[ Tutorial ] How To Make a 2D scene Animated Wallpaper With Wallpaper Engine Editor [Updated]

[ Tutorial ] How To Make a 2D scene Animated Wallpaper With Wallpaper Engine Editor [Updated]

Calibur Master

6 лет назад

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@CaliburMaster - 15.12.2018 06:24

So it looks like the team behind W.E updated the wallpaper editor once again and have changed things around, so just for future reference i most likely will not make a new updated tutorial. sorry.

@zzd-the-friend-of-everyone - 23.03.2023 14:26

you are the best creator ever

@zzd-the-friend-of-everyone - 23.03.2023 13:48

pls when u create a wallpaper and puplish it on steam make all the image because i use them and follow u s pls make all the picture

@koakumaris - 29.09.2022 21:36

Touhou fans are everywhere

@marz9010 - 31.03.2021 11:55

But i don't need the steam right?

@AmanThakur-iy8id - 25.04.2020 09:32

what a weeb

- weeb

@jn.so.6001 - 02.04.2020 17:11

thank you so much dude

@xristos.274 - 29.11.2019 16:54

Put the roses effect back from the girl if possible, that way looks more realistic, just that i thought

@InSaiyanShinobi - 09.11.2019 17:06

so like can this stuff be used for like drawings thats been created and make them animate like a wallpaper i never seen this done before or dunno if its possible ? sorry if i sound dumb lol

@jerpeler8813 - 10.08.2019 06:53

can u save it as mp4 file ?

@AtomTheReactive - 06.05.2019 07:07

where would you recommend getting images especially ones that people allow other to use as long as you give credit and don't monetize.

@joshuakungames6523 - 13.04.2019 10:14

YOur Playing sekiro shadow die twice Your Active

@souldrimz2334 - 10.04.2019 23:07

I don't have the effects at the right x(

@CorreiaNels - 30.03.2019 17:58

How did you get all those presets mate?

@lugiamusicofficial3783 - 17.02.2019 09:04

How can i make Video MP4 file with engine wallpaper

@JayLofa51 - 07.02.2019 02:10

Holy moly all I want to do is add more snow to already made ones

@samandstuff6651 - 01.02.2019 20:23

Hey, does te program support pressure sensitivity/ tablet support? I think it would be easier for me to animate hair that way

@Anonymous-ff8tp - 20.01.2019 01:04

why does my wallpaper engine does not have the option to put the snow and sound effect helpp

@kussitofukussi9474 - 03.01.2019 23:24

Hello. And how to add to this project, an additional clock?

@luvreny3516 - 08.12.2018 11:36

Can you do a mobile legends roger live wallpaper? Please

@olivercavallo7020 - 15.11.2018 17:33

when iam paiting hair and than i turn on the waves,only the hair dont move,and otherwise everything moves

@RyuMatsu7 - 08.11.2018 04:30

Your tutorial is really helpful! Thank you! I can make my own wallpaper right now. Also is there possible to make the character eye blinking? And thank you for how to make 2d animated wallpaper ^c^

@timewasterscrew1316 - 19.10.2018 05:12

Don’t know if I missed it, but what size do the pictures you use have to be? Can it be any picture or is there a specific size you need?

@maxkonig8723 - 16.09.2018 01:53

Hey, I'm having some problems trying to paint, when i click, nothing happens, any1 got any ideas?

@knuckles4639 - 01.09.2018 06:56

i set the quality to 27 but it is still laggy for me.why though?

@LoreHiro - 25.08.2018 06:09

OMG finally found a video that helps me!! Thank you man for creating this video 😍😍 you earn new subs 😆

@diegotm6520 - 19.08.2018 01:46

thx for this video, great job :)

@ng7557 - 14.08.2018 19:06

Thanks man. Actually didn't know the editor was this powerful until today thinking the creators were using things like After Effects, decided to click on it after thinking it were just for uploading. Had a mess around in the editor then searched up tutorials and found your video, you've opened my eyes with the tools you used, loving the masking tools you showed. Photoshop need's these simple to use tools and animated effects for sure, but I guess they have them all in After Effects although way more complicated to use lol

@Eufo1026 - 10.08.2018 06:22

i like you voice ♥ (°∀°)/

@itsd4vid353 - 23.07.2018 22:47

nice ≧◡≦

@azfasyamil8538 - 18.07.2018 15:38

Ur sound pretty funny

@iamchappie0373 - 18.07.2018 06:11

great video man!!!
