osu! Complete Stream Guide or "How a 4 digit had to relearn streams from scratch"

osu! Complete Stream Guide or "How a 4 digit had to relearn streams from scratch"

Lair of Toxic

2 года назад

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@HinelAram - 27.11.2023 16:13

Крутое видео с историей и советами, молодец )

@icydrinks - 30.10.2023 18:04

how is from under cover 240 bpm

@minekhang264 - 24.09.2023 12:51

ik it doesnt have anything to do w the vid, but recognized the glt ost directly, W

@rubbishnubbish - 24.09.2023 11:06

"to slowly getting my skill back*

literally only 4 100s, everything else was perfecto

@valmierajp - 31.07.2023 20:36

When I play stream maps, my middle finger taps more. It’s strange because my index is stronger since it’s the one I use to singletap ( copied from someone who has the same problem ). I did long stream practice maps from 140 bpm to 190 bpm. It got really hard on the 190bpm i'm tensing fingers after 300notes so i went to 185bpm instead now it's 2/3 days and only yesterday i got my first 85% acc fc 185bpm but today no any fcs, also the tensing today was random after 240notes i was tensing to the end of the map am I improving or no? any tips any technique idk

@TheCubicLog - 31.07.2023 08:29

I never realized my tapping technique was bad. My fingers were angled too high so it caused some finger lock and higher unstable rate. Decreasing that angle helped a lot.

@procrastinates - 30.07.2023 06:49

As a 6 digit who can comfortably stream 150-180 (maybe 190 if my fingers feel light) bpm, what made me get better was not consciously thinking about tapping, and instead, focusing on rhythm and the aim. For some reason, it made me able to stream like a robot. The only thing that keeps me from FCing is because aiming on mouse is hell.

@theastro888 - 03.05.2023 20:10

what about galloping?

@maliook727 - 11.04.2023 10:01


@user-bf9co5cg6l - 03.04.2023 12:42

Bro i don't get, how do you guys can stream 230 bpm, but 170 may be very inconvenient for you? I can do maximum 170, and i also can play well every bpm lower than 170. But my speed is completely shit, my fingers just can't tap faster than 170, that's the point. And i find out that my other hand is way faster

@airballer6647 - 10.01.2023 01:27

this video is really helpful! i decided to swap from index ring to index middle because of my streaming skill plateauing (and frankly because my ring finger kept falling off the keycap) and your tips & maps are helping alot with the switch! I already feel a lot faster, just have to improve my stamina and I'll be set :D

@ssspasll - 09.01.2023 13:51

могу жать ~210 бпм бурсты стабильно, не могу жать нормально 20+ нот 160 бпм стримы, что я делаю не так...

@acidhazard - 07.01.2023 21:24

Наконец-то что-то полноценное нашел по этой теме. Спасибо за ролик, кста, хороший английский, даже без субтитров я довольно много слов на слух воспринимал)

@miakmiac164 - 28.12.2022 16:44

Tysm! this helped a lot!

@Klevsify - 28.12.2022 04:28

Hope that ur tips will help me at streaming, im 300k and struggling at 130bpm stream... it might sound crazy but literally my single tapping is faster than alternating at full long practice streams 😭

@justins3900 - 23.12.2022 02:56

Very good video Bratan, it helped me a lot

@haid_qiqg7765 - 19.12.2022 15:01

По кайфу карт накидал)) Прям то что нужно, думал самому искать лезть, но видимо не придётся какое то время)))

@haid_qiqg7765 - 19.12.2022 14:23

Решил значит активно играть стрим карты и даже получалось стабильно жать (проблемы только с контролем при переходе от стримов к слайдерам или просто джампам каким нибудь, думаю с опытом наработается). Но я решил поэксперементировать "раз жму 180, а топы так вообще под 300 могут жать, то может сократить время нажатий, нажимая неотрывно", но как то плоховато выходит из-за клавы... Если я допустим сильно жму на клавиши, то все нормально, но вот если плавненько жмакать, то моя мембранка уже чуть ли не со скрипом еле нажиматься (ощущение будто прикладывая одинаковые усилия, в каких то моментах клавишу заедает на пару миллисекунд, что приводит к 100, 50 из стороны в сторону потому что пытаюсь сбалансировать после как раз таки таких вот моментов с "заеданиями"). В итоге щас опять подсел на фармо карты с джампами и заказал новую клаву. Надеюсь механика оправдает ожидания, а то около 10 лет на мембранках и думал норм, но после начала игры в осу понял что обязан купить механику... Кто сталкивался с подобной проблемой, хотелось бы знать ваше мнение, а то вдруг я что то не так делаю и мне даже механика не поможет xd

@LeAgariolol - 19.11.2022 09:29

im basically in the same situation,
was able to stream close to 250 bpm
and now I'm struggling streaming 160 properly without missing or just getting very unstable hits

@antaun8628 - 05.11.2022 15:23

thank you for the advice... im a 230k player and i can stream 220 on average but recently ive noticed that ive been finger locking too often and i need to change my habit of killing my fingers everytime i play

@roazos - 04.11.2022 18:23

It worked for me

@broohmygod - 23.10.2022 03:02

im trying to keep my fingers on the keycaps however i end up fingerlocking a lot more and losing like 20bpm worth of speed, how would i train this?

@user-bg2il4xi3w - 14.10.2022 13:28

no idea if you'll respond but for bpms higher than 180 do you leave your fingers on the keycap and vice versa?

