What Happened To Brand? Why NO ONE Plays Him Anymore | League of Legends

What Happened To Brand? Why NO ONE Plays Him Anymore | League of Legends


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Skipidi - 07.10.2023 23:46

Bro i see him in most of the games and hes annoying af

2best Lel
2best Lel - 07.10.2023 20:43

brand is a much better support champion than mid imo. it’s a lot more forgiving when you have another teammate to peel for you if you miss your abilities, and facing 2 enemies = more value out of your abilities. his only cc is his q but his sheer damage and area control is enough to dominate the lane, because brand can press E on a minion and burn both bot laners. if they don’t back off or even decide to engage you can w key them, dump your abilities, and your adc cleans up easy. especially when you reach lvl 6 he’s gonna dominate because it’s infinitely easier to stack 3 burns, and the chain damage is unreal. support brand can easily overtake his adc if played right while being in a much safer lane than mid

Pual Liek
Pual Liek - 07.10.2023 19:26

Brand fall is because of feature creep. Subjectivly did a good vu redesign, but he needs more rage, an stride. why aa no inflict pass, no fire trail, ult he become untargetable pyroclasm fireball, add reposition at end, champs cant become untargetable to it. some much can be done

Peripheral_Mediator - 07.10.2023 18:52

This video should also be about Morgana

A. R.
A. R. - 07.10.2023 18:11

late game he can 1v5..I see him a lot in ranked. I disagree with this video

Alry FireBlade
Alry FireBlade - 07.10.2023 16:39

I only see him sometimes as a Support, but then it is mostly a OTP playing him.

Martin Converss
Martin Converss - 07.10.2023 16:37

I think it’s honestly fine for some champs to be low Elo only as long as they teach people the game. Brand was one of my first supports and the experience was really good

Emmanuel Bravo
Emmanuel Bravo - 07.10.2023 16:30

Just lower his burn damage. Add a dash to his e. Move the stun to his w and the dmg buff to his q and replace his explode dmg to burn ticks refunding cooldowns on basic abilities. Then he is a mage with a fast q skill shot if you’re good. Some sort of stupid zeri cass hybrid that riot would make these days

The Hades
The Hades - 07.10.2023 10:28

And tbh i am platinum which i consider same as gold before but i don't see many brands around

The Hades
The Hades - 07.10.2023 10:27

Tbh i love rakan and sion my 2 main champs for like like 3 seasons now and i am not gonna stop playing them they just feel good to pla

Sylvie - 07.10.2023 09:24

as a new player who only really plays with friends, i never see brand in my games because i have a friend whose favorite character is soraka and whenever she plays against a brand they buy oblivion orb before anything and the antiheal lasts years so she just bans him when on soraka

firestorm 8265
firestorm 8265 - 07.10.2023 07:22

“Why no one plays brand.”
Let’s keep it that way.

Justin Huang
Justin Huang - 07.10.2023 06:47

do qiyana pls

Zach - 07.10.2023 06:10

I like to play Brand as a Frost Mage support. I use the Cryocore Skin to turn all his effects blue and have a little frosty effect. I run Glacial Augment with Future's Market and my two core items are Rylais and Imperial Mandate. Third Item is whatever the team needs: Heal cut? More damage? Tank shred (Demonic)?

Rylais + Imperial Mandate is incredibly strong because of Brand's passive. Each tick/burn of his passive applies Rylais Slow and each tick from Rylais Slow can proc Imperial Mandate. It's like enemies are permanently slowed from all my abilities and my allies are constantly getting extra damage procs similar to Nami's Tidecaller Blessing.

Of course I myself don't do as much damage as a Dark Harvest Brand, but I also don't feel like I have a lot of pressure on myself to get Dark Harvest stacks vs Samira/Yasuo/Ezreal/Blitzcrank/etc either.

