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Alain2005 - 05.10.2023 09:02

Did the japanese voice actress for Nami also voiced Sandy?

Jayakrishnan Tr
Jayakrishnan Tr - 27.09.2023 21:21

Man. The sub watchers have the saltiest most fragile egos on the planet. It's like they need to point out how superior the sub version is or they'll lose sleep 😂

Donte Tik Tok
Donte Tik Tok - 16.09.2023 05:59

me i will always hate dubbed i speak japanese so im always going in the beautiful original language

The Stringless Puppeteer
The Stringless Puppeteer - 05.09.2023 06:04

"So much more emotion in sub" what you mean bro your reading in mono tone 😂🤣

Пион Пионович
Пион Пионович - 31.08.2023 19:51

For me, the Japanese language sounds disgusting, blood flows from my ears when I hear it.

Owl - 31.08.2023 02:58

seeing as spongebob is originally english, watching it in japanese means youre watching it dubbed.
sub vs dub does not mean japanese vs english.

TheGodOfCreepy - 28.08.2023 20:08

I find this whole debate to be idiotic. Most dubs give you the exact same emotions as subs (coming from someone who watches both). Besides, I'm consuming a good story either way, so why does it matter?

PyzzaBox - 26.08.2023 14:07

the only dub that are allowed to us exist are toonami dubs

VK - 23.08.2023 21:15

I am also one of those people who suggests to watch sub instead of dub .

PyjamaPrince - 17.08.2023 12:47

Nah but dub actually is unbearable

Awesome Ocelot
Awesome Ocelot - 14.08.2023 22:03

Is it weird that if someone speaks in a different language I can’t really feel any emotion even if their is any? Also I don’t wanna read my show I won’t really be able to see what’s going on properly!

AnthonyXWilliams - 13.08.2023 02:08

English sounds better that way I can understand it more

Dache 8
Dache 8 - 10.08.2023 17:20


GhostyBoi - 10.08.2023 07:15

I hear all the stuff subbed only people praise as amazing and I’m sitting their like ????? It sounds like a cat being strangled what?

Eliot Wildermann
Eliot Wildermann - 07.08.2023 22:12

The dub not being good is so overblown like seriously 😊

Relaxed berserker
Relaxed berserker - 31.07.2023 06:04

the reason a lot of dubs are not that good is not Becasue of the voice actors but Becasue they have horrible dialogue and they only make sense when read quickly

Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions - 25.07.2023 20:08

dub is a legit way to ruin a masterpiece
if you can't read, you don't deserve the experience
lowering the quality of a piece of art by 80% must be considered a crime
Japanese voice acting is an entire different level of art and should never be ruined like that

Adam Parker
Adam Parker - 13.07.2023 22:34

Sub elitists are genuine losers with no life. They deserve to be bullied and mocked.

Ryu Fuzen
Ryu Fuzen - 11.07.2023 23:28

Imagine saying that the sub for an anime is better, but the men either sound the same as someone from another anime or like they haven't hit puberty yet, and they're a grown man. 😂 but anyway, ain't no one tryna read the whole anime if they had to go do something because if you just wanna read the anime then go buy a manga so you don't miss half the action

Dub Is Better Than Sub
Dub Is Better Than Sub - 08.07.2023 19:28

Even Hayao Miyazaki, arguably Japan’s greatest filmmaker / animator, acknowledges that dubs perform better in areas that subtitles and the original can’t. And he furthermore corroborates that subtitles are distorted and not authentic.

[ Disney releases Miyazaki films in two formats: a subtitled version for the purists and a dubbed extravaganza for the popcorn crowd. Howl's Moving Castle is no exception. It features the voice of Billy Crystal as the obstreperous fire demon and Lauren Bacall as the Witch of the Wastes. This is fine, says Miyazaki, because Bacall is "a fabulous woman" who brought something to the role that home-grown actors couldn't. “All the Japanese female voice actors have voices that are very coquettish and wanting male attention, which was not what we wanted at all."

In any case, he adds, who is to say that a subtitled print is any more authentic? "When you watch the subtitled version you are probably missing just as many things. There is a layer and a nuance you're not going to get. Film crosses so many borders these days. Of course it is going to be distorted." ]

-The Guardian, September 14, 2005
-Headline: “A god among animators”

It’s only non-Japanese speaking anime fanatics that fool themselves into believing Japanese voice acting is so much better, when they can’t even speak the language itself. Same thing with falsely believing that subtitles are an authentic and original representation of the author’s work, when they’re just as much of a localization / adaptation as any other, and not consistent across different translators.

