How to print Each Letter of a String in Python #shorts

How to print Each Letter of a String in Python #shorts


2 года назад

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Ilya S.
Ilya S. - 18.09.2023 04:47

dibil mleat`

Ali Hariti
Ali Hariti - 25.08.2023 00:46

This is so long:😅
string = 'python'
print(*string, sep='\n')

Bryn Icecream
Bryn Icecream - 25.06.2023 03:47

How would one change the output to be one character for each of the characters in the string?

ItzMiike - 13.10.2022 22:22

How can you print out each character instances to find out how much of that specific letter in in the string, from 0x20 to 0x7F

Kinda like if you type in "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." It will print out all of the how many times it was used in the string plus spaces and periods and etc, using loops and the count functions inside the def keyword .

Jet Nikolaeff
Jet Nikolaeff - 11.08.2021 12:30

How can I print text in front of each letter? I have a thing where you can type in a word and it will layout all the letters like this but I want to make it so it will type some specific words in front of each letter.
