ESO Gear Progression Guide Level 3 to CP 300 | Play with these Sets First!

ESO Gear Progression Guide Level 3 to CP 300 | Play with these Sets First!

Adam Lutz

2 года назад

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@Adam_Lutz - 28.03.2022 16:02

Thanks for watching! What gear do you recommend to players?

@Agumon5 - 25.10.2023 17:40

I know this channel took a different direction now, which is fine. I'm so glad these guides remain. Some of this content is evergreen.

@mr.pentagon8042 - 18.08.2023 15:33

Hey! I'm a new ESO player, but I've been in the genre for over 8 years, with 6 of them being ES Skyrim and some morrowind. I have a question pertaining to the tank DPS builds for Breton, and what skill tree is recommended to help with overall DPS and ADMG. I am willing to learn, but it would be nice to get a recommendation from a more senior player, I am mostly familiar with the type of genre gamestyle, like playing BioWares SWOTOR and SWKOTOR, I see some similarities and would it be possible to play it like in those types of games and genres to this game and genre.

@Neseku - 07.08.2023 20:01

So I've reached cp 400 without knowing any of this. Should I start over?

@claudlowe9228 - 05.04.2023 00:24

Many of the weapon sets and armor sets I have never found or know where they are in over 2 years of play. If' they're in a group dungeon, forget it. I play solo and I'm not good in groups. I lack the response needed for many group events or dungeons due to age and slowing of response times. Another thing is the lack of things to improve weapons and armor. You just can't find them.

@lostmarimo - 15.02.2023 16:11

Not sure if this video is still current. but i have a question. so my cp is 360 something and i just have 0 star questing gear.
Should i still go for the 160cp armors first or should i go for the monster sets? or do i use both?

@patrickmork - 21.10.2022 20:29

Curious but why no mention of Turning Tide or Nazaray post CP 300?

@youwillknow_pain9613 - 02.09.2022 04:08

Where do you find hundings rage?

@wearblackclothes - 17.08.2022 03:31

I'm CP 550 Industrials from doing the vanilla Quest thing I'm trying to do all the zones. And daily random dungeon. I currently have mother sorrow five piece and Sun five piece from the stone falls. I'm playing a Dragonite and literally all of my abilities do fire damage. But I'm more than one occasion people have recommended the set from city of ass five piece which is basically the sun armor it gives a little bit more weapon damage but it has a cooldown. I feel that because all of my damage is fire damage the sunset is 100% up time. I would sort of understand the City of Ash five piece because I'm mostly solo and in the open world everything dies within 15 seconds. But in dungeons bosses last more than that and some trash packs last more than that so there's a 5-second down time I don't know if it's worth it

@ZombiiJediNinjaYT - 13.08.2022 17:50

Okay so I was around when the game first dropped and we had Vet Ranks and all that, then I grinded out to cp160 and it took a while. I recently got my wife into the game, a few months ago, and we played HARD and FAST and she made it to CP160 in no time, she's actually at CP535ish, so making a gear progression for CP175-200 is pointless brah, they'll cut to 300 so fast it wasn't worth it lol. Gotta love Enlightened! We had to grind hard, they got to just catch up super fast and easy lol.

@kevin2979 - 28.06.2022 04:06

hello im very new to eso and planning to play this game. I wonder if I can use this progression guide with ESO base game only ?

@WinnerVista - 27.06.2022 13:34

as a solo magicka dps player I find it extremely difficult to make a build compared to other games, duty finder queues are never ending and nobody does world bosses

@clashwithnash9021 - 28.05.2022 15:26

whats that armor piece hes wearing looks kewl

@zednull9867 - 09.05.2022 13:54

Everytime i need to look up specific up to date info thats not found anywhere else you cover it. thank you for your service ^^

@veznan5235 - 26.04.2022 08:52

Surprised deadlands demolisher didn't get mentioned for tank, it's one of the few sets that makes a tank have decent damage, if paired with enchantments and passives, without deviating from a tank play style

@nfefx - 18.04.2022 18:44

Fantastic guide, just what I was looking for. Was overwhelmed at 160 as a healer with what to start doing first, this makes it simple.

@braintrustslayton8755 - 09.04.2022 21:39

DUDE...that's IF you belong to a BIG guild to get all those sets (esp.. all the pieces of those sets).

@griffinsdad9820 - 01.04.2022 19:51

Great content as usual. Appreciate the work you put in. So good to see your channel grow. Strength n love!

@samuraichicken2315 - 30.03.2022 05:55

Great to see you’re still making ESO videos!

@briansmsk8er1 - 29.03.2022 21:33

Personally as a magicka DK I use a 5 piece Mother's of Sorrow, a 5 piece Burning Spellweave a one piece Monster helm Slimecraw and a ring of the Pale Order. It's such a good combination because Mother's Sorrow adds crit chance and Burning Spellweave boosts my fire attacks which is pretty much all I do. Plus the Ring of the Pale Order is OP in solo play.

@Ramladon - 29.03.2022 19:15

Question other then achievement's is there any reason to do HM's in ESO?

@GagePutman - 28.03.2022 22:47

Great video man, sharing with some friends that are leveling up now😄

@MrBossWTF24 - 28.03.2022 17:36

Does it matter what traits you have on them

@mp10s - 28.03.2022 16:13

Does it pay to make
sets before 160 . You progress
To fast to keep making sets.
