New Player PVP Guide | The Elder Scrolls Online (Updated for 2024)

New Player PVP Guide | The Elder Scrolls Online (Updated for 2024)


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Bloodsaber64 - 14.11.2023 09:26

havent played since like 2017 i think. Did they ever fix the exploit where people can see your spells/abilities winding up when youre stealthed?

Rakiel Squires
Rakiel Squires - 26.10.2023 15:40

If you play on euro server (gray host) we the domain have to hold vs 2 alliance always teaming up agains't us.. (the domain is still first atm) but those purple are really without honor.. 1 blue bg at fd..while red backwall.. always running around like cowerd around tree/rock/tower.. (anything they can find to help them *not fight like real man*) all this to see aD supremacy at the end because we aD are the best! ^^ those with honor stand with the domain!!! The other shall live forever in shame of being weakling that always need each other to save their butt.. ^^ the other day.. 1 blue try solo flag a keep. I jump down to fight him.. 2 red attaking me to give time to the blue to flag the keep.. always 2 vs 1 like that... we fight hard, we persevere.. but for real.. i can't understand how some poeple can be this much honorless... disgusting purple brat!

ALL IS MIND - 28.09.2023 03:34

danke :D

Frontend - 02.09.2023 12:23


High Tech Crud
High Tech Crud - 30.08.2023 08:20

Where is the pvp trainer?

Gemi - 16.08.2023 20:28

I don’t understand this garbage ass system for pvp, no matter what I build I get melted, and I can’t deal damage to other players, when I dodge it doesn’t actually dodge attacks I still die mid dodge I can have 28k resistance, be blocking and a 18k Templar will kill me in 2 seconds

Simon W
Simon W - 01.08.2023 10:41

Funny/painful noob accidental PvP story. Got a key for a chest in the Imperial City from current event. 🎉Oooh, go to Imperial City FOR THE FIRST TIME! Looks great! Wander outside, getting key fragments! Maybe I can collect the 60, get another chest. Great fun so far.... Then I see someone following me with a symbol on their heads... Ah! This could be nice fun.... Oh dear.... Forgot I'd never PvP'd before, didn't know ABOUT BANKING TEL VAR STONES... 😂... lost about 10,000... No wonder he/she was tea bagging me. Lesson learned. PvP just isn't my bag, I suck so hard at it. Now, I've got ANOTHER KEY to a chest in Imperial City.... Erm... Advice? Apart from L2P😂🎉

godofsea3 - 01.08.2023 08:02

i been trying out your sorc max magic build and right away i saw great improvement your really good in finding the builds best for the patches i would encourage others to check his builds out if you are having any issue in pvp and not sure what sets to run i get overwhelmed by how many sets there are a lot and cant seem to crack down on what's good if you have that issue he got you covered thanks again for the great build my dude keep up the good work

NerdNoob - 27.07.2023 00:30

Can you share your reshade?

PVP BarBrian
PVP BarBrian - 25.07.2023 16:12

First, it's really good that someone actually makes vid for new players on ESO pvp. Overland/basegame is so easy that it teaches absolutely nothing about skills, burst, etc to new players. But... I would never recommend pvp endgame to anyone on lvl 10-50 (or under decent amount of cp & grinded gearsets / traits for craftable sets). To anyone who has no previous experience on any pvp playing ESO pvp is most likely just miserable experience and often causes player to start disliking whole pvp part of game. ESO pvp is way too heavily gear/build based and that makes it also really unbalanced. New players have no access to gear sets/monster sets/antiquities what more experienced players use. And that leads to fact that their stats are a lot worse that those on fully geared players. I recommend that experienced players who disagree on game unbalance to start with new account/at new server and try pvp without those builds & food buffs you have at your main account. Your skill as player is still there but you under perform because you have only let's say lvl 20 gear. Dev teams of good pvp games and endgames (Like GW2) try to balance pvp endgame gameplay so that success is based more on player skill than gear char is using. Over the years ZOS has shown very little intrest on pvp endgame balance & development. And it doesn't help that ZOS tries to balance pvp and pve at same time. But like I said, good vid on essential basics of ESO pvp endgame. It's not your fault that game is what it is...

Monarxue - 23.07.2023 13:10

Step 1: Have 30k health
Step 2: Sacrifice all forms of damage for survivability.
Step 3: All duels are a battle of attrition. Sustain is all that matters.
Step 4: Just play DK.

Profit: Congratulations, you’re half the population now who’s actually competing!

timabababaluka - 23.07.2023 08:36

I found myself kind of disturbed by those hate whispers. Makes me sad to see people like that.

Bora - 23.07.2023 01:40

Vampire - I think it is good to mention that vampirism is a key in PvP in 2023 currently as it gives a huge damage mitigation.
You learn that when you wonder why the other player just won't die and then you try vampire yourself.

Bora - 23.07.2023 01:38

Why your PvE setup won't work -
PvE enemies have a very high health but no or low self heal. That is why longer DPS is a focuses in PvE. Players are the other way around. Low health but good at healing. That is why you need to "burst them down". If you don't kill them very quickly they will out heal you. If the fight goes for long the player with the better self sustain will win as they can keep healing longer.
There are some more nuances but that is what it comes down to.

ZaaM - 22.07.2023 21:33

Dude i love you but why you still supporting a dead game?
I feel so sad for eso really

WolkenGang - 22.07.2023 18:48

This Video is the absolut burst heal for PVP <3 It allows new players to get in touch <3

Tommy Herington
Tommy Herington - 22.07.2023 16:54

I know players who have been playing the game since the beginning and are so bad at pvp or duel. Should see more of your videos 👍

Iconicstats - 22.07.2023 16:43

I got a lvl 36 sorc with meteor lol I’m very competitive

Ethan Ward
Ethan Ward - 22.07.2023 16:15

You forgot to add "the devs do not care about you or your pvp content"

Yowzel - 22.07.2023 16:04

Oi oiiii

FrequentSee - 22.07.2023 16:02

I don't play anymore, but here's a comment for the algorithm because I know you're one of the best pvpers & I hope this video reaches the new players
