help me. Experiencing worst pains and unable to walk

Bobur B
Bobur B - 03.01.2023 18:01

Илтмос жавоб йозинг

Bobur B
Bobur B - 03.01.2023 18:00

Айтингчи мен качондир огирлашамами бу касалик дан. Шегирин

Bobur B
Bobur B - 03.01.2023 17:59

Сиз жудайам йахши тушинтирдингиз сизга катта рахмат

Bobur B
Bobur B - 03.01.2023 17:58

Мен да 7йилдан бери бор

Diane Bondhus
Diane Bondhus - 01.01.2023 09:21

I have episcleritis now. Can Sjogrens syndrome also cause this?

Gamal Taher
Gamal Taher - 20.12.2022 22:01


Grace Espinoza
Grace Espinoza - 16.12.2022 12:23

Thanks for the information I learn New things today

Florina Hajdu
Florina Hajdu - 28.11.2022 21:41

Mulțumesc pentru aceste informații Poliartrita reumatoida se poate trata si cu tratament naturist Mulțumesc

Craig Mullins
Craig Mullins - 07.07.2022 02:54

What can we do to get the fatigue under better control if you’re eating well getting enough sleep etc. are there any drugs that can help I’m currently taking Taltz but is there something to add to that maybe
