ROS UR3e controlled through python - Universal Robot

ROS UR3e controlled through python - Universal Robot


4 года назад

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Chinmay Dalal
Chinmay Dalal - 14.07.2023 20:04

Hey karthik i wanted to know like how did you made the dynamic model or inverse dynamics for computed torque control
It'll be really glad if you would help with it

William Huang
William Huang - 17.04.2022 04:49

Hanzhen harmonic drive gear ,
robot joint ,
strain wave reducer,
over 30 years experience

Kevin - 30.11.2021 04:17

How is the gripper controlled in this connection mode? Is it ros? It doesn't seem to work under the e-series.

yann kukulski
yann kukulski - 22.04.2021 13:02


i am currently learning to drive an UR3, i am using ur_robot_driver as in your link. I managed to make the robot move with rviz but not with the script. i don't know where to start with script can you help me?

Legend Epona
Legend Epona - 17.07.2020 17:10

Hi ! Impressive work !
I'm totally new in robotics and I have a UR5e that I would like to code in python. Could you please guide me a bit with this ROS package and how we install and then use it ?