When you can just slow the game down a little you can focus on better positioning/patience and when you land that stun it's going to be easier because they're already slowed and it's going to be more rewarding because you did hit it and that proc'd Glacial Augment which made them do 15% less damage to your allies, all while taking a whole lot more do to Imperial Mandate (from your very first spell).

It's a team game baby, don't put it all on your back and feel locked into the most popular playstyle. :)

Elliot Yong
Elliot Yong - 07.10.2023 05:45

You should make a why no one plays Shen given that many one tricks right now are outright refusing to play the champ.

Juan Taboada
Juan Taboada - 07.10.2023 01:21

Q: easy to avoid
Ahem* easy to miss lol

DDawg612 - 06.10.2023 22:09

I think they should change his E. Very underwhelming point and click ability when compared to his other three.

Pavel Vurbanov
Pavel Vurbanov - 06.10.2023 21:33

Can anyone here tell me if there's a game hack on leave that messes with your ping and disconnects your keyboard meanwhile everything on the map is fine

Phuhuhuhu - 06.10.2023 21:16

Almost all carry supports (exept senna) has less pick rate in high elo, it's not only brand problem.

Pareidolic - 06.10.2023 20:30

nerf his passive but allow his auto to help proc it theres no way to proc it without ult unless you hit a q this would allow him to proc it more often and make use of it

Facundo Silva
Facundo Silva - 06.10.2023 20:04

Why would champions have to be balanced around the majority of the playerbase when champion viability is only relevant in high ELO and competitive play, you can get to masters ELO with about any fucking champion no matter how shit it is

Deon M
Deon M - 06.10.2023 19:30

This video just proves his similarly to ryze

He was ryze's apprentice, his abilities play off each other, he's super mana hungry, and he is perpetually nerfed for fear of pro play

sharp937 - 06.10.2023 19:22

I always see brand wdym

Hiển Lâm
Hiển Lâm - 06.10.2023 18:23

"Why no one plays..(insert a popular champion).?"

sirki28 - 06.10.2023 17:07

Brand has the range of a battlemage without the defences( the stun is too inconsistent) with the skill damage and accuracy of an artillery mage while having to jump through the most hoops to get the burst mage damage. Without doing a full rework the best prob way to make his abilities work better is to tone down the passive explosion damage but let his q straight up stun and have the empowered q do something else (like be better single dps/explode). This will give him back the consistency he needs to at least garuntee his damage goes off without getting jumped on before the damage can even land

M - 06.10.2023 16:48

I believe small QOL adjustments could serve him just right, without touching damage. I'd start from increasing Q missile speed by 100, give W an Vex E treatment (radius changed with cast range, 200->300, also same could be done to Cho), and increase cast ranges of E and R a little. Right now his ranges are all over the place, you can only deliver half of the combo from relatively safe distance, while you need to get on their faces to cast E and R.
Also saying this from midlane point of view, Im not a fan of carry mages going supports.

- 06.10.2023 16:36

Bruh I can barely hear the music over your talking like what

Marius Haag
Marius Haag - 06.10.2023 15:59

Hear me out

What if we introduce elo based buffs and nervs similar to the level scaling where wr issues between ranks can be specifically addressed (smurfs abusing them could be a problem) but i think this idea has potential…

RuBiXx _
RuBiXx _ - 06.10.2023 15:53

the recent brand buffs just made me sad, cause they show that riot doesnt really understand brands problem

his mana sustain was already good enough, his ap ratios werent that amazing but late game brand deals already enough dmg so just buffing his ap ratios seems pretty useless cause he aint lacking dmg but he needs serious qol changes if they want him to be a midlaner again and since he got the buff he will sadly be ignored for the next months

RuBiXx _
RuBiXx _ - 06.10.2023 15:48

he just has to much dmg but he is so immobile pared with very low range with a pretty much useless q and there u have the biggest problem imo his q is so bad compared to other cc abilities from mages (lux q, veigar cage etc) i like his e and w but his kit is just so low range so u die way to easy

Venere - 06.10.2023 15:44

why no one plays (and EVERYONE hates)

Space Queen
Space Queen - 06.10.2023 15:40

Seems like one solution might be to dump his passive explosion damage significantly, raise his passive damage slightly, and then raise the AP scalings on some of his abilities; rewarding you more for hitting individual skills, similar payoff if you hit all of them but not necessitating that you do.
Keeping his ceiling at about the same level while the floor drops off, which typically helps a champion succeed in low elo more, but the reliability from that dropped floor would make him more useful in high elo and, hopefully with a reliance on AP scalings and level scaling, into mid lane.

