How to communicate Fragment to Fragment in android

How to communicate Fragment to Fragment in android

Manish Sharma

7 лет назад

996 Просмотров

Now days usage of tabs in apps, have become a necessity. Being an android developer I have implemented them in many Android apps. But I feel, till date most of the developers don’t know how to implement them correctly. As most of the implementations would make your app crash in corner cases. Therefore in this tutorial I plan to discuss a very specific problem which is encountered while implementing tabs in android. That is, how to perform communication between an activity and fragment, two fragments, and a fragment and an activity while using tabs. Although if you to wish to simply learn – how implement tabs in Android please use this link.


#android_fragment_communication_with_activity #android_fragment_communication_tutorial #communication_between_fragments_in_viewpager #how_to_call_fragment_class_from_activity_in_android #send_data_from_activity_to_fragment_android #android_fragment_interface #android_call_fragment_method_from_activity #pass_data_from_activity_to_fragment_using_interface
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