Rambling about Asrock's AM5 motherboards.

Rambling about Asrock's AM5 motherboards.

Actually Hardcore Overclocking

2 года назад

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@PoptartFps - 22.02.2025 15:37

Really miss this format ..DO more please !!

@techluvin7691 - 02.01.2025 17:46

My 13700k reaches 6.1 GHz on 3 cores and is cooled with a Deepcool AK620 Digital Air Cooler. Monster CPU. I also have the “Taichi Cararra” X670E and it does have features that the regular “Taichi” does not have. The “cararra” is also a very beautiful board.

@NirreFirre - 09.12.2024 01:47

"I Dont use nvme drives"
"I don't like the grey mess"
"I don't care about USB"
..eh, thanks for such a deep dive to make sense of the huge mess the mb market is but having done the homework and have a spreadsheet with for example color coded cells would be useful..

Asrock are still the single manufacturer to have 3 m.2 slots on most of their matx boards. Or you choose the ones with 3 pcie and get 2 (physics) etc

@lucasucx - 19.11.2024 21:23

For 9950x and 9950x3d I need Taichi or Steel Legend is okay?

@Eonymia - 18.10.2024 17:05

I decided to get the Pro RS mainly because it was just cheaper in Europe than most other options, especially anything with more than 4 sata connectors (I have 5 drives). I probably won't even need the missing PCIe slots since I'm only using one for wifi at the moment and that's already covered by the board here.

@kiljaedyn - 15.09.2024 16:37

lol this aged like milk. intel is dogshlt and AMD is destroying them in gaming.

@A_Performances_Benchmark - 23.08.2024 02:05

Thank you for the video ! What you think of b650 steel legend ?

@KG-fb8te - 21.08.2024 21:11

Here, let me review the boards for you. I hate a rock everything they do I don't like the design who gives a damn about what the boy looks like I'm more into functionality than aesthet waste of time. !!!

@Berkelll - 15.08.2024 21:37

Do you still recommend B650E PG Riptide?

@jeremytine - 23.07.2024 05:50

why would you use sata over m.2 drives?

@toxyboi - 22.07.2024 18:33

This guy is annoying af

@taomahNEGEV - 24.06.2024 15:29

B650 Pro RS. I still would go for the B650 Taichi or even the Taichi Lite. Do you have the same for the Gigabyte and the Biostar boards?

@mocontext3280 - 12.06.2024 00:57

Thanks for confirming what those e-maginary E cores are for. I got the 7950x3D hoping to turn the tables un UE5, DaVinci Resolve Studio, and Blender. Nobody uses Windows

@ZoeyR86 - 26.05.2024 07:50

I know this is old but that am5 vs intel rant did not age well after the updated micro codes and bios updates, to deal with Intel CPU's killing them selves and or massive security issues with the smt scheduler. Almost all the 13 and 14th gen CPU's on a fully updated and patched system have fallen 6-8% behind the 7950x let alone the x3d version.
Also Intel 15th gen is confirmed a new socket yet ryzen 9000 is confirmed am5 and leaks have ryzen 10k on am5 as well.

@jskop566 - 25.05.2024 04:03

I decided to take a break from Z series boards this time around and went with the b650 PG Riptide. I have to say, I'm extremely happy with it so far. It pairs very nicely with a 7800x3d and the price to performance is tough to beat.

@YountFilm - 16.05.2024 21:29

Seems like the 670 Steel Legend is sufficient on all counts.
There's a tplink 10gbe NIC that runs on pcie3.0 x4. It's the only thing I can think to plug into a pcie after the gpu (if you're not building a RAID).

@Hahahanoyes - 04.05.2024 06:23

I have zero bulk saves. Sata drives mean absolutely nothing to me. Might as well be zero

@bitterinmychest - 25.04.2024 00:37

are you from ontario lmao

@kurtlazarus5975 - 30.03.2024 10:50

He don't like much 😂. Half these ppl that make these videos have no idea what they are talking about 😂😂

@farhadmodaresi4182 - 10.03.2024 08:30

what u mean 7000 series don't make sense, they offer way more performance per watt, cheaper cooler cheaper psu and cheaper motherboard + longevity of component's life running on lower temperatures.

@SIDEWISE - 03.03.2024 00:54

What Micro ATX board would you recommend for gaming. 2 pci-e slots, am5, pcie5, no digital audio, I don't really need wifi.

@timothyhendricks3004 - 22.02.2024 06:47

The e-cores are terrible for virtualization

@ոakedsquirtle - 15.02.2024 06:01

Nah the 7800X3D is pretty hosted for gaming. Plus there's still a better upgrade path for AM5 chipsets (ik I am an amd fan)

@marcusnielsen2869 - 18.01.2024 19:24

i want to get 7500f. am i dumb to cheap out on ASRock B650M PG Lightning Micro ATX AM5 Motherboard?

@char_noir - 02.01.2024 16:24

Bought B650 PG LIGHTNING, and in real life with all other components installed it doesn't look that awful.