Being almost entirely skillshots, Brand is actually very strong into Akali. You could even speed up the activation time and buff the range (Especially want to see W's range go up by 100-150 or so) if his explosion damage is reduced enough to make him that much more effective against her.

JustinSeizure - 06.10.2023 15:37

It's so sad that well designed champions like Brand are now basically out of date because of power creep. I'd rather have 10 more champs designed properly like him than 1 more overloaded "I have 4 dashes, self healing and reset mechanics" travesty.

Kalf Keith
Kalf Keith - 06.10.2023 14:47

So "no one plays a certain champions" doesn't means "no one plays a certain champion" cause that's impossible.
It's just means "the champion have low pickrate at a certain ranks or/and at certain elo" but that line don't have enough clickbait.
I see.

carlos dumbratzen
carlos dumbratzen - 06.10.2023 13:57

I spammed the shit out of brand in Arena. It was an almost guaranteed win if you hit jeweled gauntlet and even if you didnt there were so many augments that made him absolutely busted. Also because people just tried to rush you down you never had any problems landing q

Mant1k - 06.10.2023 13:47

HATE poke supports such as Brand, Lux, Xerath, Zyra

Raikaria - 06.10.2023 13:16

One massive thing you forgot to add that really handicaps Brand in higher elo.

You mentioned his lack of range. You did not mention Brand's complete lack of mobility and complete lack of defense.

So Brand has to get closer than most other mages... while having no mobility and no defence. In addittion; he needs to survive long enough to get his full rotation off, actually land it, and hope the enemy tea dosen't scatter while he slowly walks up and does this. Without getting C.C'ed or just nuked. And Brand is even less mobile and durable than Annie; who also generally starts her combo with an AoE stun; rather than having to use an ability; then try and land a single target skillshot for a single stun.

Ivo Hirschmann
Ivo Hirschmann - 06.10.2023 13:11

His previous passive couldn't stack. It feels like you are heavily implying that it always used to do that, which isn't the case.

PotatoTomato - 06.10.2023 11:55

Sustain and mobility creep, as well as really good magic resist items.

TwitchPrime - 06.10.2023 11:46

I play this Champ as sup sometimes

Golubijejaje - 06.10.2023 11:09

I am glad no one plays that champ

Akshan's Youtube Account
Akshan's Youtube Account - 06.10.2023 10:30

make video about:
"why no supporter in gold or lower ever logs in somthing else than mage support despite not knowing that this means having to dmg enemey in order to outvalue engade or enchanter"
this is 10% morgana
20% brand, 15% xerath
5% zyra, 50% lux
and a 100% grief

Navin - 06.10.2023 10:29

Aram is the only place where im happy to play brand

Darcey Frkovic
Darcey Frkovic - 06.10.2023 09:57

i think Brand should have flat number DOT damage instead of % health.
then they can move his power budget around a bit.
OR they make his passive NOT STACK with over burn items.

Seccsy Cabbage
Seccsy Cabbage - 06.10.2023 09:47

Is this 1-2% pickrate in the room with us right now? (I am iron) :))

theamazingmaymay123 - 06.10.2023 09:42

I still love playing him

Pranav Go
Pranav Go - 06.10.2023 09:42

Brand is a movement check champ, he is stupidly easy to play against if you have good movement, on the other hand if your movement is not good you will just straight up die.
