Is There Really Such Thing As Work-Life Balance?

Is There Really Such Thing As Work-Life Balance?

The Ramsey Show Highlights

1 год назад

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@Daniel-qu2kh - 05.10.2023 11:54

I don’t think CEOs pay is necessarily justified. many people work strenuous jobs under the ceo who without the ceo couldn’t even be there. CEOs etc have more risk or harder decisions perhaps

@dt3k798 - 19.09.2023 02:09

Dave, buddy, just because somebody doesn’t work as many hours as you think they should, doesn’t mean they’re “MeDiOcRe”

@hello77779 - 07.09.2023 09:04

My work life balance is that i work from 8-430 and i dont thibk about work 1 second after 430pm. Also, if something is going in at home, I'll always worry about that first.

@supersmart671 - 04.09.2023 10:58

True its a season...i did not get. I missed out on great opportunity. Lost my job. Lost the respect of my family went into depression and suicidal....i regret every inch of the decesion of leaving on time...

@kino7539 - 28.07.2023 15:07

Was Dave basically saying that working from home means that people only work part time?

@lucyb9320 - 17.06.2023 01:40

You know what's bananas? This whole video. There's being a provider and there's being mentally checked out because you're so overworked. Your family SUFFERS when your brain is too fried to attend to their needs. If you want to be married to your job then get a divorce so you don't string your spouse and children along. They deserve more. Set appropriate boundaries at work and act your wage Absolutely ridiculous.

@aBlackPerson69 - 12.06.2023 23:02

Don’t ask rich people about work/ life balance. My dad made 200-300k a year as a consultant when I was growing up. He flew away on Monday and came back on Friday (most weeks, sometimes he worked weekends too). No amount of toys, bikes, nice clothes, nice houses, or anything else made up for me not having a dad. I’m almost 30 and I’m still messed up and bitter over my childhood. There are plenty of jobs out there that pay more than enough for your family to be comfortable but will allow you to be in their lives.

@nikolaig1 - 28.05.2023 04:55

I take 1 week off. I can take 2. Moving foward i will be taking 2 weeks.

@nikolaig1 - 28.05.2023 04:53

I am so glad im taking work slow to view things the right way. I have had a great work life balance. I work then live balance. Jons ramblings is absurd. My gf loves how i limit my work to see them and her family. Everyone respects my boundaries. If my boss told me to work more i leave yesterday. Its so toxic, damaging to your mental health, your family. Money is not the problem . Its family time. Call me whatever. I will not work more. Ill go and find more money for 8 hrs.

@kylestokes4501 - 27.05.2023 03:19

When you are on your death bed, and I am a Registered Nurse in Trauma- I’ve seen MANY. You won’t be wishing you’d made more money, or that you’d been more devoted to your company by sacrificing time with your Loved Ones.

@davidgriffith3938 - 08.05.2023 07:30

You can't expect people with an obvious and blatant bias toward mgmt and against workers to give a decent answer to this question.

@reesercliff - 24.04.2023 01:40

Work life balance are for second marriages

@igitwams - 24.03.2023 15:02

Nobody's saying they don't want to work much, they just don't want to wrap their entire lives around their job.

@grenade1101 - 04.03.2023 21:33

It is 100% achievable!

@TehFlush - 02.03.2023 04:21

So silly to frame it as blaming the son. No, some people don't base their entire meaning around a paycheck. The paycheck is a means to an end.

@ASMR_With_Chels - 13.01.2023 22:06

Don't agree. If your career is more important to you than spending time with your kids - teaching them and watching them grow up, etc. - you probably shouldn't have kids.

@Steven-rp8zo - 08.01.2023 04:10

I normally love the advice on this show but this is so wrong it really bothered. The cocky kid there is suggesting there is no "balance" and caller should just work hard to provide opportunities later on in life, is how I heard it and in my experience the exact opposite is true. Too many people decide to sacrifice their family time for work for a distant future but the problem is that future time never comes. There are always more bills. There is always more work. And by the time you realize it the kids are grown up and you have missed their childhood, and often time the kids will resent you for it. Never sacrifice time for money. Money you can always get back, time is gone forever. This is a no brainer. Spend as much time with your kids as possible WHILE THEY ARE STILL YOUNG! "kids don't need more toys, they need more TIME"

@that_guy_lesley7021 - 05.01.2023 21:28

Work life balance DOES exist. It is a spectrum. There is good WLB and bad WLB. It is simply a comparison of time spent working against time not spent working.

