my CRAZY neighbor storytime (live unedited footage)

my CRAZY neighbor storytime (live unedited footage)

Tara Michelle

4 года назад

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Tara Michelle
Tara Michelle - 06.11.2019 03:14

Finally, the FULL neighbor storytime on "the witch". I'd really appreciate if we were all a little extra sensitive in this situation. While it's easy for us to want to "bitch her out" or whatever, we could very well be dealing with a mentally ill woman. Obviously nobody should be treated the way she's treated me, but it could be out of her control and we can't blame her for that. It's really sad, and it was really scary but I will be doing whatever is needed to feel safe and secure in my home again. Please leave your suggestions in the comments of how you think I should approach this. Do I contact the non-emergency line and have someone check in on her? Or leave it be once the new fence is up? Anyways, love you guys and hope you enjoy this weeks video! xxx

scud69er - 22.08.2023 22:51

I don't understand all the niceties and why it took so long to confront her, tell her to p**s off. WTF's' it got to do with her what time is anyone watching TV or doing anything? Put a solid fence up on the inside of the trellis so she can't peep at you. That'll wind her because she won't be able to nose. She's already broken the unspoken human decency agreement by nosing at what people are doing and taking your lights down.

Modern Talking!
Modern Talking! - 10.08.2023 14:21

because she got what she wantes to make you feel bad. ignoring her, maybe she would have gone

Modern Talking!
Modern Talking! - 10.08.2023 14:20

I would´he ru awAY AND BUY black curtains hahahah or ignored her

abbynicole - 23.07.2023 06:00

this is one of the first tara videos i saw, its so weird to come back to it now lol

A. A.
A. A. - 02.06.2023 21:20

Get water sprinklers that spray that direction everytime it senses movement.

A. A.
A. A. - 02.06.2023 21:12

Id spray pepper spray.

Dianne c
Dianne c - 30.10.2022 04:15

😅 this reminds me of the newly released Netflix show “watcher. Pls watch it lol

Estrella - 05.10.2022 19:57

She’s obviously doing it to intentionally get to you. So just blast provocative music and ignore her.
Misery needs company. Don’t give it to her lol

Megan Stockwell
Megan Stockwell - 22.09.2022 22:24

Even if she is mentally ill... her illness is not your burden to tolerate. You has a right to comfort, security, and privacy.

Eva - 04.09.2022 13:24

Something is telling me that if you would cover the fence area she would get a ladder to stare at you. This lady for sure needs help (not from you). I wouldnt engage with her. Some years later she will be gone :-/

Elizabeth Cartagena
Elizabeth Cartagena - 20.08.2022 01:37

She sounds so cute, old and unaware... Lol she's probably super lonely and doesn't know what's going on half the time...

I wannabe a hero gamer
I wannabe a hero gamer - 03.06.2022 12:02

.srae ym turh You

Sunnydaze - 16.05.2022 08:23

I don’t think it’s mental, I think she’s just a grumpy bitter old lady who feels entitled because she’s older and has lived there longer. There’s a lot of them out there.

boo - 25.03.2022 04:42

You have an HOA and never thought to call them? 🙄

boo - 25.03.2022 04:34

Also, being mentally ill isn't an excuse to treat ppl like garbage all the time.

boo - 25.03.2022 04:33

Pls don't be one of those ppl who just apologize to ppl when you don't even know if you're in the wrong. You'll be walked all over your whole life.

sophie zargham
sophie zargham - 12.02.2022 02:40

Unrelated but are you persian?

Carenn mehay
Carenn mehay - 22.01.2022 05:21


Vangiegrl - 07.01.2022 05:48

You need to start making excuses for crazy people… Mental illness or not, she has no right doing that and she knows what she’s doing… She’s an entitled bit

Destiny Delaney
Destiny Delaney - 29.12.2021 19:38

first of all call the cops show them the footage, install cameras outside, put up a retractable awning over your back door that she can't see in, even if she got mental health issues she stalking you and being a creep, your paying rent, and don't need to put up with this crap. I wouldn't have been as nice as you. Get a dog also lol at least it will bark when she come peering at you.

Seneto Roxil
Seneto Roxil - 11.12.2021 05:22

I see cops at her house like every week lol

Min Familie
Min Familie - 25.11.2021 20:25

Put up a real fence, so she can't see through it and will have to look at her own a.....

Min Familie
Min Familie - 25.11.2021 20:07

A deranged resented old lady who should be institutionalized by her family or the state instead of letting her terrorize innocent neighbors. I feel sorry that you have to go through this.

TgPlayz - 25.11.2021 04:38

Not me rewatching this lmao

G J - 10.11.2021 23:35

Hook a hose up. Run it up thru where you can spray it out your door that faces her yard. EVERY TIME she stands and STARES at you…Turn the hose on BLAST, open your door and give her the COLD SHOWER. NOT A HARD BLAST….just the rain shower over her head! 😁. Think about the Wizard of Oz witch when she got wet 🤣🤣🤣

Selena Blackwater
Selena Blackwater - 08.11.2021 21:51

As a witch myself, I think the only name appropriate for her would be Hag

Aaron Le
Aaron Le - 04.11.2021 11:37

Heyy ik this is a year old but I think getting curtains and closing them at most times would be a good option for just safety in general and I’m so sorry you have to deal with thiss

Jaji A
Jaji A - 03.11.2021 05:53

OMG! I would board that fence up or buy some high privacy fence or something. Or I would just return the favor 😏

