3 Rules Beginning Screenwriters Need To Know - Dr. Ken Atchity

3 Rules Beginning Screenwriters Need To Know - Dr. Ken Atchity

Film Courage

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@davidmurphy7332 - 08.01.2024 09:49

Three things a screenwriter has to know: structure, structure, structure

@nikhilps5369 - 19.12.2023 09:15

Even being the most important character, its not good the audience to know they got targeted.

@arzabael - 16.12.2023 03:04

What a wonderful mantra to keep front-of-mind. “The audience is the main character”. Thats one of the only fixed rules there are I would imagine.

@justayoutuber1906 - 10.12.2023 20:29

$22 for a ticket?

@Paraclete835 - 07.12.2023 15:26

I think the audience is important because they always want to get value for every story they watch

@Yuhisern - 12.11.2023 14:11

Thank you thank you

@zachmorley158 - 07.10.2023 07:39

It’s amazing how many people there are out there who can shovel bullshit so confidently.

@moovieman693 - 29.09.2023 20:39

I agree, the audience is the most important thing to consider when writing a screenplay. I remember watching the matrix and that scene where Morpheus is explaining What is reality to neo. The audience was dead silent. It’s like everybody was paying attention not just Neo.

@user-vf5yu7me7i - 23.09.2023 18:04

Yes the audience is very much important in your screenwriteing

@evelinabredikyte7163 - 20.09.2023 18:11

that was interesting to listen, please more

@00788 - 15.09.2023 04:56

I hate it when they do the things that are obvious in movies It’s like they pulled a can off the shelf in Hollywood ok feed them this! I hate to already know which way the story is already going! I like to be surprised I’d rather see her not go up the step cause I know thats stupid and there’s a million films that do that same thing and it’s boring! BORING, TRICK ME GO LEFT INSTEAD OF RIGHT! Have her do something logical and the birds out smart her and catch her a totally different way! So in your mind it made sense to not go up the steps thats stupid! Show her run to the basement and they come though a broken pipe we saw her trying to fix in the middle of the movie before the birds went crazy! When we were just being introduced to her! Working around the house! I like to be fooled!

@BrooksTV4 - 30.07.2023 07:28

I’m starting a screenwriting program soon. Wish me luck! This was great. 🎬🍿🎥

@danielwilson6159 - 21.07.2023 18:12

bro off the rip was a dick to the lady "thats just an arbitrary number but lets go with it." Lost all credibility after that. Also NO ONE cares about what color hat a character wears moron.

@CaptainTae - 11.07.2023 18:00

I can't fathom why you didn't do another take without all the action in the background. Or why you shot towards the door.

@erislee - 10.07.2023 00:14

1) match the plot with the backround

@samanthacazares9958 - 12.06.2023 21:20

We can change most of the characters’ looks in sequels but not the most important items as speaking of connections.

@kahlimgia5662 - 01.05.2023 21:20

As a writer✍🏽, if looking at the audience as characters means making them feel like they are in a novel, movie, show, series, etc., then si, I agree; otherwise, I'm not with it.

@rojaishere - 04.03.2023 14:50

"How to grab audience by the throat and never let go of it" I think that's the formula used by every successful director

@foreverpoops7536 - 03.02.2023 18:56

The man is right. However:

Chronological Order is part of the film, so it does need to be took into consideration, as it can give the audience different perception on events.

Phycological order needs to work to, as the fear the character faces is directly to do with the earlier instances heightening and leading to the climax.

For the example he gave of the girl not checking the flashlight, this may relate to what the man was talking about. If there are details of her being stupid and clumsy beforehand, you can expect the films logic plays a big role in making her do actions that best portray her character

@filmmakerswisdom - 14.01.2023 16:11

What a great advice!

@praveenc.b__3139 - 30.11.2022 18:42

Yes the audience is the most important think

@zeinhaydar8780 - 18.11.2022 10:32

Dramatic order is the key

@joannkelly7994 - 27.09.2022 19:16

Whenever I am in the audience - it is.

@mickkollins - 27.09.2022 17:38

I like this guy..a lot..Sage wisdom and experience right there!

@paulolodicora4471 - 19.09.2022 15:07

If I think the audience is the most important character? The answer is another question. Who's paying for having fun?

@skxlter5747 - 18.08.2022 08:13

There's a lot of movies that break these rules and makes u wonder how the hell they even managed to make that awful movie?

@MMorMM - 15.08.2022 04:56

A director's job is to be the audience before the show opens, in live stage shows, and also in film productions. The director is the first audience.

@PokeABrain - 12.08.2022 16:39

1 & 2 definitely but #3? how did 'star wars' or 'predator' used the audience? if not to shock them; for drama i would say yes but sci-fi and even action, that rule is out; now you have to be aggressive about ideas because most have already shown (unless you have great actors people will pay to watch regardless lol see Jack Nicholson, Meryl Streep or Jim Carey for that matter!

