Save Google Doc as Microsoft Word File (Convert Docs to Word)

Save Google Doc as Microsoft Word File (Convert Docs to Word)

EdTech Cafe

2 года назад

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@gseybold - 11.12.2023 09:01

Very helpful. I appreciate the time you put into this. Thanks!

@davidrupprecht2774 - 03.05.2023 01:42

I have a resume in google docs that is 7k in size. When I go to upload it to a employer website, it gets changed to a .docx and file became 1.1 MB - far above the employers allowable file size for uploading my resume. After searching the issue, some said that google uses web fonts and I don't understand what that means. I just want to be able to upload my resume to a employer website by getting the file to a normal size. I did upload a pdf version, but the pdf files don't talk to the employers software that pulls information and populates their online resume form. Thus I end up manually entering the information manually. Any thoughts?

@richardvillagomez376 - 25.04.2023 19:53

Super helpful! Thank you!
