rip bro
Ответитьthank you
Ответитьif you have the dlc nice man, i watched the whole video
ОтветитьThank you! I needed this for a sl 55 +4 weapons strength pvp build for a video.
ОтветитьOpen the final shortcut before Pontiff. Plunge attack Fire Witch, run past the ghosty guys; kill the two Pontiff Wannabes. Each of those three have a chance to drop a large titanite shard. You can kill all three before the rusted coin expires. I usually kill the ghosty guys on my way back to the bonfire for the souls. I hope this tip is useful for you.
ОтветитьNice thanks Bro
Ответитьhow do you get a titanite slab? i beat dancer pretty early and managed to get my sword to +9 but idk how to get tianite slabs to get it to +10
ОтветитьUnderrated video. Should have waaaay more likes 👍
ОтветитьThats not the only think they have curved
ОтветитьFarming simplest Titanite shards in Anor Londo! What a Grand Idea!
Fighting Lothric Kinght in a castle is good but not for new players. Casuls will die here a LOT. Be smart. This mob has VERY easy to parry running attack. Throw knife in a back. He will run to you. Parry him and run away. Parry another running attack. In You cannot do this simple strategy there is another even more noob friendly. Jump from a balcony near Dragon Slayer Armour boss. There is two knights here. Poison them with story teller staff, dung pies or pyromancy. Wait. Collect rewards. Easy Shards, even a total noob can do that.
thank you so much, friend! awesome results. Subscribed