5 Dumbest Forms of Cardio (DON’T LOOK STUPID!)

5 Dumbest Forms of Cardio (DON’T LOOK STUPID!)


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Tropically Fit (TropicallyFit.com)
Tropically Fit (TropicallyFit.com) - 19.09.2023 20:46

Jogging is important and necessary to develop cardiovascular endurance. You do NOT want to always either walk or run fast. SLOW jogging is important!!!!

chad case
chad case - 20.08.2023 14:19

This bike was very easy to set up and I have rode it a couple of times and at 6’4” it rides comfortably. Very excited to continue using!

deenz martin
deenz martin - 12.08.2023 19:30

you're wrong about jogging. not nuanced enough.

Genetics Matter
Genetics Matter - 12.08.2023 09:06

In real life when would you ever have to lift some to king super heavy off the ground, then hop around a bunch right after? Gotta keep exercises PRACTICAL, tactical…

Michael Larsen
Michael Larsen - 03.08.2023 14:01

I guess zone 2 training wasn't a thing 5 years ago

Paul - 30.07.2023 22:07

I think I'm using my elliptical the way I should. I use the arm things I don't slouch and I put forth a good effort. If I push myself too hard the machine starts rocking side to side so I try to keep my effort just under that.

Luke21:36 - 25.07.2023 03:52

good thing Jessie so willing t'be self effacing...

that all you got, Jeff? phft


dont make me open a can of mega-troll on U Jeff


Brendan Alexander
Brendan Alexander - 16.07.2023 17:05

The advice here about running is misguided. Yes hi intensity sprinting is important. But any real runner knows that 80% of your running should be slow steady state zone 2 "jogging".

scott - 10.07.2023 04:51

🙄🙄🙄 try walking on a treadmill at 20% grade. That might just push most above 90% of target heart rate.

Tatanen III
Tatanen III - 02.07.2023 16:33

I don't know.. I think for instance the Maasai hunter gatherers jog a lot to track prey...

Mike Tauss
Mike Tauss - 02.07.2023 00:07

Here it is folks. Another don’t do cardio blah blah blah. It’s BS. If you’re an athlete, aspiring to be one, or want to be physically fit cardio needs to be PART of your fitness program. Just like strength training needs to be part of your marathon or tri-training. Or your century ride training. If you’re a basketball player, soccer player, (depending on your position) a football player if you’re not running 4-6 miles 2 or 3 times per week you’re doing it wrong. Furthermore just because you can be lazy on a cardio machine doesn’t mean the machine is bad. You get out what you put in. I can get you a nasty cardio workout using machines and a treadmill that will leave you barely able to walk after. Everyone’s favorite gym rat the Rock starts his day with a 1-hour run. Jeff is full of shit here.

Ben - 01.07.2023 01:47

What's your cardio? Taking tren?

D. HARMS - 26.06.2023 16:00

It cracks me up when he says “it is happening in a gym across the world somewhere!”😂😂😂 So true.

Vargr - 24.06.2023 18:53

Sprinting has nothing to do with cardio.
This guys needs to put down his (dumb)ells and look up a dictionary or something.

FaithB4Fitness - 21.06.2023 01:05

I teach indoor cycle classes and I think it’s dumb to lift weights while riding. I think it’s bad form and interferes with the purpose of cycling. The members are used to lifting weights in other classes so when they come to my class they think they’re missing out on something really cool and trendy. What do you think?

tidalcash - 26.05.2023 11:14

There is nothing wrong with machine-based cardio. It is the most accessible and least daunting way to improve your cardio

-J- Plum
-J- Plum - 22.05.2023 19:00

Jesse looks so strange thin. Like it's unnatural.

D L - 14.05.2023 05:22

Ultimately I’d like to have good form and look good while working out but right now I’m fat as shit and trying to make it through

TahitianTreatSkeetJuice - 08.05.2023 22:19

He said jump rope isn't good based off the people who cheat the process. Jump rope is very stressing and a great workout. He could've suggested getting a heart rate monitor and could've cut this video down to half...

Matt - 08.05.2023 20:13

If you think jogging is dumb cardio then you are dumb.

Mike Folkestad
Mike Folkestad - 07.05.2023 16:47

I have to disagree with you on the jogging. Walking jogging or sprinting it's all good.

Frank Parker
Frank Parker - 05.05.2023 01:52

Jogging is GREAT wtf. Jog for 3 miles or whatever is challenging for you and thats a great cardio session…again wtf.

Craig Britton
Craig Britton - 28.04.2023 13:32

I learned decades ago that doing intervals of sprinting and walking was the best way to train cardio for mountain climbing and steep approaches to rock climbs. The ultimate test was doing a new climb with a guy who did marathons; he would have destroyed us in a marathon; but he could not keep up on the approach; and was sore the next day: we were not. You do not push your lungs and heart to.gasping when jogging. You do not push your legs to utilize power.

