Modern Warfare 2 Campaign gives me MIXED feelings…

Modern Warfare 2 Campaign gives me MIXED feelings…


1 год назад

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@cthulhu4411 - 04.02.2024 08:59

I like sneaking in games but having to craft shit in a call of duty game is slow and boring and not that fun and overcomplicated tbh

@YoshiMarioGamez - 04.02.2024 04:32

Not great, not terrible but better than the new MW 3.

@Snooopy28 - 29.01.2024 00:58

they did my boi roach dirty... as in they didnt do him at all

@BooksInTheVoid - 28.01.2024 22:26

Favourite parts are people yelling RPG!! And every time Price gets into a helicopter it takes about 3 minutes until its shoot down. 😂

@patrickbarratt2665 - 25.01.2024 13:24

I feel like cod players moaned about linear levels to the point Infinity Ward went “fuck you then, here’s some recycled war zone missions we’ll market as ‘open combat missions’”

@johnprice4847 - 21.01.2024 04:37

honestly, imo the best campaign of the mw reboot

not because of the plot or graphics or anything. it's the variety. you have a bit of every mission in that campaign. going dark cleaning houses, ac130, all ghillied up, gorilla warfare, hitman...

@c20ux - 17.01.2024 05:10

HAHAHA this will be his longest video ever.. if only his poor soul knew what will Call of Duty 20 Modern Warfare III Part 3 2023 bring lol

@vitecpiwopersonal - 14.01.2024 14:30

Still miles better than MW3

@HowlV1 - 10.01.2024 19:05

Literally the first person I've seen to actually 100% understand the MW2 2009 plot. Bravo, Kelski

@sammosajo - 18.12.2023 21:08

Thing is with ghost is how stupid and goofy his new edgy persona is. Rather than being a mysterious addition to the main cast that everyone can like, he becomes some overpowered tough guy with a funky skull mask and excessively deep voice. His character lacks actual depth in the remakes and the original, however in the original it is because he’s meant to be a subtle character. In the new one he’s taken his mask of at least twice and arguably talks more than the rest of the cast. Quite talkative for a mysterious operative.

@smokingghost9781 - 18.12.2023 00:56

"Play Better Games" Proved It By Showing Bioshock And Spc Ops.

@ahmedshadow2008 - 18.12.2023 00:43

Slow ass movement

@HakuShounen - 05.12.2023 00:54

"This is probably going to be easily my longest video ever"

I'm here from the future after just watching your 40+(!!) minute MW3 campaign review, which was hilarious, and made a "short" sub 14 min video an easy add on to watch.

Both videos are great, I'm looking forward to your video for MW4, since lord knows I won't be playing it myself after how bad #3 was.

@IanCore327 - 01.12.2023 13:56

hold me lmaoo 😹

@Kuzey__ - 30.11.2023 15:25

this was much better than what we got in mw3 2023

@justaguy5151 - 29.11.2023 17:03

I rented out the game for ps4, i sadly couldn't finish the campaign before i had to return it

@od13166 - 29.11.2023 10:59

That open sniper level has to be imo better then Gulied up

Mainly Game wont just Insta mission fail state like spawning endless enemy or your npc get killed bullshit.

And breaching Houses has choice and Consquences. Like you can drop tear gas then it will result enemies burst out the building but that way price can help you, you can going alone but that way price cant help u and sniper puzzle you need where to kill two dude was good too

@miel307 - 10.08.2023 20:19

I hated Alone, ngl. Doesn't fit the Cod go bonkers style

@Bmxbandit261 - 07.06.2023 14:40

If u grew up with the Original COD and then playing thru it's evolution n getting to the Golden Years of COD with Modern Warfare 1&2, World at War, then the 3 best CODs of all time with Black Ops 1&2 & MW3 you know that after that COD just went downhill, Ghosts was still pretty good, Infinite & Advanced Warfare had good campaigns but I hated that jet pack running on walls COD multiplayer, then Black Ops 3 was a letdown with NO Campaign, Black Ops 4 was good, N Modern Warfare 2019 was good, WW2 I didn't really play n the Cold War n Vanguard I didn't really play n like he said MW2 reboot was good but not great. I def wish they would go back to the Golden Years of COD but games nowadays are just so rushed n they don't take the time to perfect the AAA games like the old days with games like BioShock, Mass Effect, Skyrim, Fallout3, Arkham Asylum etc!!

@jesuscolonmusic - 15.03.2023 02:37

I’m so glad this video exists. I thought I was the only one. I agree with everything you said!

@dustyplayz - 10.03.2023 18:55

anyone else think the guy that kidnaps laszlo has very similar eyes to swaggersouls? or is that just me

@RiffSilverthe1andonly - 06.02.2023 19:18

When I first saw all the Ghost memes I thought COD did some live action cutscenes shit, nope it just looks that real

@bashdash4 - 06.12.2022 08:13

Agree wholeheartedly. I do wish the story tried more of the stuff from 2019 thematically, but I guess we got memes of the protags now?