This man is really asking “Is it worth it to find something else that will allow me to prioritize spending more time with my family?” This guy isn’t asking “is it ok to stop working hard?” He’s not looking for an easy way out of his responsibilities, he is reassessing what matters in his life.

I find that Dave often paints this picture that “if you don’t work hard, you are a lazy.” But it’s not always about working hard, sometimes it’s about working “SMART”. For example, finding ways to make a good income but still having more free time. If this caller was given a multimillion offer for his company, or a lucrative job in consulting that pays twice as much but has him working 20 hours less a week, would he be lazy for taking those opportunities???

I implore all of you listeners to understand that life is way more nuanced than the advice in this video explains. Do what works best for you!

@5280Roadrunner - 05.01.2023 19:50

It’s up to us to set boundaries. Frequently we put a lot pressure on ourselves due to strong work ethic. If company truly cares for you and your well being they will be clear about this topic and what their expectations are.

@jasonmaglia7025 - 05.01.2023 01:30

If you work long hours every week and are off every single weekend/holiday/vacation, then that's more than enough time with the family. Most if not all people just dont want to work long hours. No need to find excuses as to why.

@maturitycomeswithexperienc3388 - 03.01.2023 02:31

I rode the bus and was a latchkey, and I'm still alive.

@linuxd - 21.12.2022 03:13

I don't even want a private jet.

I just to afford the time to take care of my own life and my living space

@santo9032 - 21.12.2022 01:33

Big reason I learned this year is there’s a price and cost for everything so choose what you’re willing to pay the price for.

@VyNguyen-qm5hm - 18.12.2022 16:28

As a child of parents who owned businesses and worked 70 hours weeks my whole life, I would like to say although it did afford us a nice house and nice cars, I would have preferred having my parents around more in my life growing up, I feel like our relationship was never close because they were like strangers since I hardly saw them. They are now retired and have free time but I travel for work so I don't see them that often now. Ask what's more important, time with your kids or having nice material things. I did go to college on a full scholarship so I really did not need the money for college either.

@stephaniehenderson6631 - 11.12.2022 13:55

FIRE might suit this man. Sell the business, invest the money and become a contractor, so you get to take periods off. You need to learn to live very frugally but you will get time with the family. IT professionals are in demand and you know you have the skills and drive to set up your own business further down the line in a different season as those kiddos will grow up and away from you as is normal.

@blackspiderman1887 - 09.12.2022 13:39

The bottom line is you cannot have it both ways. If you want a work-life balance your will sacrifice profit for time with your family. Personally why would you even begin to have a family before completing your career goals is beyond me. So if you want a balance with your family then sell your business and get a job will you make less money so you can spend more time with your family. But if you are looking for a job that you will make the same amount of money and to your family good luck.

@erickarobin2010 - 09.12.2022 09:47

... they're seasons...that got me. I needed that. Thank you

@SeantheRD - 07.12.2022 06:31

Ask two very successful people about work life balance and you may not get the best answer. For me personally yes it does exist. Finding the right career with the right company helps. 32 hour work week and I feel very balanced

@happyboy420666 - 07.12.2022 03:47

As long as ur happy, either way works. Sacrifice goes both ways. Ur never going to have it all

@Funnyvidss300 - 04.12.2022 20:10

Money is not everything You can always make money but you can’t never get time back with your family Life is short enjoy it!!! You Never know when it’s your time to go enjoy!!!!!!!!

@NK-vw4ms - 02.12.2022 16:37

Don't work extra to pay for stuff you don't need. Work life balance is possible for those who don't desire an extreme lifestyle.

@jasoncoreas9432 - 01.12.2022 23:30

You need to be working at least 60 hours a week to be a productive member of society. You need to have at least one full time job and several side hustles. You need to be owning multiple businesses that cash flow positively and you need to have at least a 7 figure networth by the time you’re in your fifties.

@privacyplease1556 - 26.11.2022 03:39

How can anyone apply for a job at Ramsey Solutions having seen this video?

@bones549 - 25.11.2022 01:09

Ok I was that dude. Career chasing and I was good. I'm at 250k I did it. NO don't sacrifice at the end of the day all you have is your family. I'll retire soon and looking back f no it was not worth it! Your kids will be gone in a blink.

