Vaush's TERRIBLE Afghanistan Take Goes VIRAL for Its Stupidity! The Vanguard Reacts

Vaush's TERRIBLE Afghanistan Take Goes VIRAL for Its Stupidity! The Vanguard Reacts

The Vanguard

2 года назад

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@buff114 - 02.01.2024 22:59

Vaush is so worthless. He's just a neoliberal version of Donald Trump.

@achmahnsch - 15.08.2023 15:52

Literally what happened in Afghanistan. The US left, the government failed and the Taliban made agreements and build a political friendship with China. I am against staying in Afghanistan for ever but the US HAS to leave a functional government behind

@hbsupreme1499 - 10.07.2023 22:50

Vuash sounds like a colonists right now

@surfthetsunami5596 - 19.06.2023 18:28

Vaush sucks

@dragunov815 - 22.10.2022 14:25

What a tragedy.

@colorado9125 - 28.07.2022 23:41

He is an idiot and doesn’t have an issue with kids going to drag shows and tipping the drag queens while they are twerking In front of young children.

@pashtun8889 - 14.06.2022 08:08

Please do your own research about the so called Israeli art students during 9/11

@jonjonboi3701 - 20.02.2022 05:19

Vaush is a bigot. He has bashed black conservatives and conservatism. His audience are also very toxic

@10003159 - 12.09.2021 09:53

You guys are a bunch of children

@Creslin321 - 29.08.2021 21:21

Well this aged like milk 😂.

@taikamiya8214 - 20.08.2021 06:21

lol this video didn't age well. Vaush was correct... Joe Biden pulling the troops immediately was the correct decision, and the Taliban will take control once he does it.

@Necroskull388 - 18.08.2021 22:21

I clicked on this video as a Vaush follower because I don’t want to get my perspective entirely from him, but I’m absolutely not impressed. Like, even ignoring the fact that I’m watching this after the pull out, you don’t actually address his points — you just say that his take is “obviously cringe” and that the Cambodia comparison isn’t apt because we screwed up Cambodia, then cut off the video when he says that he *agrees that the US screwed up the region*. I came into this video honestly hoping to leave with a different perspective, and I left feeling even more confident in Vaush’s opinion.

@goldenspeedguyyt3633 - 18.08.2021 19:45

Well this aged like milk

@chielliemans - 18.08.2021 17:38

I love how you cut his clip RIGHT when he started explaining he was not anti pulling out of afghanistan. Totally not disingenuous. Also he turned out to be right makes you look double stupid lol

@TheNavid001 - 18.08.2021 03:58

He was right tho

@darciheadswillroll - 17.08.2021 20:57

lmao and look what happed now, you people are clowns

@christiannovak304 - 17.08.2021 19:06

"Okay guys here's Vaush's bad take:" plays 8 second clip that ignores all context

1 month later
Vaush's ACTUAL argument is 100% vindicated. It's shitty that we've been complicit in absolutely destroying Afghanistan but like... We knew getting out was going to be a disaster too.

@GotPoopInMySoup - 17.08.2021 18:32

Imagine believing that america cant just drop everything and leave like nothing happened as being pro imperialist just shows that a majority of lefties are terminally online and have no actual policy positions other than “AMERICA BAD”

@maviebaby - 16.08.2021 23:30

It turns out Vaush was right and the Taliban surging wasn't just a Fox News, MSM talking point. It's happening right now!

Vaush said that we needed an exit strategy and a way to support the Afghanistan government or it would fail. The left has to do better. Sometimes our opponents are gonna use reality as a talking point for a bad agenda. The Left's response can't be, "Hey lets deny reality!" We can't go, "Ppl are using the 'Taliban will surge' as an excuse to stay in Afghanistan... Therefore the Taliban surging is just MSM bullshit." That's not serious politics.

@obcursus - 16.08.2021 23:11

This aged badly lmfao

@jjprempeh2508 - 16.08.2021 14:09

So are u guys ready to admit Vaush was completely correct now that Afghanistan has fallen to the Taliban and china had just announced they want to form 'friendly relations' with the Taliban LOOOOOOL

@cardboard2night - 16.08.2021 11:02

...the only wrong thing is tgat he gave Taliban 10 years, when it took less than a week...

@MohammedAli-hl4mr - 15.08.2021 23:37

this aged well

@Hannibal082 - 15.08.2021 22:31

And now the Afghanistan governnent has collapsed. Fucking brilliant you dumbfucks.

@kapshoo3054 - 15.08.2021 17:46

Oh wow, I wonder how this aged today.

