What is Einstein's Equivalence Principle?

What is Einstein's Equivalence Principle?

Sabine Hossenfelder

3 года назад

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@davidasher22 - 01.08.2020 13:22

I was a Flat Earther for 4 years.... and then I turned 5..

@philoso377 - 30.11.2023 04:22

Nice video and presentation.
An observer’s perception to his situation do not and cannot use to define how the universe operates or behave in the way it is. Especially not for observers who perform more mind experiments than apparatus based research.

@mightyaxis3123 - 09.10.2023 12:47

Looking great in the outfit 😍

@eelcj1 - 04.10.2023 06:10

Why bother. You can’t argue with stupidity

@steamcat444 - 29.09.2023 10:34

This explains it so much better than our £60 required textbook

@mb-3faze - 13.09.2023 17:42

How do flat earthers explain air pressure? - and the fact that you can, really easily, measure the lower pressure 20 feet up on top of a building compared with the pressure on the ground. Universal acceleration isn't going to explain that.

@DivergentDroid - 19.05.2023 17:11

@NathanOakley1980 reviewed your video today! Thank you for your views and opinions! Please check it out!

@truplayez513 - 17.05.2023 23:37

Curvature of spacetime , that's a good one

@eelcj1 - 23.04.2023 02:01

Why even bother to argue with stupid. You will not convert them and they will just try to drag you into their dumb domain and destroy you in their stupid universe which is their turf.

@claytonbealcom - 22.04.2023 18:34

Am I a man dreaming I'm a bowling ball, or am I a bowling ball dreaming I am a man? 😮

@TomHendricksMusea - 20.02.2023 05:11

Gravity = Acceleration?

Does the Earth PULL the APPLE to the ground or
Does the Sky PUSH the APPLE to the ground?

Which is correct: GRAVITY is pulling matter together or ANTI GRAVITY, another name for DARK ENERGY, is pushing it together?
Which is correct: GRAVITY, is inside MATTER somewhere, or ANTI GRAVITY is outside everywhere in empty SPACE?

DARK ENERGY in physics is defined as a repulsive force that counteracts gravity and causes the universe to expand everywhere at an accelerating rate. My suggestion is that DARK ENERGY is ANTI GRAVITY.

My next suggestion is that THERE IS NO GRAVITY!

My idea is similar to a universe wide CASIMIR EFFECT on all matter. Here, instead of two metal plates being pushed together, there are "plates" of matter and the expanding space around them, pushing them together.

Dr Einstein said his breakthrough came when he imagined an analogy of an elevator in space. As acceleration increases, gravity increases. The person in the elevator can't tell if he is in an elevator traveling in space or one on Earth.

Look at the drawing.

There are two round elevators.

The elevator on the left IS NOT accelerating.
No acceleration = No gravity
The force of empty space or anti gravity, pushes on all sides equally.

The elevator on the right IS accelerating.
Acceleration = Gravity.
The force of empty space or anti gravity, pushes on all sides, but mostly from the front due to acceleration! The acceleration scrunches up the forces in front. They overlap each other from the elevator accelerating into them. These cumulative, empty space, forces, push back more and more as the elevator accelerates in that forward direction.
This causes gravity. Acceleration = Gravity!

More exactly the forces of ANTI GRAVITY cause matter to experience what we call gravity.

So: acceleration of an object in space causes space to push back. This is what we have been calling gravity but is anti gravity.

Some will say:
But it's so obvious, the Sun goes around the Earth, and the apple falls to the ground.
Yes they seem obvious. But both are wrong!

My previous posts, part of a single paper covering all these ideas, suggested that before the Big Bang, there was a singularity of photons, an eternal dimensionless point of energy.
Then the force that expanded out of the Big Bang and started the universe, and time space, was DARK ENERGY; a subset of the singularity of photons.

So Gravity from stars and planets was never PULLING matter together. The opposite was true: Anti Gravity or DARK ENERGY from empty space was expanding and PUSHING matter together from all sides!

THERE IS NO GRAVITY pulling anything together. THERE IS ONLY ANTI GRAVITY or DARK ENERGY expanding and pushing matter on all sides. This can explain acceleration in elevators, rocket propulsion; the rubber sheet analogy, why no light escapes black holes, space expansion, curvature of space, and why there is so little gravity in the quantum world.

Three Follow Ups.

1. Remember the rubber sheet analogy? The rubber sheet is space pushing on all sides. That's the force I'm talking about that causes what we call gravity.
Q. The implication is clear (or at least, it was clear to Einstein): Gravity causes acceleration, and acceleration causes gravity. They are absolutely identical

2. Galileo's experiment, later recreated on the moon shows a hammer and feather dropping and hitting the ground at the same time. This supports space pushing them , not the attraction of their weight.

3. Doppler Effect: Waves emitted by a source traveling towards an observer get compressed.

4. The greatest force in the universe is dark energy, the energy of empty space. Dark energy is 70% of all energy. It has such force that its expanding the universe everywhere all the time, and is now speeding up.