@MgelikaXevi - 31.12.2023 19:08

actually really useful rambling :D , thanks man !

@elaughebburg2523 - 30.12.2023 18:32

A lot of people say that they think the Steel legends board is ugly. It isn't if it's built with the right components for the looks.

@elaughebburg2523 - 30.12.2023 18:21

ASROCK Steel Series paired with a 7000x3d is phenomenal. Especially with the right RAM. Exceptional

@ibeats_ix1437 - 14.12.2023 15:44

I bought the X670E PRO RS as I got it cheap ($440 NZD(£215.07)) retail

@erickelly4107 - 10.12.2023 02:44

Mainstream motherboards should come as follows:

2 Dims - Mine has 4 will never use the 2 extra…
2 NVMe - Mine has 4, will never use the 2 extra..
4-6 SATA
8+ USB A
2-3 USB C
Clear CMOS / BIOS reset
Post code @$200+

I bet most would concur here.

@boanerges5723 - 03.12.2023 01:43

FYI: since the initial release of the b650M PG Riptide they have qualified it with up to ddr5 7200 ram. Love your videos.

@janissprudzans8631 - 05.11.2023 19:25

Intel doesn't make sense as CPUs, only house heating.

@marcusbryant2690 - 27.10.2023 15:08

Some really interesting musing and content here but you really need to learn how to edit your commentary - the number of times I found myself thinking "Jesus, will you move on already" when you are talking about trivial details like thumbscrews (you, yourself say it is trivial and everyone does it, then proceed to repeat the point needlessly for 2 minutes) or your repetitive and inane ramblings about aesthetics. Get on with it!

@eggnogsaber - 07.10.2023 06:24

Never seen a video that needs timestamps so bad

@johngelnaw1243 - 29.09.2023 00:18

"I don't like ASRock's designs, I don't like AM5, I'd rather run Intel"-- Which makes this video just about pointless. Fortunately, some people buy CPU's for things other 160 FPS gaming, and for us, AM5 Ryzen 7000 is a pretty nice platform. I didn't have to sell my kidneys for DDR5, and I don't need a 20A circuit to allow my CPU to hit full speed (OK-- I exaggerate. A little).

@doomguyVR - 17.09.2023 15:22

tbh I never care about extra pcie or sata ports. 2 sata ports is enough for me

@Daisudori - 04.07.2023 00:41

the pro rs offers 5 nvme and 6 sata as like the only x670 board so ig thats the reason for it existing. Storage hogger builds.

@CigarGhost - 27.06.2023 21:12

I have the X670 steel legend. So far so good.

@sebo1020 - 09.06.2023 12:59

dude compares 13700k to 7 7700x without mentioning the most important difference...price hahahahahah, that's called an honest opinion

@bullshitvendor - 06.06.2023 08:00

i miss the days wen your computer was just a beige box with green pcb s sitting forgotten under your desk. paying for sports car designed chassis and motherboards with tr4mpstamps? gosh molly me

@drxpsaucx4157 - 09.05.2023 07:21

I really like what they did with the Sonic Intel boards and B650E live mixer series. Shame they couldnt be as creative with the X670E range. However I may still be buying the Taichi after seeing how Asus is dealing with exploding CCD's and their RMA policy

@choppergirl - 02.05.2023 09:36

I'm confused, you glossed right past the Live Mixer, but ended up apparently buying it and reviewing itlater instead of the rest you liked better....
Can you get a PCIe card that adds SATA ports. That's what I'd do.

@choppergirl - 02.05.2023 07:50

All of us don't like Windows 11. Or windows 10.
Rocking Windows 7 in 2023, and have been since it came out.

@axi6ne8us - 24.04.2023 06:42

I'm torn between this Taichi, the Asus X670E-E Gaming WiFi and the X670E AORUS Master. They all have similar specs and price. What are your thoughts?

@nagranoth_ - 23.04.2023 12:56

For the B650E Taichi you spend quite a bit of time complaining that the PCIe slots aren't dual x8 slots, and how that's very disappointing. I can't really think of a real use case for dual x8 though. The idea behind this setup is that the GPU slot is PCI 5.0, which I know will be years before that bandwidth actually is needed, but it's future proofing the board.

The other PCI slot is for "whatever" and unless you're going to do some serious streaming/content editing and require an expansion card for that I can't even imagine what you'd want to use it for anymore (considering high speed internet and pretty good audio is already included in the board). So is this what you had in mind why you'd really want de dual x8 slots? So the board would be useful for those scenario's right now, as opposed to being future proofed for just gaming?

@asmith5488 - 21.04.2023 10:02

well Unix loves AMD over Intel or Nvida so ..... SMP works better on AMD it is not broken like Intel ..

@troosimimimmi - 26.03.2023 17:20

late to the party, 650e taichi bottom power stage and fancy red capacitors probably for the pro audio sound chipset
