Introduction to Western Philosophy | Online Course Official Trailer

Introduction to Western Philosophy | Online Course Official Trailer

Hillsdale College

3 года назад

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@thane816 - 08.12.2023 19:23

Truth is found through spiritual observations of the Orthodox Christian God.

@WisdomisPower-10inminute-dn5no - 01.12.2023 23:04

I'm thrilled to see discussions like this. I've been covering similar topics on my channel and always look for new viewpoints.

@WilliamBMcCoy - 27.11.2023 22:25

I get mailings from Hillsdale that are perfecting awful.

@JCI-ho3rj - 15.11.2023 03:02

wow. the guy they hired for this commercial is a liar

@hihello-yv2tt - 26.09.2023 23:38

Islam is The true religion with undeniable proof and evidence. We Muslims believe in Jesus but not as God and we don’t believe God has a son. Jesus peace be upon him is a prophet and Messenger Of Allah (God) and he is the messiah. He wasn’t killed as Allah saved him before they could get to him. There is also scientific and historical miracles mentioned in the Quran such as the formation of the human embryo as well as the creation of honey in bees. There are Islamic prophecies that came true and will come true and I recommend everyone to try and learn about them. I myself know of people who were ill and suffering with issues (including black magic) and got cured miraculously when the Quran was recited over them. I invite everyone to learn about Islam.

@user-oq7qd7qs7t - 07.07.2023 23:42

Dreams are more real than life. We are here now.

@barrydhurieux7062 - 11.06.2023 06:36

Philosophy and every European civilization was copied from Egypt. Ancient Egypt, black Egypt, and Nubia and Egypt before the invaders came.

@thatotherguy174 - 09.06.2023 04:08

Hillsdale college is a christian propaganda mill stay away

@KingoftheProfane - 03.06.2023 09:16

Give it to me

@stinkybutt42069 - 31.05.2023 03:56

Nice! Christian neocon r mudding the water of philosophy!

@benjamintrevino325 - 29.05.2023 09:23

Whatever the meaning of life is, monetize it!

@keyzawarsame2354 - 28.05.2023 01:36

Chills ❄️🥶

@ramaraksha01 - 25.05.2023 16:30

Philosophy is Dead!
Today's Philosophers are blind book readers of old white men of primitive times
Putin says, "Believe in me, support me & be rewarded or else!"
And everyone agrees he is pure evil, his supporters are scum
But change the name Putin to God and now we get "Praise the Lord!"
And not one philosopher can see this!
Blind book readers!

@mysticbeef3467 - 10.05.2023 03:13

Does anyone know the background music to this video.

@_sidereal - 12.04.2023 07:25

What is the structure of the course? Lecture videos outlining the ideas of prominent philosophers? Are there any readings or assignments?

@enckidoofalling2883 - 04.04.2023 08:03

Aristotle sucks

@henrikrolfsen584 - 02.04.2023 00:21

Michael Sugrue is a brave teacher, and a true genius! There is no subject so deep, nor more more important, than that of Western Culture!

@kuruw - 01.04.2023 22:58

Learning the history of philosophy from Hillsdale is unlike any analogy. Gnosis > theocracy

@jmm8193 - 28.03.2023 22:18

This is not about how the "Orientals" think nor how the "Westerns" think for later to compare them like losers" and the "winners", but it is about what actually is happening to humanity with all its thoughts and actions.

Prisons they do not stop receiving those with the epithet of "convicts", hospitals and drugs are popping up like daisies, wars do not stop, the destruction of the environment does not cease, the accelerated life of people full of worries and fears seems to have no end and that is because everything is the product of humans' thought. So, my question now is, what is that is called "thought."? What actually is it?