Peggy Thomas Executive Director PUFFER CORPS
Peggy Thomas Executive Director PUFFER CORPS - 02.11.2021 21:40

WOW! My neighbor watches EVERYTHING I do too! I was finally able to get my abusive boyfriend to agree to a separation and 2 days later I was alone in my house in the early evening when a mentally ill man came in my house. I called 911 and he left. I was shaken up but thought it was just a mistake that the man wandered into my home looking for a meeting as he was clearly an alcoholic. Right then my neighbor came out (SHE NEVER COMES OUT) and went over where the police had the guy and told them the man was my X . The police took her word over mine because she said I was a batterer and he was a "SPECIAL NEEDS PERSON and I just want his $$. The cops aggressively insisted that was my x and treated me like I was unbalanced and argued with me as if I didn't know my own husband! I finally got my x on the phone to prove it wasn't him and he hasn't stepped foot on the property since he had left. The police finally figured it out but never explained to me what had happened because they kept me away from where they were detaining the man because they thought I was his batterer. This entire episode threw me into a PTSD attack for which I asked my abuser to come back because I was afraid of everyone and so insecure over not having the police believe me. My future has been altered by a nasty neighbor.
Thanks for your story. I cant tell you how much you helped me, because I'm almost forgetting Im the VICTIM in this.

Shell Wash
Shell Wash - 28.10.2021 05:54

She needed a security check so that perhaps that they could perhaps contact her family to speak with her. Also not cool to call an old lady a "witch". She probably would have been very happy if you went over knocked on her door and politely introduced yourself. -JustMYthoughts

Charlotte Bennett
Charlotte Bennett - 29.09.2021 06:16

Tara, this is the video that made me find your channel and i have watched every single one since including vlogs. You have grown so much as a person and i love that i got the chance to see you flourish into yourself today. You seem genuinely happy in Toronto and your new home and myself and most probably all of your subscribers can agree that happy looks good on you. Continue being you, much love from Sydney Australia. <3

Olivia Schindler
Olivia Schindler - 26.09.2021 01:37

I miss your hair this color!! It’s sooo pretty on you

Morgan LoCascio
Morgan LoCascio - 17.09.2021 00:14

Hi… Ik I’m a year late… but mental illness is not an excuse. It can be an explanation but it sure is NOT an excuse for this kind of behavior.

Deanna Dear
Deanna Dear - 11.09.2021 22:43

What a sweetie! Thank you for being so kind and sensitive! I hope you both can get some peace soon! You can call the non emergency for a welfare check..tell them your concerns and what is going on and they can go assess the situation themselves and provide her with the proper resources she might need! If that helps at all. Good luck and I am glad at least she has a person around that cares as much as you do and will try to get her some help if no one else does. It takes a lot of strength to not react and think this way so cheers to you truly!

giovanni - 07.09.2021 00:11

oh hell no why didn't u call the police

Tory Patterson
Tory Patterson - 26.08.2021 08:02

I stopped watching after you said she have a black cat, you're pathetic

Hi - 19.08.2021 18:29

Get one of those motion activated sprinklers that they use for squirrels on bird feeders

Michael Kennedy
Michael Kennedy - 17.08.2021 02:58

I am just sitting here watching you thinking to myself "She looks like a really nice, non-potty mouth kinda girl, describing a neighbor VERY similar to mine", and then you drop the F bomb " She just said FUCK THAT" lol. Great video, I am dying here lol

BubbleBubbleGum27 - 09.08.2021 04:35

Is that your apartment or house?!? If it’s your house I’m so sorry that’s a shame you are so sweet. I wish I had a neighbor like you.

BubbleBubbleGum27 - 09.08.2021 04:17

Omy lol Lordy lol

champagnemami2000 - 08.08.2021 19:19

I completely understand that she might not control it and it’s a sensitive topic, but Tara, you’re completely in the right place. even if she can not control it there should be someone who can understand more than her and can control her and do a mental wellness check on her to avoid things like this because even tho if it’s uncontrollable it’s still uncomfortable for someone to stare at you. it invades all personal space. you handled the situation perfectly. I would’ve done the same. tell her it’s my property and try to make her understand that she can’t do that even if she can’t control it because it shouldn’t be your problem. I know this is sensitive and i’m not saying that she is a bad person because of her alleged mental illness (because idk if she does or not) but I’m saying that someone should be there to let her relax and to avoid any confrontation with Tara and her. it can be exhausting to keep telling her to stop.

Randi Brammeier
Randi Brammeier - 31.07.2021 09:17

We moved to the LA area on the same day!!! Lol!! I am right outside of LA, right outside of Whittier.

nora smith
nora smith - 15.07.2021 00:01

i understand in a way because i’m bipolar and have extremely bad anger issues and anxiety and zero patients lol but i think we all have to understand people could be going through hard things we all handle things differently

alexsaquarium - 14.07.2021 01:19

I know this is old but hear me out, get someone to come and mark property lines, build a fence in your property line ( her lawn) that is tall and will mean it's almost impossible for her to do anything or see anything. Good luck :) 💕

Alyxandra Ramsey
Alyxandra Ramsey - 05.07.2021 06:34

I'd have been oh, honey'ing right back at her and things would not have gone well...

Retr0Tune - 26.06.2021 11:25

Fun Fact: ADHD is technically a mental illness because it effects someone’s mood, thinking, and behavior

Christina Kurka
Christina Kurka - 25.06.2021 18:46

Isn't this some sort of voyeurism is that not illegal?