@patricia-sj9qy - 24.11.2022 15:36

this isnt possrble if u work every day practically nor do they care about u u r not family

@carlosbrito8147 - 24.11.2022 00:18

Working overtime has allowed me to pay off my house, drive an electric car and install solar panels with an emphasis battery all paid in cash debt-free. My two young kids are enjoying the extra perks like piano lessons ,tutoring etc... due to my work ethic and working overtime.

@darinherrick9224 - 23.11.2022 03:35

This video will age like moldy cheese.

@alainl1211 - 21.11.2022 19:33

Missed the mark on this one, big time.

@bethbarrow645 - 20.11.2022 22:01

I feel like the Ramsey definition of work life balance is completely different than what the rest of us are thinking...

@micheledau1294 - 19.11.2022 22:40

Cat's in the Cradle. We make our choices, and live with the outcomes. Which outcome you want is up to you.

@camillemitchell301 - 19.11.2022 19:39

For those of us that are Christians, we have to remember that one day God will take into account all that we have done during our time on earth...and I'm pretty sure that climbing the corporate ladder isn't on the top of the list...instead we should remember to love and serve Him and others around us.

@karnypharax1917 - 19.11.2022 11:45

What story did they hear? It sounded like he was burnt out and was heading down the workaholic path. I think this worked out so well for the hosts because nobody wants them at home lol.

@steveb2616 - 18.11.2022 22:07

I disagree with some of what is said. To be fair, this is a difficult question to answer for someone else, especially with a lot of information missing. Need to know how many hours he is putting in and his family’s financial situation. How much control does he have over WHEN he puts it hose hours in. This are all very important factors in measuring what benefits your family the most. To me it’s not really work life balance that’s important. It’s more like financial and mental/emotional/family (can’t think of one word that encompasses all) health

@ballan00 - 18.11.2022 19:39

Work/life balance is super important to me. I give my company a solid 40 hours per week, get fairly compensated for it, and get to spend a ton of time with wife and young children. I could make more $$ if I put in more hours but what I make suffices... and I know this time with my children is precious and something that I will never get back.

@docgravenshmit6692 - 18.11.2022 19:15

I'm all for a hard day's work. However, one of the problems in the US is the emphasis on "hustle culture". Americans don't rank too highly regarding how happy its citizens are by country. Perhaps part of that has to do with the workaholic nature of our culture, and the huge imbalances that result.

@blueblur490 - 18.11.2022 18:49

This was my email, and I was disappointed that the Ramsey team altered my question. I want to respond since I felt that a lot of the context was removed from my inquiry and to raise awareness that this feeling could be shared by other listeners sending emails. The question had nothing to do about work-life balance. Instead, in my email, I express how I felt stuck in a business/career that "chips" away at my soul because I feel unfulfilled despite making good money with my IT business. When I am "free," I need to put extra effort into being there mentally for my family even though I work hard for them and have set us up in a good position with no debt. I want to explore other business opportunities, but I have difficulty overcoming the fear of change that could put my family at risk. In the email, I mention picking my son up from school as a catalyst for feeling guilty that I have been checked out mentally due to my career. So the dilemma I am in is that I know I am doing what is right for my family and ensuring their happiness. Still, at the same time, I crave a change in my life to feel fulfilled professionally and restore my mental presence for my family.

@thatwitchvictoria - 18.11.2022 17:43

I'm starting to doubt their advice

@StrongTyer - 18.11.2022 08:34

It seems Dave doesn't answer how to find balance very well. You don't have to have a killer career to avoid a "mediocre life." It doesn't mean that building a business or climbing the ladder aren't worth the sacrafice sometimes, but I don't agree with the mentality here.

I think there is a bias as Dave is a high achiever, super success. Not everyone has to be that or even a smaller version of that, or has what it takes to be that. Not all of the meaning in life is in work.

@Realtorofnewyork - 17.11.2022 19:43

100% love the answer to this question! Starting my own real estate business and wanting to do the best I can for my children’s children, is super motivating so it makes scheduling the most important aspect. There is balance in the chaos 🙏🏻

Thank you Dave and Dr. John for your continued support and guidance for all of us!

@shreddedWheatz - 17.11.2022 19:15

This is how people get shocked when their kid comes out as trans at 13.