ARSAIKO - 30.06.2023 07:18

Some anime does sound better in dub but I also love sub... that's my personal opinion

damagedfrog - 27.06.2023 19:02

I really couldn't care less about what people prefer to watch, but the only thing is that sometimes in anime's like JOJO there are some lines that are so iconic, that I feel that it takes away the experience when you watch it in dub. Thats just my opinion you do you

Trap Connoisseur
Trap Connoisseur - 21.06.2023 12:08

There's one W that dub watchers have that sub can't deny. The ghost stories ADV dub

sussyppop - 14.06.2023 17:08

am i the only one who watches dub and subs

Real Human
Real Human - 13.06.2023 18:13

You've provoked a gang war.

Teen Titans:Robin's journey in anime
Teen Titans:Robin's journey in anime - 12.06.2023 23:20

Man you gotta love it when sub-simping buttinskis complain about dubs😂

Purple_pancake - 10.06.2023 19:24

If I can I watch dub bc I don't like reading

Saint Boot
Saint Boot - 04.06.2023 19:40

Man, this is classic! Glad I just found this!

I know wat da dog doin
I know wat da dog doin - 01.06.2023 19:07

Gonna be honest tho...Sub is actually way better than dub. wahy more emotional and better. English dub is so weird

REDscar9000 - 31.05.2023 03:43

I dont feel like people realize that the only thing that makes a sub or dub better for the most part is delivery/voice actors and not language

Moist nugget
Moist nugget - 29.05.2023 23:42


Lusbox - 28.05.2023 15:53

Spongebobs JP voice actor is actually fire though

MK - 24.05.2023 20:59

I watched anime on adult swim when I was growing up and it was always in dubbed.

The Jingo
The Jingo - 09.05.2023 02:39

Wouldn’t SpongeBob sub be Japanese subtitles?

mr.j - 07.05.2023 20:33

Really... really "sub".....come on guys. Honestly evenI feel insulted watching it , dude it sounds funky😂😂

BeansLIVE - 07.05.2023 07:43

I honestly enjoy both, but i bet a sub watcher would have an aneurysm on my take simply because i enjoy dub too

MegaMatt X
MegaMatt X - 06.05.2023 03:10

Gonna be honest, I refuse to read a tv show period.

Willcc19 -
Willcc19 - - 26.04.2023 11:49

Always preferred the sub over dubbed for the spongebob anime

Willcc19 -
Willcc19 - - 26.04.2023 11:49

Spongebob the ani- mah-tion

Bladt4ash - 25.04.2023 06:09

I really hate dub...

Find Truth
Find Truth - 23.04.2023 21:05

You guys put Wandering Flame as the background music?? SICKKKKK!!!!

Freaky deaky
Freaky deaky - 20.04.2023 00:52

dubs literally just don't translate things accurately though, they totally distort the meaning

RapidRush - 19.04.2023 18:51

This MIGHT be a little racist so take this comment with a grain of salt.

I can’t tell the difference between voices. I can tell genders apart, but not voice actors of the same gender.
Plus I prefer not to read as when I do I sometimes miss stuff.

Heavenly Flesh
Heavenly Flesh - 17.04.2023 04:51

thank you ! i keep trying to tell these ppl

S☉L - 16.03.2023 06:16

No emotion!? Tell that to FMA and Naruto! Lmao

Castel The Ghetto Monk
Castel The Ghetto Monk - 16.03.2023 03:19

OPM was better dubbed

Andrea Hernandez
Andrea Hernandez - 10.03.2023 04:48

People who can't read and watch something at the same time are dumb. Just saying.

Shannon Jones
Shannon Jones - 08.03.2023 19:37

That's exactly how I feel with the whole argument that with dub versus sub. I don't even involve myself with that because it's a pointless argument. There are terrible dub And terrible subs. Like case in point the show detective Conan AKa case closed. I've watched that anime and both dubbed and Subbed. And it sounds atrocious in the subbed version. Now the original dubbed version when the show came out on tunami. This sounds way better and it's great. I just like what I like. If an anime that I like only comes inside I'll watch it. If an anime I like comes in both sub and dub I usually will choose the dub version. But I do have a collection of both versions sub and dub

Zion Leach
Zion Leach - 01.03.2023 10:14

I don't get it. I want to understand what they're saying. I don't wanna keep looking up and down.

jean jojo
jean jojo - 25.02.2023 22:40

Daga kotowaru