@sirrzoidberg3771 - 10.08.2022 09:54

The problem with films is that most of it is fan service and sensationalism none of it is believable, real, relatable. I say F*ck the audience as the main character. Im trying to make art and something original. If they don’t like it f*ck em. People don’t like oscar best picture movies. You can’t please everybody so there’s no point in trying to keep them in mind 24/7. If you’re pleased with what you wrote someone else will be pleased with story.

@zoray5143 - 26.07.2022 19:01

I'll just say what I think. I played a lot of games and watched a lot of shows and from my perspective, striking a good balance between the dynamics(action, music, visuals, etc.) and dialogue keeps things interesting. Add a flavor of unpredictability and it's gonna be like striking gold every time the audience get surprised; That's if the content garnered the audience's trust in the first place. Teasing, pleasing, sharing, and caring is what I think will make a great story. In a way you're still speaking to your audience; It's just fancy words and complimentary factors.

@gaupel - 16.07.2022 08:32

"The audience is the main character in the story, not the characters..."

Thank you!!!!

@hauntedasylum8194 - 07.07.2022 07:21

Stories that start with sex scenes, parties, fights... just useless nonsense that do nothing to lead to the core of the story is a waste of time. Stay on the story and purpose. And make sure it's interesting.

@leothelittlesimba2682 - 21.06.2022 10:47

When a zombie walks in during a talking session and disappearing in the background to scare him in the next room.

@gmar7836 - 01.06.2022 08:08

For me, I go by three rules when it comes to writing a script for a movie or just a movie in general:

1) it must be a good story, an interesting story and it moves forward. No one wants to be bored.
2) it must be perfectly casted
3) it must have entertainment value

@joelmacha2104 - 27.05.2022 02:06

No. What's he going on about? He's saying that the audience will both question what characters are doing, and that they will keep watching because it's a movie. How many terrible movies follow that advice? How many people complain when characters do something unmotivated or plain dumb because it's a movie. Dumb characters are so hard to want to see succeed, because they come off as following the plot. you want something scary? The character does everything right, everything that the audience would do, and still loses. We cheer when dumb characters in movies die.

@Sam-bn7jk - 11.05.2022 04:15

these are 2 rules not 3 but thanks anyways, pretty good, not gold but solid good.

@christinaaspen3800 - 11.04.2022 00:49

I don’t think him saying the audience is the main character means in any notion that as a writer you need to care about specifically what people are going to think and although that is important in its own way, I believe what he means is you want to make sure your audience feels a connection to the main character/characters. therefore there’s a projection onto the audience that creates an a understanding to the story. The main character and the audience should definitely feel like one. It’s like when we watch a movie, for example, “back the future”. we get to see everything through the visuals of of our main character’s ,Marty’s life. His daily morning, his relationships, his problem, how he gets through it. just to make you feel like “wow I can’t even imagine trying to just start off my day and getting blasted into 1955.” You want the audience to experience this adventure with him. You NEED the audience to become him. I thought this was excellent advice. Thoughts?

@TheFakeyCakeMaker - 03.03.2022 14:27

I agree about the audience wanting what they pay for but you can still build in those elements of her putting on a jumper, checking the flash light but then it still falls down at the last minute. I think newer directors are doing this more and more.

@joannkelly7994 - 30.01.2022 04:53

Thank you.

@franciscosouza8917 - 25.01.2022 18:33

Logical order is not necessary? That's sounds a bit lazy, if you can give her a motive to go upstairs, that will intensifies the tension on the scene, and will not make the audience think she is stupid.

@BartScantlin - 09.12.2021 07:41

I'm not 100% convinced we should think of the audience as a 'character'. But I do think we need to give their views and expectations a great deal of credence. I mean, a show like Mr. Robot did treat its audience like a character and in my view, they did it successfully. But maybe I'm wrong, and this is now more important in the age of streaming and VOD.
I have no problem with the idea of treating the audience as a voyeur.

@Sei783 - 29.11.2021 21:06

Good advice

@squiddly007 - 05.11.2021 19:28

I think modern audiences wouldnt buy a character walking into that room or not checking the flashlight. Character motivation would compell me to write a reason why she NEEDS to go in that room.

@JaphetAnciado - 29.10.2021 17:14

Beginner movie writer here, 👍👍👍👍

@mbahmarieclaire2411 - 20.10.2021 10:48

Who else spend the whole time trying to write a story based on the old man in the background of this video?

@AmilaSKumarasinghe - 17.10.2021 02:32

How to sell an English script I wrote. What is the usual value of a scrip. I know that depends on certain things.