@TheTranseurope - 13.08.2021 16:08

Your government decided to conquer Afghanistan and kill thousands of civilians over the years. Now your government decided to pull out of Afghanistan without any exit strategy which again will kill thousands of civilians. Just today the Taliban conquered Kandahar, the second-largest city in Afghanistan. Now Kabul is surrounded by the Taliban and it is probably only a matter of weeks before it will fall. And every Afghan that has worked for your government will be dead. So yes, both are irresponsible actions. Conquering Afghanistan in the first place and now leaving it behind without any support.

@nathanlong5703 - 02.08.2021 17:16

Vaush is correct here, and the clip was taken out of context. At no point did he advocate for us staying in these countries. He was only wishing we had a better way of pulling out to ensure that the country doesn't collapse in the process. Not exactly disingenuous, but you know what is disingenuous, only showing his reaction to the drama, and not his clarification of the point that he made in the same stream, where he went over exactly what he meant when he said those words.

@geoffbishop4880 - 28.07.2021 04:00

Vaush is a moron. Vietnam of all countries liberated Cambodia of the Khmer Rouge. Y'know the same Vietnam America tried to earlier control but failed.

@anarchySandwich - 27.07.2021 21:54

This channel is terrible

@nf4866 - 21.07.2021 13:59

It's also incredibly naive. These people seriously think after fucking around in the middle east, under false pretenses, the powers that be are going to suddenly start doing their best to come up with an "exit strategy" to help build them a government that repesents them?

@bentaft8791 - 21.07.2021 04:34

Vaush is correct. You guys are incredibly dishonest.

@darrenwillett8536 - 21.07.2021 01:28

What "countries"? Is he implying China is going to invade Afghanistan? What through Pakistan? Idiotic.

@freedom2663 - 20.07.2021 06:12

Historical inaccuracies to fortify argument. That's what basically every Leftist does (including stupid conservatives).

@freedom2663 - 20.07.2021 06:11

Kink should be at pride pride shouldn't exist. Cry.

@feelinfine2766 - 19.07.2021 18:32

He's literally so dumb

@nguyenbaokhiem6728 - 18.07.2021 04:13

Vaush is a Western chauvinist

@ephre - 17.07.2021 05:58

Don't watch this show it will make you measurably more stupid.

@ephre - 17.07.2021 05:41

These two know absolutely nothing about foreign policy or how power vacuums work. This might be some of the most stupid content i've ever witnessed.

@thegreatshamalamadingdong9788 - 16.07.2021 15:34

America has NEVER been about supporting countries that they ruin.
They turn up wreck the place , kill the people , steal the resources and screw helping people.

@idlejuggle6759 - 16.07.2021 09:36


@laurengin4581 - 16.07.2021 06:11

Oh nice casual Yellow Perlism to boot. Anyway the PLA isn't coming for his mic, but they should.

@valeriepurcell5229 - 16.07.2021 05:13

Im so fucking glad Id never heard of this republican fuck until finding your channel recently

@crazysquriel - 16.07.2021 04:38

Each day I more and more seriously believe that Vaush is a paid right wing actor to try and deceive newbie leftists and pull them away from critical thinking into reactionary viewpoints, while simultaneously making the left look like idiots.

@jakewebb7995 - 16.07.2021 01:58

Armchair debatist. All ideas and no action makes for empty thoughts. And empty ideas.

@AndrewBeisel - 16.07.2021 01:14

Also he says "we" so he is literally identifying with, at the very least, the US broadly, but more precisely he's identifying with the militaristic arm of the US as if he, you, and I and some guy down the street are operatives of the military industrial complex.

@AndrewBeisel - 16.07.2021 01:10

The fundamental problem here is Vaush thinking that the occupation of a foreign imperialist nation in your territory that is committing wanton acts of violence and robbing you of all your resources does not a failed state make. Afghanistan is already a failed state, and was the moment the US invaded, because they invaded.

@scottj3466 - 16.07.2021 00:08

This dude is regurgitating standard warmonger justification for imperialism. This jackasses arrogance shielding his stupidity is ridiculously.

@OmnislashVII - 15.07.2021 16:16

I think we should stop paying attention to him. I think he figured out that going against the leftist norm causes controversy therefore giving him clicks and views. Don't take the bait.

@thepermman - 15.07.2021 10:14

You guys are really dense. He's fine with the Chinese coming over and taking over. There will be a bloodbath. The US does not need to intervene, and eventually China is going to clean it up. Everything he said is going to happen, but you think he's supportive of the US returning... he's not. He wants them to get out, but there will be consequences because there was never a plan. The situation is fucked.

Him saying facts about what is going to happen doesn't mean he want troops to stay. Troops stays we waste billions of dollars and civilians die, troops leave we save billions of dollars and civilians die.

You're taking him out of context, and you don't let him talk.