Marlene Ferguson
Marlene Ferguson - 09.04.2023 01:57

make a video with a positive look vs. a negative, condescending attitude ;)

Wild Bill Green
Wild Bill Green - 31.03.2023 21:24

Get to the chopper

pdorism - 27.03.2023 21:52

Hard disagree on jogging. It's good for your heart and it's what our ancestors used to do all day

Anibal Enrique Alvarez Sifontes
Anibal Enrique Alvarez Sifontes - 17.03.2023 05:43

Jogging is the way of running. Sprinting is an anaerobic exercise which pontentiates lactate segregation just like any other resistance workouts. It provides almost no benefit for endurance but just for making sure that you'll not get hurt if you significantly increase the pace on last mile of your race.
If you just sprint, then you're not doing cardio. In that case, even walking is better. And, among the three options, jogging is the unmatched king.

You would be surprised about how many people go to the gym and focus on legs, abs and back just to improve their condition for running. Not precisely for aesthetics or increasing sizes but for strenghtening the muscles and joints.
Lifting weights is also one of the quickest ways to increase mithocondrias which are key for increasing energy production, optimizing blood circulation, and therefore developing speed and improving endurance (not just for running, but also for any other endurance sport like cycling or swimming).

Also, jogging (which is also running) on treadmills is a perfect way to bypass air resistance and height variations, to increase cushioning (specially during recovery sessions), and measuring variables in a controled environment.

California Home Fitness
California Home Fitness - 13.03.2023 00:35


TRRC - 01.03.2023 11:34

This is simply not true jogging ore running at slow zone 2 pace is the best endurance training for health and performance

Vhex - 01.03.2023 09:21

Jogging is bad ? I guess all the pro athletes have been doing it wrong.

McShid NFard
McShid NFard - 28.02.2023 20:14

This just in: Breathing is killing your gains.

Rita CPT
Rita CPT - 26.02.2023 21:08

I don't believe machine based cardio is "dumb" but it's important to have proper form in order for the exercises to be beneficial

Marshall R.
Marshall R. - 26.02.2023 19:39

great example of why not everyone should have a platform

Leilani - 24.02.2023 14:22

disappointing video...just thinking about someone whose bedridden and disabled

itsomethingreat - 22.02.2023 13:20

Jogging is amazing.

Black Iron Slayer
Black Iron Slayer - 20.02.2023 15:02

I see alot of interesting comments on here. I would dare say alot of you train for the sake of jogging rather than use jogging as a tool for self development. Problem is you're unable to identify the difference. Not that there is a major problem with jogging. I just think developing sprints is more beneficial.

Larry Roberts
Larry Roberts - 20.02.2023 06:54

Running in easy effort zone is one of the best forms for marathon training. Sprinting can cause injury if done too often.

Linsey K
Linsey K - 18.02.2023 01:57

-40 outside, freezing cold, small house...umm yeah, I'll have "good form" on my spin bike thank you.

Kevin Haun
Kevin Haun - 10.02.2023 21:03

I do my rower on max and i get a great burn on the legs and lungs...still a no go?

MeKayla Williams
MeKayla Williams - 30.01.2023 01:07

Interesting. I do Crossfit Wods as my cardio/active recovery days. It helps me get a good sweat in and good blood flow. Strict weightlifting is what actually messes me up not the HIIT stuff.

TheDarkSkorpion - 29.01.2023 00:23

Well, I've been using the Tabata timer wrong. I was going 20 seconds lower intensity, 10 second burst. Sometimes the other way. I never stopped exercising entirely.
Also, kudos to Jesse. As a fellow hard gainer, It feels good to not be the "before" picture anymore.

Tyler James
Tyler James - 26.01.2023 02:13

“Look at the guy jogging ! God he looks dumb because he’s jogging!”

The Ghost of Tom Joad
The Ghost of Tom Joad - 20.01.2023 05:06

Not sure this is accurate. I do hard-core Tabatas all the time for cardio and mix in jump rope at least once a week during winter. Effort is key. Work hard. I shoot for 60 skips over 20 seconds and often hit 70. I rest with the rope at ready (not hunched over like Jessie here), and actually being the rope with one second left on the rest.

Remember that the oxygen deficit s cumulative, especially for an exercise like jumping rope, where twenty seconds is sort of like a 20-yard wind-sprint: challenging, but not deadly. But by set 4, I'm breathing hard. By set 6 I'm sucking wind. And my last 2 sets feel like I've just broken through a defensive line and sprinted 99 yards for a touchdown.

Oh, make sure your timer counts down the final three seconds of each period. It often has me reaching to exceed 70 before the beep.

Of course, jumping rope is a moderate to easy Tabata exercise, even at maximal effort. I'll always add one or two killers into a three or four Tabata workout like Burpees, Jump Squats, or Tuck-Jumps. Those can make you feel like puking by the end,
