What Is a Video Capture Card and Do I NEED It?

What Is a Video Capture Card and Do I NEED It?


55 лет назад

143,689 Просмотров

A video capture card is an input device for converting video signals to digital data that can be uploaded to the internet. It helps gamers, content creators, video production teams, and anyone capture and save their favorite footage for internet use. A video capture card and other accessories like HDMI, SDI, and USB cables make it possible to stream, capture, edit, and share the entire experience whether it's a game, live presentation or performance, business conference, or content creation.

Product Page

BG-CAP-HA (HDMI capture card) : https://bzbexpress.com/BG-CAP-HA-USB-3-0-Powered-HDMI-Capture-Device-by-BZBGEAR.html
BG-CSA (SDI capture card) : https://bzbexpress.com/BG-CSA-USB-3-1-Gen-1-3G-SDI-Capture-Device-with-Scaler-and-Audio-by-BZBGEAR.html

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