@giuseppebrandi3742 - 07.02.2023 19:29

I don't give a shit about what flat earthers are saying, I'm here for the equivalence principle

@fred_2021 - 09.12.2022 16:30

"...it's that the Earth comes up and hits the apple" lol. It's the way you tell 'em.

@MCRuCr - 28.11.2022 07:54

arguing with flat earthlers is like telling an anarchist that he broke the law

@giannismentz3570 - 18.11.2022 09:38

Sabine, if you throw an apple with your right hand away at the speed of light and another apple with your left hand away at the speed of light, what is the speed these 2 apples are moving away from one another?

@johneonas6628 - 17.11.2022 16:37

The Equivalence principle is wrong.

@robertfish4734 - 03.11.2022 18:31

No actual scientific FE believes the earth accelerates upwards. The hint is that buoyancy and density pretty much answer why a bath tub fart comes to the surface and dissipates to fill your olfactory sensors, exactly like Boyle predicts, this is why the notion of the heliocentric model is scientifically impossible.

Never in the 335 years since Newton published his THEORY of gravity has anyone provided a single empiric condition that can prove gravity can keep a gas from expanding to fill the volume. The absolute insanity is that one must believe that, even though the gas law works anywhere, for anyone ant any time, the heliocentric model some how doesn't apply. Space as defined by this silly heliocentric model as only 2 hydrogen atoms per cubic meter empty, so any pressure higher than 2 hydrogen atoms per cubic meter is going to expand to fill the INFINITE volume of space.

To actually believe in this nonsense you you must believe that most of the population lives on a rapidly spinning ball with surface speeds of between 300 and 1000 MPH and actual physical law does not apply because if it did, the spinning ball would have no air... If it had air, the wind resistance would exceed F5 tornadoes everywhere.

Einstein is only a poster boy to explain why Michelson-Morley failed to detect movement. It is exceptional BS, but slick advertising and instilling gullible/impressionable minds by hot German women keeps those Joo Janta 200 Super-Chromatic Peril Sensitive Sunglasses working on max.

@No_bullshit_policy - 28.10.2022 16:49

Flat earthers use the EP to conclude their flat earth is accelerating upwards as a way to deny gravity which is what the EP is partly about. This is beyond idiocy. This is mental retardation.

@louisjsaayman1592 - 25.10.2022 20:51

So the electrostatic law is also inverse square can we assume there must be some correlation? by the way, your dress is beautiful

@louisjsaayman1592 - 25.10.2022 20:47

You did not include the centripetal Force ....

@Potassium697 - 18.10.2022 09:40

hi professor I have already solve the equivalence principles and I have the answer why inertial mass and gravitational mass the same
I am sure 100% my idea is correct

Where can I pass my article or my papers ? it’s big lot help if you can give an advice

I hope you will notice me ❤❤

@antiHUMANDesigns - 04.10.2022 15:35

About the 1/r^2 thing, I have been wondering about this: If you have a particle that has mass, such as an electron, then the gravity at the core of that particle is... well, a singularity, as it would be its mass divided by zero distance. And I've been wondering if this point of extreme gravity is what holds the particle together? It's just a thought, but it keeps nagging me.

@antiHUMANDesigns - 04.10.2022 15:27

The problem of "locally" is that it's theoretically an almost infinitely small volume of space. Space is always curved, everywhere, so this principle never actually applies.
It's kind of how thermodynamics talks about "isolated systems", even though the only truly isolated system is the universe itself (which we can only observe a tiny part of, anyway).

The example of the elevator, for example, is false. Within an elevator, the gradient of gravity means you can measure whether you're being accelerated or whether it's the presence of gravity.
Your feet will be more strongly accelerated towards the Earth than your head, and you could theoretically measure this difference.

@johneonas6628 - 02.10.2022 20:58

The equivalence principle is wrong.

@vanikaghajanyan7760 - 07.09.2022 10:31

Real gravitational fields are variable in space and time, so there is no global equivalence between them and non-inertial reference frames. In the case of a gravitational field, no global transformation can exclude it and thereby bring the metric to the form of an inertial Cartesian system. This can be done only in an infinitesimal 4-volume in the vicinity of the event P. That is, the strong equivalence principle (the same flow of natural phenomena in the gravitational field and the corresponding non-inertial systems) turns out to be just a dream; and the principle of general covariance, which holds for all 4-coordinate systems without exception, is unreasonable.

@Chicken_Little_Syndrome - 27.08.2022 14:46

Einstein's so-called "theory" would only apply to a flat, pancake-shaped Earth. Einstein's thought experiments are contradictory, brainteasing nonsense. Anyone who logically analyses his thought experiments knows that this is a fact.

@SameAsAnyOtherStranger - 17.07.2022 19:39

I heard Einstein was working on a gravity detector but it didn't scale well.

@SameAsAnyOtherStranger - 17.07.2022 19:38

So...for all intents and purposes, outside of accounting for bodies of mass in a large enough portion of space, gravity is a force. Right? Bodies of mass in relationship to other bodies of mass interact by the force of gravity.

