the best player i’ve seen big fan!!!
ОтветитьRoad to 90k 🚀 congrats the sponsor! You’ll go far for sure
ОтветитьNoti gang
Ответитьgdfdsc x
ОтветитьWhat kar attachments are on your kar
Ответитьvery good
Ответитьhow to get that skin
ОтветитьBro I like your video and you have broken loadout in Warzone
ОтветитьI set this loudout and hhh this gun is 🔥 my first time i set this loudout i got 28 kills
ОтветитьI’ll be honest the load out is amazing but the 3 shot thumbnail is a bit click bait but money is money
ОтветитьJust remember everyone there is flash drive script you can buy on your console and pc that gives u no recoil so remember 85% of streamers could be using it.
ОтветитьWhats the skin called?
ОтветитьBuena partida
Ответитьnoti gangggg
ОтветитьWhat operator skin is that
ОтветитьAnyone know the mac build
ОтветитьMan I wished it was sponsored by codm
ОтветитьNoti gang
ОтветитьYou have come so far in your channel and from the start u where obvi a legend keep it up
Ответитьwhy do u switch guns so much?
Ответитьu talk to much mate
ОтветитьYoo what’s the camo
ОтветитьSubsonic fire hm?!
ОтветитьWhat camo is that?
ОтветитьAppreciate 👻
ОтветитьHow u get yo gun wrap
ОтветитьHow u get rainbow skin and wrap??
Ответитьmid attachements explanation a ad loool this guy is desperate holy lord
Ответитьhow do I get that skin?
ОтветитьHow does he make his guns and operator look like that
ОтветитьWhat’s your kar 98k class ?
ОтветитьNo offense but how do you have plague diamonds on a vanguard gun
ОтветитьNoti gang!
ОтветитьNice aim 😏🤣🤣
ОтветитьHold up, what skin is on your operator and gun during the beginning?
I thought it was just a filter/overlay up until I saw him running around with it? Or am I just being dumb?
That RGB/Rainbow skin is awesome
Guys how can i have that camo pls i want it🥺🥺
ОтветитьHey what operator is that?
Ответитьhow to get camo ?
ОтветитьHey what camp is that?
Ответитьthat rapid fire
Ответитьwhy do u not use 48 mag
ОтветитьI like your video...