2023 FUSION CHAMPION TIER LIST | Raid: Shadow Legends

2023 FUSION CHAMPION TIER LIST | Raid: Shadow Legends

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@darkbeach72 - 04.01.2024 22:08

I nearly skipped Islin, but I'm glad I didn't. The guy is an absolute wall. Like you said, he cannot die.

@eazymax1135 - 04.01.2024 21:53

I took a break right before Lorreca and came back at the tail end of Emic. Worst timing ever 😪

@Deosis - 04.01.2024 19:20

I regret not going for Razelvarg and Islin, but I think I really didn't have the resources and nerves to go for them anymore.
I messed up the Bambus fusion because of not finishing an event.
Pythion, Emic and Gnut definitely boosted my account by a lot.

@Anubis678 - 04.01.2024 18:48

Blizaar being able to solo Bommal and Sand Devils 25 I think should put him up to at least S tier as there are very limited options for this.

@alanog1981 - 04.01.2024 18:19

Also emic enables double reset seer comp on doom tower without needing kymar. Because of his extra cooldowns you can use 2 renegades. I use lydia, emic, 2 renegades and seer. Can make short work to a bunch of the waves

@MilosMido - 04.01.2024 18:07

only timit i dont agree he is trash, all other are ranked correctly

@danielunderwood5217 - 04.01.2024 17:53

My list
S Tier
1. Gnut (boss damage everywhere, fireknight hard and hydra god)
2. Emic (because unkillable hydra nightmare)
3. pythion (best support)

A Tier
4. Oella (speed, Inc res, dec speed for IT/Hydra, heal)

B tier
5. Razel (fireknight 10 hard teams)
6. Ugir (pythion counter)

C Tier
7. blizaar (tormin counter, bommal)
8. elhain (decent void nuker)
9. Jetni (decent nuker)

D tier
10. Islin (underwhelming)
11. Loracia (underwhelming support)

F Tier
12. Timit (no where to use him)
13. Bambus (no where to use him)

@chrisdunn833 - 04.01.2024 17:47

The small differences between you and Nubs are interesting. Personally I would sneak the Rabbit up 1 and Emic down 1.

@SSuser-go7jm - 04.01.2024 17:17

Emic was definitely one of the most impactful champs for my account this year. While Gnut changed my damage dealing potential against bosses hugely, Emic finally let me farm IT quickly. Now I’m getting souls, and actually able to awaken my champs!

@Squizzly - 04.01.2024 17:13

I’m having troubles in SD with Blizaar due to fully booking him I believe. Every CC made a video doing SD 25 with all level 1 skills. After I booked him while having 80k hp, 4300 def, 235 speed & 512 accuracy I can’t find over 40% consistency on SD 18, which is the same affinity as 25. Seems like it runs out of sync to rely on Brimstone when you book him out. Just want to give yall a heads up on him. ✌🏻

@jessicamacallister9272 - 04.01.2024 16:00

I agree mostly but I rank Pythion first I think. He unlocked things for me in so many ways. Gnut is completely amazing for me but Pythion let me push in ways I hadn’t before.

@Mihawk07 - 04.01.2024 14:42

i feel Blizaar and Timit in between A and B, would really fit in the tier between them if it was present. Ugir the wormeater in B tier.
Btw, there is no "C" tier in your template, is that intended (to avoid confusion with S tier) ?

@RSLHydraGuru - 04.01.2024 12:24

Panda is my #1 go-to in hydra in my 500m+ brutal/NM teams. Absolutely S tier

@imtoofaded9919 - 04.01.2024 11:09

Why are you calling Pythion, Pythion?

@DaytonPruet - 04.01.2024 10:48

Are fusions every 4 weeks or every month? I ask as I see you have 13 fusion champs for 2023.

@danielstark6170 - 04.01.2024 10:20

i hated blizzar at first but then i really like him in cursed city.he is a great control champ on A3

@svarozjov - 04.01.2024 05:57

Loriaca is actually great for FW, from all champions that are not S or S +, she is the only one I regularly use :) As a matter of fact, beside Gnut, I use her probably more regularly than Islins, Oelas and other S specialists :)
As much as Pytheon for sure : )
P. S. And that just tells you the value of the champion is not in his capabilities, but in your personal "holes" in rooster :) Pytheon is for sure great revive/protect champ, but what now, after I built 3 Dutchess, to do with him, I don't need 4th reviving protector , so for me he is also just a great FW champ, great substitute for Broadmow, so him and Loriaca are parting in FW non-stop :)

@ModernMyths - 04.01.2024 05:41

I actually had to skip of few of these fusion just because of the increase in cost to actually do them. I missed out on Islin because of it. I'm so glad I got all the S+ champs. Still, I really hope they don't continue and make everything so difficult to get unless you have money.