@jmm8193 - 28.03.2023 21:50

Back to comment on the great crisis that has been taking place in the human being for millennia. The human being considers himself an "intelligent being" and his way of life shows the opposite because man is incontradiction with that Inteligence which is ALL ORDER. It can be said that some individuals with cloudy, selfish, tiny minds have developed a "cunning" to deceive, intimidate, impose and always ready to hurt and to the point of annihilating those who only speak the TRUTH with the intention of only doing prevail his mental condition. Human history has shown it so it is a fact! The human being is a beast, but unlike the other beasts, the "human being" is sophisticated in his way of existing and doing things which is harmful, destructive, and this is a fact! And this beast says that is looking for solutions to the problems that overwhelm him when in reality the only problem that causes all the problems is the himself, especially those who think and claim to have authority over others to direct their thinking making the crowd docile. and obedient without their own authority. In REALITY, absolutely no one has authority over others. And when this natural state exists, the human relationship goes beyond any invented, manufactured life system,by confused, selfish minds. And this way of life is not based on what they call "laws" that are nothing more than ideas imposed for the establishment of a way of life that is unnecesary, absurd, mechanical in where only benefits those who impose it. Now the question is, is there a way to live where the human relationship is full of sinceriry amoung each other and with "nature"? You know, with THAT which man has always been trying to coerce with prayers, incantations, technology, etc., etc., etc., and in that way of existence to exist as a leaf that falls into a river and let himself to be carried away by the current towards the sea. I say yes! Can you guys grab the point? And for that, That which is Good, Beautiful, Healthy has to take place in the human brain since it is not present there. And this has nothing to do with "scientific" "studies", with "philosophy", "mysticism", "esotericism", and all that nonsense, but with the sincerity and seriousness to realize wha really is going in oneslef in which he, she, they is the problem. and at the same time the solution.

Disculpen si lo que he escrito no es muy claro ya que el "Ingles" no es mi lengua nativa, pero estoy haciendo lo mejor posible para que asi sea.

@jmm8193 - 27.03.2023 19:58

To ask questions about what and in order to what?

If you feel uncomfortable about asking some question, then you don’t know what you are talking about! When one ask question to separate falsehood from TRUH aiming always pointing to the right direction, one shouldn’t be uncomfortable because one is standing on firm ground! But if one ask question just for the pleasure of getting answers and be trap in a loop of questions and answers, one is totally lost in the jungle of confusion!

Now in this video the person says that, “philosophy is predicated on the idea that truth is good that we desire”. “Good that we desire”? To begging I ask the following question, what is that so called “philosophy”? Is it something by itself? Is it something in Nature? Or is it the product of a confused mind?

The word “Philosophy” and the word “philosopher” were never used on ancient time but after several generations when the establishment of an “education system”.

Now, what is that “good” that is desired? And even more, what is that so called “good”! What is good? Why people look for the so called “good”? Is good something to search, to look out in order to have it, to keep it, to become or Is it because people live or exist in a way that is “not good” like competition, superiority, social class division, discrimination, nationalism, my homeland, your homeland, my country, your country, my religion, your religion, my money, my land, the struggle, imposition, control, the trap, the lie, the pain, the suffering, the friction , the worries, the violence, aggressiveness, the fear, the brutality, the destruction, the uncertainty, the destruction, the commercialization of the essentially basic needs for existence, no sharing equally… you all know that miserable way of living that is call "civilized moral society" that has nothing moral. So, the use of the word "desire" is to point out that which has been lost, which is absent, which is not present, which has been ignored and rejected to be replaced by illusions, artificiality, falsehood.

People have been stuffed with so many ideas like a sack of potatoes that for this reason they do not know how to live in the TRUTH but rather in what they think of what the truth could be making of the world a battle field and misery.

The next question is what is TRUTH, ACTUALLY TRUTH not the truth according to an individual, but the ACTUAL TRUTH of EVERYTHING, ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING?
And for the realization of that ACTUAL TRUTH, there is no methodology, philosophy, formula, equation, but only observation, perception with great attention of things as they are with an healthy, natural brain.

In that video the ideas of “justice”, “happiness” and “good” are used to point to a series of assumptions made about the nature of reality. That is completely true, and the reason for this is because they are mere words that represent ideas that have been accepted from another person or persons with titles or epithets of "wise", "experts", "specialists" without question and maintained as their own. and not the THING IN ITSELF.