@BarryKort - 12.07.2022 14:20

The observation that gravitational field strength varies also explains why atomic clocks tick at observably disparate rates from one location to another (gravitational time dilation). Doesn't this mean that John Stewart Bell should have employed a gravitational path integral to account for the inevitable decoherence of otherwise entangled particles as they speed apart in the presence of arbitrary gravitational gradients? Had he done so, doesn't it follow that the presumptive hidden variable would not have vanished, but would have yielded a non-vanishing "beat frequency" term arising from any time-varying term in the presumptive hidden variable. Or to put it another way, isn't time itself at the root of any hidden variable?

@spudhead169 - 08.06.2022 01:20

The Flat Earth Society is one of the most disappointing evolutions I know. Many years ago, they were basically a debate/troll group. They used the absurdity of the flat-Earth model as a basis for debate and winding people up by using very clever argument techniques to frustrate opponents. None of the members ever actually believed the Earth was flat at all. Now it seems to have shifted into a religious cult-like pseudo-scientific mess. So very sad.

@stankfaust814 - 26.05.2022 15:45

Without computers, engineers built the golden gate bridge taking into account the curvature of the earth. The twin towers are separated by enough distance that the tops of the towers are farther apart than the bases

@Animagiko - 16.05.2022 07:13

Oh how I love thee, Sabine!

@skasmosAE - 04.05.2022 08:45

Love your European, strict, sarcastic, precise, right to the point teaching of physics concepts! Miss that from teachers these days!

@ScienceCommunicator2001 - 30.03.2022 15:39

The Equivalence Principle is one way you can tell that relativity is incomplete! Yes when one is in free fall in a closed and sealed elevator, the experience seems indistinguishable from one floating in a spaceship in deep space. However, the one in free fall does experience tides; his feet being closer to the Earth than his head. Whoever can resolve this mathematically and experimentally should be awarded the Nobel Prize!

@robertbrandywine - 24.03.2022 22:12

Equivalent to me means caused by the same thing and we don't know that is the case. All we know is that they have the same value.

@johntakolander8613 - 16.03.2022 11:37

There is a mistake here: I have Einsteins book: On the special and general relativity written in the german language by Einstein himself. Here he states that an observer in an elevator cannot determine if he is in a stedily accelerated elevator or an elevator standing still in a gravitational field. This is a blatant mistake! If the observer is a capable physicist and has very good state of the art gravimeter he can very easily detect the gradient of the gravitation, or the absence of it in an accelerated case. The best gravimeter today can detect a difference of a thousand billionths of a standard gravitational acceleration.

@shefchenko111 - 23.01.2022 15:34

As much as I enjoy this, you should not pay attention too much to flat earthers, or at least just have debates with facts, not just point out how they are wrong.

@davidmudry5622 - 28.12.2021 07:11

Acceleration by a force creates weight...Objects in free fall have no weight...No go and figure it out.

@baraskparas9559 - 19.12.2021 02:53

Einstein was wrong, Cavendish and Newton were wrong, there is only one force in the universe, the strong nuclear repulsive force which itself is a consequence of the kinetic energy of the fundamental particles emanating and entering the core of all long lived elementary particles thereby leading to mass, charge and the immeasurably small mass of the photon.
You are just a different type of flat earther, one of the 5% ers. " Where are all the aliens and 95% of the universe? "

@richmeister1960 - 02.11.2021 01:14


@anonymous-rb2sr - 31.10.2021 14:59

Einstein's equivalency principle as it is formulated is false
the "locally" doesn't mean on small distances, it means ONLY on a mathematical line of infinitely small radius, and only in the configurations where the gravitational field has radial symetry
yet another example of major mistakes no one seems to be able to catch

@frankdimeglio8216 - 16.10.2021 05:23


Get a good look at the blue sky. Get a good look at what is THE EYE. Consider the man who is standing on what is THE EARTH/ground. Touch AND feeling BLEND, AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. Balanced BODILY/VISUAL EXPERIENCE is the reason that objects AND MEN fall at the SAME RATE (neglecting air resistance, of course), AS E=MC2 IS F=ma; AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. Gravity/acceleration involves BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE, AS E=MC2 IS F=ma; AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. (Accordingly, the rotation of WHAT IS THE MOON matches it's revolution.) "Mass"/ENERGY involves BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE consistent with/as what is BALANCED electromagnetic/gravitational force/ENERGY, AS E=MC2 IS F=ma; AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. Gravity IS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy. E=MC2 IS F=ma. This NECESSARILY represents, INVOLVES, AND DESCRIBES what is possible/potential AND actual IN BALANCE, AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity !!!!!!! It all CLEARLY makes perfect sense, AS BALANCE AND completeness go hand in hand !!! Think QUANTUM GRAVITY !!!!!!!!!!!

By Frank DiMeglio

@tonybalazs - 03.10.2021 15:34

Would you please comment on the assumption, referred to by Einstein, that the speed of light is the same in all directions? Is this related to the equivalence principle? Calculations of the speed of light have always been made from the time taken for a round trip, and would yield the same result whether the speed is c in both directions or, in the extreme case, c/2 in one direction and infinite in the other, or any intermediate combination?