@dergehpunkt8586 - 04.01.2024 04:00

Thank you for the recap. I agree with most. I started the game only a few days after christmas 2022 (not f2p sincerely).

When Pythion came out I was still exploring early game, but knew that he will be a great Champion, so I went all in and he was a hard carry ever since. --> S+

Oella didn't help me much until recently when I built my Hard Ice Golem team, so I'm super happy to have gone for her. --> S

Supreme Elhain.. I never really had a use for her, even in Faction Wars. Maybe I can't see her full potential because of my gear. Overall disappointed from a Void Legendary. --> C

Razelvarg's kit didn't make sense to me and because of exam time at university I skipped him.

For Jetni I had enough ressources to collect the fragments simply by doing what I was going to do anyways. She's good and helped me to clear Faction Wars. Eventually I also pulled Alsgor and they're great together. Don't understand the hate on her. She's a solid --> B

Loriaca was disappointing, went for her because some of you CCs were predicting high Accuracy requiring content. Never used her for anything. --> D

On Gnut, there's nothing much to say. He's the GOAT. --> S+

Emic came in shortly after I had my 1 Key CB Team working, so I went for him not with the same Motivation. Eventually I'll finally build him for Endgame Hydra. --> A

Strategos Islin was a skip for me because of ressource exhaustion.

For Bambus I was hyped and had ressources aside. I wanted to make him work in Hydra, but didn't make it. He found a spot in Faction Wars 21 farming --> C

Timit is pretty good and I built him as a control Champion along with Kaja. And he does it brilliantly. But yes, it's a bit niche. --> A

Ugir directly went in and helped me stabilize my progress in Tag Team Arena. Does his job solid --> A

For Blizaar I haven't found his role yet. I just built Neldor for Fire Knight Hard before the Fusion was revealed. Saw some Sand Devil farms with him, maybe that will be his niche. As for now --> B

@logan5018 - 04.01.2024 03:42

i initially wrote off islin as just another visix. I think that was a mistake in hindsight but imo he's still not top tier. id put him in high A tier

@markhill3252 - 04.01.2024 02:49

Great breakdown of skills and best use cases. Helpful for someone like me who doesn't have the time to play test in all areas. Happy New Year!

@jerryfox143 - 04.01.2024 01:48

Blizzar is now s tier with ability to do sandevil with food non booked
took my crappy godseeker 5min plus team to under 3min with food now

@larrygaynor5664 - 04.01.2024 00:49

I think you nailed it...

@alexhalserogers7681 - 04.01.2024 00:23

"If you have two of him [Gnuts], you basically kill every boss in one rotation. It's so nuts." Or quite possibly, so gnuts!

@Dharin. - 03.01.2024 23:42

I think you got all but 2 correct imo. I would put Bambus in D tier alongside Jetni/Great-oof and Timit down to B tier. Islin is absolutely bonkers good (pair him with Martyr and he keeps everything provoked in DT waves (no Seer) under constant counterattack and impossible to kill in the right setup), and I think he sits halfway between A+ and S so an A++ but that's splitting hairs I guess. I think Islin is the most underrated champ in the game currently, I want a dupe of him and Gnut he's that good.

@richardames6032 - 03.01.2024 23:36

You forgot to mention how good blizaar is for bommel. I’m mid game and he helped a ton, and went straight into my clan boss team. Triple hitter does good damage with giant slayer

@aceca5147 - 03.01.2024 23:32

I was one of those fools who thought Oella was underwhelming. My biggest regret of 2023 was skipping her fusion

@tyweisenburger8480 - 03.01.2024 23:31

Oella is one of the reasons I go for every fusion. Most people said skip, probably because after Pythion nothing looked great. Now I’m getting more end game I regret skipping.

@alex86fire - 03.01.2024 23:27

I agree with all the rankings. I only skipped 3 of the fusions: Oella, Loriaca and Ugir. Would have skipped Blizaar as well if he wasn't at the same time with tormin although I'm not sad I got him, now that we saw the solo Sand Devil strat.
The only champions I am sad I missed is Oella. She was similar to Islin, as she came after two great fusions: Gnishak and Pythion and I felt the need for a break. She also didn't get the best reviews at the time, so I thought she was an easy skip. Would have preferred to get her and skip Jetni, which I still haven't pulled from shards.

@jetblack6549 - 03.01.2024 23:10

I agree with the list, unfortunately fusions are getting more boring and harder to do, so I skip them unless I feel the champ is not really OP or I like the skin (like Timit or Bombus).
I skipped this last fusion because honestly I don't feel like committing my holiday time for and A champ.
Among the skipped I regret not doing Oella and Isling, but I have the feeling that I will survive even without them😂

@pedroramirez2215 - 03.01.2024 23:08

where is Kaja? wasnt she part of an event?