Look, if one wants to face, deal with, and live in REALITY OF ALL THINGS, one has to abandon all belief, all traditions, all customs in order to destroy all falsehood. So, one has first to perceive these beliefs for what they really are and in the realization of what they really are, what actually are, one automatically takes a different, natural action of abandoning them forever. And then questions about good, justice, injustice, beginning, death are not necessary but living in THAT with all the passion of mind, and body, with all the fiber of the heart!

The use of the word “metaphysics”, I would say is to point to a way of keeping a record of ideas, concepts, meanings, definitions, interpretations gathered as “knowledge” to represent, to identify THAT which is indefinable, inscrutable, unfathomable, good, beautiful and all ORDER.

In the video the person says, “The human being is made to know, desires to know, it is hard to know, but we love to know don’t we?” How does he know that? What is the fact of that? But let me write this, there is no doubt that people love knowledge and that is why the miserable way of our daily living. And the educational system, the newscasts as well as the advertisements or actually propagandas maintain that knowing!

For the love of sanity, when you're going to stop on the use of verbiage like "philosophy is a journey" and be totally serious! The word "philosophy" is used to point to a way of thinking about things that are beyond human understanding, faraway of human's mind manipulation. And based on that brain manipulation the human being lives in an absurd, ridiculous, unnecessary, sick way.

“Man is condemned to philosophize. The only question is will he philosophize well or poorly?” In a world of madmen, madness is seen as something healthy, natural, normal, as an order. Are we sane enough to be able to stand up and shout, enough of this madness for the love of sanity and start a radical revolution?

There is a crisis in this world since millennia. And this crisis is in the consciousness of the human being, which consists of a condition developed, cultivated and propagated from generation to generation.

@robb6059 - 21.03.2023 01:28

"Western philosophers have created so many different faiths. One may believe in one faith, and another person in another, but this is faith, not fact."

@edsch1483 - 20.03.2023 21:20

You guys should check the Brazilian autor Olavo de Carvalho and his book “Aristotle in a New Perspective: Introduction to the Theory of the Four Discourses”. VERY good.

@reytrevino8284 - 06.03.2023 17:11

Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality—faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses].

Hebrews 11:1. Amplified Bible

@reytrevino8284 - 06.03.2023 17:03

3We are human, but we don’t wage war as humans do. 4aWe use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. 5We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ. 

2 Corinthians chapter 10 verses 3 through 5 New Living Translation.

@Chase_baker_1996 - 28.02.2023 21:15

Philo- Love
Sophie - Wisdom
Philosophy - Love of Wisdom

@Mr0rris0 - 26.02.2023 06:21

How many economists got a degree to find theres no demand
Think your gonna be magi karp at palantir solving covid and terrorism for the cia with a philosophy degree diogenes?

@Mr0rris0 - 26.02.2023 06:19

Knowledge is dumb
Don't waste your money
They don't want you.

@jhb61249 - 15.02.2023 18:38

I wonder, but I really don't want to know!

@Georgefhaley - 20.01.2023 20:32

Wait...wait...did I just find the Comic Tropes guy's day job?

@coloradolove7957 - 16.01.2023 00:41

Can't afford

@feerouzehsaidian6806 - 12.01.2023 07:00

Unfortunately, each culture believes that his philosophy is the best! The combination makes perfection.I learn the good from all different philosophies and apply it in lfe.

@christianmwabukusi8132 - 12.01.2023 06:04

What makes humanity pure is a continuous learning, researching, testing everything and the circle goes on and on!

@kyle-th8ez - 08.01.2023 08:10

Cool . Also complete works of Plato is 99cents on Amazon Kindle store 👀

@jasonm3007 - 08.01.2023 01:59

Seems the white man is to be removed

@lookingfamilia - 16.12.2022 21:50

Considering the guy in the seat im not impressed. Yalls sc philosophy is the result of what you see today

Not all that important or impressive

@jwallaby7895 - 05.12.2022 22:47

"You're that smart are you?"
"Let me put it this way, have you ever heard of Plato? Aristotle? Socrates?!"

