The New Vue by Evan You

The New Vue by Evan You

VueConf Toronto

2 года назад

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@AmericanDragon134 - 24.03.2023 09:10

React is the better, React is best

@AmericanDragon134 - 24.03.2023 09:10

Evan qyu u created same shit , Vue is Shit

@AmericanDragon134 - 24.03.2023 09:10

Vue is shit

@xxXAsuraXxx - 13.08.2022 05:59

just use Blazor man, web assembly is the future

@ctrlmario - 19.04.2022 18:35

Will Vue overtake React? dunh dunh

@SylvainPOLLETVILLARD - 06.02.2022 15:28

With the depreciation of Vue CLI, what will become Vue UI ? I love that GUI

@bobdpa - 27.01.2022 16:48

I love these update videos. Very exciting! Thank you!

@Nezlobn - 26.01.2022 16:10

where can I read about $ref?

@MrICanary - 26.01.2022 03:16

мой комент

@MajidFouladpour - 22.01.2022 20:04

How does this affect Quasar? Is Vue 3 too far gone the library-framework continum to fit the role it was given in Quasar?

@omarelassri297 - 22.01.2022 14:49

In nuxt 2(vuejs 2) there is a middleware client side concept , what about vuejs 3 🙂

@simarbaggac-2025 - 21.01.2022 19:54

Everything about vue seems so great and healthy

@InfinityFnatic - 21.01.2022 05:37

I think the $ character should never be used anywhere, let alone two of them, its just utterly confusing.

@blank4157 - 21.01.2022 01:16

I really had not so great experience with vue 2 when it comes to DX and TS while working on a large scale project.
Glad to see the major improvements in vue 3 in terms of DX for vue files.
I don't mind if things become little complex for a much better DX, small price to pay.
Also, the flexible devtools plugins support looks awesome.

@mrCetus - 20.01.2022 18:38

I like the new improvements, But it's about time we stop breaking everything in the ecosystem every time a major version is out.

@MinNyeAccount - 20.01.2022 15:15

you are code jesus..

@tmbarral664 - 20.01.2022 11:16

Still a bit disappointed about the lack of REAL typescript use. The trick they did with script setup.... while it should have been resolved with some decorators and class.... let's wait for vue 4 and hope for the best ;)

@shiestypooo1016 - 19.01.2022 19:51

Do we really need more front end frameworks ?

There needs to come a point where the community chooses one main thing and just make that better. We don’t need vue, angular, react, blah blah blah. Just everyone focus on react

@longingbydesign - 19.01.2022 10:57

I'm so sick of writing an application with a framework only to find myself having to basically rewrite it every 2 years because "frameworks need to evolve".

@ricosrealm - 19.01.2022 10:40

There is not good replacement in the IDE for tsc. Many of the TS IDE integrations are buggy. Vite should include first class support for tsc and use a non-blocking process to check types inline in the development flow similar to the webpack ts-fork loader. I would consider Vite if that was the case. I want to check my types immediately as I'm developing not as an afterthought or through a secondary experience.

@oshanshrestha - 19.01.2022 06:27

I don't use Vue much but whenever I do, it feels like lots of stuff duct-taped together.

@davidkolosowski5529 - 18.01.2022 23:32

Another cli tool ah just what I need

@ravenbergdev - 18.01.2022 22:19

I dont like to have to switch to another state library, just to receive some types while im not even using typescript.

@sergeydemjanchyk - 18.01.2022 03:19

So with reactive veriables it is actully Svelte js :)

@SantiagoArizti - 17.01.2022 21:37

always good to listen to you Evan, I really like the innovation behind Vue, thanks

@xMrMiagix - 17.01.2022 18:39

$ref is huge! great to see a simplification there

@kamilksen - 17.01.2022 16:43

Well... I hope that nobody will use this magic $ sign compiler. If writing .value is too hard and it requires writiting special compiler plugin to let him just add this short word, then I'm kinda worried how much more magic Vue is going to introduce.

However the rest of the presentation was 🔥 Can't wait until I would be able to finally left Webpack for Vite :)

@Wuddigot - 16.01.2022 18:08

Why is Vite pronounced "veet" and not "vight"? This is a real question. I hear the creator pronounce it like "veet" but he also spelled it like "vight". In chinese Vite would be like "Vi Te", pronounced "Vee Tuh" but he did not say the "Tuh". I know it is a lame question but I want to know..

@Joe-ij6of - 16.01.2022 17:39

Vue... This is the way

@NoTalkUntilCovfefe - 16.01.2022 17:04

Honestly, I just wish they would have a better documentation for Vue 3. Sucks so much being stuck with options API documentation on Vue 3's with a small portion of composition API in a tiny place of the documentation. This is the case when the script setup is supposed to be the way "forward".

@JP-hb4mv - 16.01.2022 15:43

why do js devs have to break everything each couple years - 3 major versions! im out

@Linkplay9 - 16.01.2022 13:36

Svelte with extra steps 😝

@jordixboy - 16.01.2022 12:47

What about Vuex support in Vue devtools?

@AzizTitu - 16.01.2022 07:50

Does Volar support Vue 2?

@derjansan9564 - 15.01.2022 15:20

I made the right choice to use Vue when I started my project a year ago.

@filigretidean5255 - 15.01.2022 12:44

what ill give to learn from evan.....i need him as a mentor

@bart9522 - 15.01.2022 12:41

Not sure if it's a good thing that Vue is more and more becoming magic for the average developer. But Vue 3 is definitely a lot more ergonomic than Vue 2.

@delaneygillilan - 15.01.2022 06:02

I want Ref Transforms now!

@Arishava - 15.01.2022 01:24

can we agree on the fact that this blurred background thing is pure cancer?

@AlexKozack - 13.01.2022 20:36

May you add link to slides? Thanks