@frickxnas - 03.01.2024 23:06

Too bad i missed gnut due to vacation. Everything would have been so much easier

@michealturner9498 - 03.01.2024 23:02

The best use I found for Loriaca and Jetni was completing the Gnut fusion.

@sethmoney11b1p - 03.01.2024 23:02

Bambus is used in my Iron twins in the last slot. Avenging and Counterattack sets.

He's a very easy way to absorb a lot of the debuffs from the Twins and put them back on the boss.

Increase ACC and ATK and buff extension and Shield.

I run him with Valk, Scyl, and Zavia with a couple of Brimstones.

The counterattack buff from Valk, will always put him back to sleep before he wakes up for his turn, thus enabling his passive.

Valkyrie + Bambus is how you unlock his full potential for that Sleep / wakeup debuff transfer mechanic.

With his buff extension, he will basically always be able to use that passive mechanic.

Great video, as always, Saph.

@killaquansta4045 - 03.01.2024 22:55

Strategos shocked me with how much of a beast he is! I banked him just for champion chase but when I took a second to read his kit amazing!

@symm2r - 03.01.2024 22:54

I think Islin is not better than Bambus

@kevinj33 - 03.01.2024 22:51

Great job on the list. It feels spot on for me.

Ugir has become one of my favorite champions. I built him as a pretty fast HP nuker with 400 accuracy and he can absolutely wreck revive heavy teams. He's not always one-shotting enemy nukers, but kicking off multiple A2's in a row because of his passive even destroys the tankier opponents and keeping them buff free.
Also note that his passive works even better against arbiter revives. His passive knocks them down at the initial revive when they're at 25% health, right before arbiter heals them up with her A3.

I expect a solid value surge after his buff. Especially with all these Wukongs around he will be smacking alot more with his A2.

@DarkLink456 - 03.01.2024 22:37

I tried Panda against Amius when Amius changed all the buffs to debuffs and slept everyone but 50% wouldn't be enough to matter. It does not say that sleep debuff cannot be transferred, therefore I thought everyone else's sleep debuff would transfer to him when Amius slept them. But it didn't. Oella > Bambus

@renescherer631 - 03.01.2024 22:13

You've missed to mention Tormin. He was not promoted as a fusion but technically it felt like one and used ressources like a fusion. Anyone agree/disagree?

@pkrames - 03.01.2024 22:08

I really like Ugir. I use him in arena on a team with Pythion, Tormin, Ugir, and Harima. He gives extra accuracy to Tormin and Harima to both land their debuffs, as well increasing defense for more damage.

@biohacktv - 03.01.2024 22:06

Great video saph! I pretty much agree with everything. The one thing I will say is I got a surprising amount of value even at high end live arena using alsgor+jetni. It's actually her ability to ignore shields and place the guaranteed decrease defense (setting up the second nuker in live arena) that I really appreciated the most.

@Ragnell123 - 03.01.2024 22:01

Something I haven’t seen mentioned about Razelvarg, is that he’s one of the best nightmare campaign farmers. He’s faster than supreme elhain, at least for me, and consistent

@01Lindholm - 03.01.2024 21:53

Emic to S.
Islin and Bambus to A.
Timit to B.

Emic is great, but quite a specialist imo. Not as widely used as Pythion or Gnut.

Islin is not close to being as good as Oella. He’s not very different from Visix. So an A for me.

Bambus brings the best setup for bomb champs. Cursed or provoke set in hydra and you’ve got yourself a great champ. All skills are useful there.

Timit is quite meh without Kaja - you seem maybe a liiiitle biased because you use them together. He essentially brings a buff remove, the rest isn’t super valuable.

Wouldn’t mind S. Elhain in A because of her Minotaur and nightmare campaign farming. But obviously, a few other champs can do that.

Thank you for the video and 2023! You have released some amazing content!

@DallasSmith021 - 03.01.2024 21:51

Spot on as always Saph!

@apocalyptechgaming - 03.01.2024 21:48

I'm liking Timit and Kaja for for tower climb team

@grantcfoster38 - 03.01.2024 21:46

Love you saph but I could go another YEAR without you saying yuuuur.... lol! Happy new yuur HH gaming

@johndeckard7306 - 03.01.2024 21:42

I'd say the people skipping Islin was less because they were looking for a reason to skip it and more because they simply didn't have the resources after two back to back S+ tier fusions that were incredibly difficult. Emic and Islin also seemed to be announced very shortly after the previous one wrapped up making it so people wouldn't have much time to prep for the next one. I know I struggled for resources towards the end of Emic after skipping Jetni and Loriaca.
