Bomb Drone vs. C4 Drone | Which one is more powerful?

Bomb Drone vs. C4 Drone | Which one is more powerful?


1 год назад

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@SamuelSchehrer - 22.12.2022 16:10

34xC4 to kill a jug 💀🤦🏼‍♂️

@ggarzagarcia - 22.12.2022 17:46

Da fook,

So if it takes 6-7 C4 drones to kill one Juggernaut,

Then it requires the player to get the kill streak 7 times max (x4 KIAs w/o dying) = 28 blokes dead

I take that over mindlessly throwing C4s, blowing my arse off or getting the black hole full of mini gun lead.

@MrComplainer - 22.12.2022 23:55

Us the community created the bomb drone
C4+Recon-drone = Bomb drone

@handletunda - 12.01.2023 11:25

I would recommend using proximity mines instead of c4, so you dont have to exit and double tap (whatever your on), its best for ground war, and man is it hilarious (you can solo it aswell)