@UmCaraNormalnumPlanetanormal - 14.10.2022 00:55

Honestly the most important part of starting to learn consistency is to get your ego out of the way and start playing maps that are a LOT lower star than you'd usually play and not retry spam them, just playing casually while trying to FC but not getting tilted from it since its just training
I switched from mouse to pen not even a week ago and started playing 1, 2 and 3 star maps at first and now im arleady able to 1 miss/choke maps i got like 7 misses on before. Tablet feels 100x more consistent than mouse im not gonna lie

@jamesharden9075 - 09.10.2022 07:21

When I play stream maps, my middle finger taps more. It’s strange because my index is stronger since it’s the one I use to singletap. Should I switch to ring + index or just play more? I did long stream practice maps 140 bpm around 3 times a day. I saw improvement for the first month but I’m basically at square one, 60% accuracy at long stream practice map 140 bpm. It’s my most played map yet i see no improvement.

@nickelisblind - 01.10.2022 06:03

I started using your method of practicing very low bpm, it's actually helping me have finger control my my damn middle finger :D! Thank you! I'll update.

@flexibilityosu - 29.09.2022 06:32

I'm having issues with sudden fingerlocking, I was able to stream comfy to 220 and burst 250-260 no problems with great stamina on 180-200 and when i woke up and started playing my fingers would give up after 3seconds and it would lock in place, My speed decreased to a point I can't hit 200bpm streams and my stamina is gone... (note. This started happening a few days ago only and i've been playing for over 2y and all my practise vanished) someboy help xD

@SanzuRiver - 26.09.2022 17:20

Imma need the burst formula

@IbraheemKhazbak - 22.09.2022 14:34

I started osu able to stream 170 BPM until I couldn't do higher than 140

@tarragon111 - 17.09.2022 23:11

thanks for the maps

@nakisha2044 - 10.09.2022 06:04

can someone help me?

need some tips on how to consistently tap alternate. I just notice that I always tense my fingers when a streams start

@jdd6702 - 29.08.2022 12:30

Right now I’m at a spot in the game where I’m 300k rn but I don’t farm much and for around 6 months or so I straight played stream maps because from early on I knew that I wanted to focus on streaming but that’s where I made a mistake because while I was just recently able to fc a 5 star when I couldn’t before my aim is not very good but that’s not the issue the issue is my streaming speed I used to be able to stream 215 lowish ur decent acc but now I feel like my max is 200 and I have been watching countless videos and looking at osu! forums on how to improve none of it is really helping me so I am just gonna take a 2 week break or so do you think I will lose all of my skill or will I come back better?

@era9245 - 17.08.2022 13:08

What is this skin?

@BoaresAddja - 11.08.2022 06:26

Im on the cusp of consistenly tapping 190-270, but theres one final thing im missing and its driving me crazy

@NIMKAOriginal - 28.07.2022 08:10

Э, раз уж сделал такое видео, и раз уж ты из России, то будь добр, сделай пожалуйста видео на русском :3
Хотя видео уже пол года ._.

@968Yamii - 25.07.2022 09:43

Cool vids, funnily i have problem with speed, i cant do stream above 180 then i found out that my single tap speed is corelate with my stream speed, so i just single tap alt maps and single tap triplets and voila i can do 210-220 rn eventho its only been 1 week after i start my practice hope this might help with people with speed problem, i have a good low bpm finger control but lack in speed if anyone have same problem with me you might aswell try this method

@boogieman5173 - 25.07.2022 04:44

Me as a 5k who has never had stamina or speed: ✍️

@neonuser2345 - 22.07.2022 21:48

A few weeks ago, I was able to stream really well but after I changed my tapping back I have trouble with streaming and pain.

@R1L1. - 22.07.2022 17:02

4 digit in the title is a bit clickbait

@ivansanfilippo4043 - 21.07.2022 19:47

И вот опять я слышу знакомый акцент) Да как же мы друг друга узнаём?

@Daakkii - 20.07.2022 05:12

I swear i didn't know about the 60 degree thing. Literally an instant improvement. Thanks!

@aler47 - 18.07.2022 22:59

Recongnizing twilight skies from only the patterns shows how many retrys i have on it lol

@TDeane - 18.07.2022 19:12

This video helped me a lot! This usually wouldn't be enough to make me comment (I would just like the video), but I'm here just to say I'm loving the Girls' Last Tour OST in the background :)

@solumblu5979 - 17.07.2022 00:25

i have a really bad overstreaming habit for like the past year. i can play 190 with decent acc and rly good stanina but its still very hard to not overstream and takes way too much focus.. shouldnt have played burst speed as a low 6 digit

@demise.8748 - 12.07.2022 17:20

Warming up is by far the most important thing. Fuck a practice regime, if you dont warm up you wont improve. At least thats what its like for me. Also osu trainer is the best thing that happened to me. Sometimes im literally 1% too slow to play a catchy song and thats where it saves me and makes osu more fun.

@aimlessfreak6630 - 24.06.2022 05:38

The painful thing about learning streams is that its very inconsistent once you have learnt it once, there are times you will be really good and after a while you suddenly lose it, i experienced this kind of tilt before too and i accepted that i will never be able to get back my consistent tapping, and the only way i was able to fix it is just by learning streams by scratch and just learn consistent finger control over again, but i think this kind of inconsistencies helps you learn to be more consistent at streams.

@rokutis5025 - 19.06.2022 03:41

Im kinda new into the game (well in 2months at 440k global) but I don’t really know like how to hit streams, like it feels that I get the rhythm but my fingers just sometimes stop just freeze for a second and comeback normal.