@NurgleBait - 29.11.2022 05:35

Great trailer and even greater course

@muzinocustom5 - 29.11.2022 03:09

You guys put the wrong Lewis in your list of philosophers

@patricelauverjon2856 - 21.11.2022 02:09

AAA America first Africa first Australia first And so on first 

BBB Black Blank Blue

CCC Climate Change Cult

AAA More and more high status expressed needs of self-realisation with a GAP with populism 

BBB Multiculturalism promoted with a CRACK due to leftist woke discriminations.

CCC Climate change with a LACK while turning science into a CULT.

A FLOW cannot be ignored from Colonialism to Self-realisation via Paternalism 

America first Africa first Australia first And so on first. 

This is a huge challenge because it brings home all the conflicts 'delegated' to foreign grounds.

@jkchamp8815 - 09.11.2022 23:42

The ad was so good I had to find it and listen again. I also signed up.

@dalisabe62 - 03.11.2022 20:15

Living by instincts rather than ideas has proved to be problematic most noted in the animal kingdom because it creates competition and calls for elimination. Members of the animal kingdom would wish to get away with instinctual behavior, but other members naturally oppose such wish, hence the need for living by ideas emerges.

@hansstepford7824 - 03.11.2022 11:25

Asians, are you being mistreated. Make toast, 2 pieces. Get bottle of jam. Throw quart sized can of paint at desired target. Hey hey hey hey ..

@alfredestrada2729 - 01.11.2022 07:36

Confucius, chanakya also important
Aristotle, Aesop's fables, Euclid, homer, Socrates, important too

@d.p.6758 - 01.11.2022 00:30

I hardly recommended the book Does the center hold by Palmer. It's simple, entertaining, and easy to understand!!

@daveweed2765 - 28.10.2022 01:49

I know this is so old but I fo have something to say.

Reality is relative. Existing on this planet revolving around our star we call Sun or Sol or Rah or whatever else is not reality in our short lives but existance in a much bigger ... uhh... plan??? Thought???. But... Actual pondering on your role in Life as we know it now or "realize" it now is a stepping stone of learning maybe for something much bigger than our own piss ant lives for 100 minus years. I guess that my be called religion thing of a greater individual consciousness.

Aerastotal and Socracates had their own reality in their times. We have ours. But... we all learn from them and take their thoughts as "gospel" without any of our own conscious thoughts. These are ancient folks that could not foresee how just exactly stupid we are now. The so called sciences are what we mold it into our reality and wisdom is not a science. And not be taught with a price.

So philosophically what do you think of an Eartworm? Rat? Mouse? Wasp? Bee? Tree? Grass? Or pretty much everything that is Natural on this Planet orbiting or star in our Galaxy in a Universe that my be finite or infinate. But who important to you is an earthworm? My answer is just as important to me as I am to it maybe I am less important to it than it is to me even.

If you reply back then I will answer as to why an earthworm is more important to this planet for life than we as humans are now at this point in time of our percieved Reality.

Man I don't think much of humans on a collective level because no one seems to appreciate anything about us other than cellphones and half ass technology with works reliably half assed at best. But we are addicted and staking our future on it even. That includes our economy, leaders, selves individually, and our whole existence in the future. I will tell you what is wrong with us that the greatest PHDs in our doomed reality won't because they have their hands out too.

I will bet my bank account you won't like what I have to say. A preview is that if you take the past as written in stone you can't have a future. If you take now as fact we are all screwed. Where are we going? Silicone? We all have brains that evolve over time.

You can't learn from the past. You can learn mistakes from the past and not make the same mistakes in the present and insure they don't happen in the future and none of us know who and what we are in The Universe with an existence that is meaningless in the whole scheme of the Universe. Then ergo a trinity. Mind, body and soul.

@steengy12 - 20.10.2022 09:28


@suziandchopstix - 18.10.2022 16:59

I’m a philosophy minor and this gave me goosebumps. Philosophy is a beautiful world that everyone must know.

@DKT720 - 18.10.2022 14:48

When you want to fool the world, tell the truth.❗😜😁😬😆