@charliekeyte5612 - 30.11.2022 18:16

Good video dude, keep it up you’re doing well, this made me laugh and kept me watching the whole way through, was shocked when I heard you only had 10k

@MultiRepaK - 30.11.2022 14:59

This campaign is by far much better than the 2019 dogshit tho

@baseball3439 - 29.11.2022 08:23

17k subs with this editing? Insane! I would’ve thought u had millions

@ghostpatgaming2314 - 29.11.2022 05:10

the thing i dislike about this game is Ghost new VA Sam

@rtvtictaczac727 - 29.11.2022 03:48

I will say the betrayal felt like betrayal for the sake of betrayal because the original had betrayal and it's still stupid but I will point out you missed the reason for said betrayal the reason was actually because the Russians stole the American missiles off of shadow company and general shepherd and the Russians gave Hassan the missiles and Shepard and shadow had their names written all over them and Shepard needed to cover his own ass now the problem isn't the betrayal it's how the betrayal was done see if I was writing this I either would take the betrayal out all together or I would make it so that the missiles are all found then shadow betrays 141 once everyone pieces together where the American missiles come from not at a seemingly random point in the story especially not after you just worked with shadow to get the 2nd to last missile, it should have been after the mission in Chicago after Hassan and the missiles are stopped then go through with the betrayal stuff and to parallel the original go after graves and Shepard at the end and then set up the stuff with Makarov like they did would have been a lot better

@someguy1894 - 27.11.2022 05:20

i feel slightly flattered knowing I changed my pfp into a meme so a thumbnail like this exists and I can feel flattered (slightly)

@RECTALBURRITO - 26.11.2022 21:28

I would love to see a video of all the shitty things you get called on TDM.

@kortniesanchez4810 - 26.11.2022 09:47

You do have a point but it's still an awesome game

@bobobobobobs - 26.11.2022 03:02

Importance of a good story for campaigns is so overlooked these days. It was lazy and terribly written. I'd much rather play with bad graphics and a great story than a cheesy fucking Steven Seagal bad guy/good guy tale with RTX light bouncing off Hassan's bald head. Also, too many cinematics, in old call of duties everything happened from your first person perspective, that's what made it so immersive and memorable, now it just feels like a cheap show on netflix...

@xp_slimezockt1403 - 26.11.2022 00:57


@Sam-13803 - 25.11.2022 23:57

Tell me you didn’t understand the campaigns twist without telling me you didn’t understand the twist…

@aexonity - 25.11.2022 23:05

This is definitely one of my favorite cod campaigns, at least modern day cod. I’ve lost so much hope for cod ever since infinite warfare, so while this campaign is no where near as good as it’s original, I still love the shit out of it.

I’d personally give it like a 7/10

Loved the tactical playstyle, while still retaining the batshit crazy moments that cod is known for, just wish the characters and story had more depth.

All in all, I have high hopes for the MW3 reboot whenever that comes out.

Also my top 3 missions were definitely alone, the car chase one where laswell is captured just because of the helicopter bit, and probably the mission where you play as the shadow pilot and blow junk up.

@blackmarketmedia3328 - 25.11.2022 19:00

The writing wasn't great but I did enjoy the characters, the graphics, the soundtrack and the set pieces were awesome enough.

@sunburst8810 - 25.11.2022 06:16

This video was great, nice job

@thegamerdude6393 - 25.11.2022 06:04

No Russian is therapy for all those civilians getting in the way in all the other misssions

@redecho2570 - 25.11.2022 01:14

Didn’t they say someone important was supposed to die?

@guesswhatimeating328 - 24.11.2022 23:29

I honestly quite liked the betrayal for what it was yk it made sense for shepherd to try and cover it up and i honestly feel like it would have been better received if the original mw2 didn't exist because i dont think the new one is necessarily bad i only think it's bad in comparison to the original

@Swarthy_83 - 24.11.2022 02:20

I just wanna say that the story feels somehow rushed or somethings changed last minute.
I've been expecting to see Alex, Hadir, maybe some Barkov followers and they are just left out, never to be spoken about again. Same goes for Urzikistan, which is a god damned country, Farah and Nikolai, only difference is that they are in ONE mission.
And I hoped and wished that Shepherd didn't betray us this time around. They had the potential at the start and it got lost before it got announced by Graves, with the whole "I don't wanna know where the missiles came from." thing.
For me the gameplay is perfect but once you add the story to that it doesn't feel right with them together.

@foonsh189 - 24.11.2022 02:16

Ain’t the 141 part of the S.A.S which are the people who do all the stealthy shit

@Darth-vade123 - 23.11.2022 18:27

Actually Shepard's betray was to cover his ass

@caratomlinson3552 - 23.11.2022 11:22

Yea no you don't really understand it do you 🤣

@eloszymon3000 - 23.11.2022 08:56

what is the song at the beggining of the outro?

@treyplanter8842 - 23.11.2022 08:50

* Guy gets blown away says subscribe* me subscribing

@bustinacupp7440 - 22.11.2022 23:50

Music, can't remember a single track from this game but I remember back then as a kid the music that plays during the Whitehouse mission and credit music stuck to my dome
