What Happened To Britain's Last Hunter-Gatherers? Prehistoric Europe Documentary

What Happened To Britain's Last Hunter-Gatherers? Prehistoric Europe Documentary

History Time

4 года назад

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jane eden
jane eden - 22.09.2023 12:21

I don’t blame the British hunter gatherers for starting to farm, there’s only so much badger you can eat without going insane.

Linnea K
Linnea K - 20.09.2023 06:46

Commercial breaks too often to listen to when relaxing, imo

MikeyXSkyline - 15.09.2023 04:41

So funny, Stefan Milo is how I found you in the first place. His videos on human evolution are wonderful.

Lars Kolmé
Lars Kolmé - 08.09.2023 12:17

What happened to them? They're still around; aren't they?They've just updated their weapons.

Angus MacKaskill
Angus MacKaskill - 08.09.2023 05:17

They invented money, more important than food

Marvin martin
Marvin martin - 06.09.2023 05:43

Of course the sea level was 400feet lower during the last ice age! And so much information is lost and under water!

khamen723 - 29.08.2023 23:31

So if I could go back to any time in history, megalithic London is on my must-stay list! 🎉😂😂

Fred Ziffel
Fred Ziffel - 28.08.2023 11:59

My vote is : The last of European Hunter Gatherers were executed for poaching the kings deer.

Jami StarDust
Jami StarDust - 26.08.2023 21:46

I share DNA with Cheddar Man, one section on my 10th chromosome and another on my 19th chromosome. I'm American, but 68% of my Dna comes from the British Isles,

Ingmar Lleshi
Ingmar Lleshi - 24.08.2023 18:21

People living in Albania 7000 years BC already having cities

Kevin McCarthy
Kevin McCarthy - 20.08.2023 19:55

Very good, I love your show, your King and the people. Ok, now that I said that, I think there was many hunters who only were USED by the people in the tribe, young, old, need food, women and men are going to get together every once in a while, some more or less than others. Plus there was a heirghercle ? system with the old chief and his liuetenants, the whole manhood, coming of age , allowed to go on the hunt kind of hierarcy? the authority that comes with a good hunter providing food. Mommy with kids, growing crops, daddy gone for just enough time, for mommy to get pregnant from the chiefs little brother. The gay wall painter that is so good it is Just ridiculous beautiful!! their perfect , even to the untrained eye like me. The LUCKY Hung artist making friends at the camp and the brother to the chief is the NORM. Thousands of years later, CAESAR writes about these family practices in his book on the Gallic wars.YES, YES, the German AGAIN!!

Jennifer Shelley
Jennifer Shelley - 17.08.2023 22:55

How does Doggerland fit in to all this? Easier movement from Europe to Britain

wardcherry - 16.08.2023 08:57

The fact that about 10k years ago all large game had went extinct the short faced bear the orox giant ground sloths Saber toothed loin were all gone that maybe why they decided to start farming ...I'm sure hunters still existed but not the quality of game changed heck the world caged and humans changed with it.

7seas - 12.08.2023 03:14

make longer vids please sir

vincent somers-yeates
vincent somers-yeates - 06.08.2023 13:15

great document.

Jojo Jacques
Jojo Jacques - 05.08.2023 02:10

Why have you destroyed with so many adverts!!!🤬🤬

marcus pedro
marcus pedro - 29.07.2023 10:52

Never heard so much bs. The Hillside u call caves is man made block work.geo polymer.

Visit My Channel
Visit My Channel - 24.07.2023 03:26

The anamorphic figures are interesting. In the Basque Country, there is a ritual called Momotxorroen, where participants adorn animal headresses and dance around a bon fire. I bet that's exactly what that antler headress was used for.

Catherine McClane
Catherine McClane - 20.07.2023 13:28

The hunter gatherers didn't go anywhere, they just adapted to the changing world as people still hunt and gather it is just apart of the food process and done by farmers, it's just a different description however it doesn't make them a different people... A few scrap's od DNA does not make for a defining certainty, I don't believe there was an influx of new people, just different way of doing things, often new ideas and inervations, why does everything have to result in population change... As for getting from Mainland Europe to the Great isles, there was the land bridge of Doggaland until at least five thousand BC and after that marsh land before the channel opened up... You're missing information, we all are.😼🐈👍

darrin webber
darrin webber - 18.07.2023 08:07

Their descendants live in places like the Basque region if Spain... Andorra...Sicily Corsica.. Sardinia and remote places of southern Europe

Pirate Peat
Pirate Peat - 16.07.2023 14:59

Have we considered that the farmers were the hunter gatherers, as they had the knowledge needed, knowing where to find plants will show us what conditions the plant does well in. By following herds of animals would give us a good understanding of keeping them and their habits.

Shadowe Patrice
Shadowe Patrice - 04.07.2023 19:45

3k stones looks like a rotten ancient petrified boat and over time was used by civilian who rebuilt and moved on. Remember all rock was at one point organic matter (alive) and there was Giants in them day's

Wille E. Coyote Productions
Wille E. Coyote Productions - 17.06.2023 19:00

Farmers aren't going to cover a perfectly good field with lines of boulders.

Wille E. Coyote Productions
Wille E. Coyote Productions - 17.06.2023 18:52

So we can blame wheat for all our problems.

Kilroy Is Here
Kilroy Is Here - 15.06.2023 01:28

While a video on Science plays…Ads are for the embracing….romanticizing….and Encouraging MENTAL ILLNESS PLAYS…These Leftist Nitwits ,cant so much as define what a Woman is( ) are trying to Spay and Neuter Americas children….they truly are GROOMERS AND DEVIANT CHILD MUTILATORS….they shouldbe in HAIL ..not. Spouting their Anti Science BULLSHIT…Everyone involved needs to ARRESTED and tried for Child Abuse ..including the Perverts at Fascist Tube and Google..May they ALL ROT IN HELL..

TheBelamar - 10.06.2023 09:30

There is still hunters. There is also lot of gatherers also

Tim Tolbert
Tim Tolbert - 26.05.2023 22:04

What I liked about your videos unlike the History channel where you have to watch people talk.yours is all scenic. good job

The Pyat
The Pyat - 22.05.2023 17:15

I greatly enjoyed this, especially since it touches on the complexity of the transition between hunter/gathering and farming and mentions GobTep. Setting up a pure dichotomy between these two lifestyles may be far too simplistic an interpretation. Fishing, trading, gardening, bead working, even herding--albeit on a small scale--were ubiquitous and played important parts throughout prehistory.

ClanMcCrone Artist
ClanMcCrone Artist - 16.05.2023 12:43

Just one slight gripe on the HG thing, they did DNA tests on Cheddar Man and other WHG populations and found that they weren’t white as the artwork depicts by Dark Tan/Bronze at the lightest and Pale Black/Brown at the darkest, and that white people, or more accurately Proto-Indo-Europeans first emerged in the Pontic-Caspian Steppe (I.e. Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, Armenia, Anatolia, Kazakhstan, etc.) in the form of the Yamnya Culture, I.e. the people who built the “Kurgan mounds”, and genetic evidence suggests the whole male ancestral line of Europe actually derives from Yamnya while the WHG genetic lineage only survives through the female line (the implications therein are quite damning, I can’t say we’ve improved all that much since given our history not just in Europe but worldwide, particularly since the late 1300s/early 1400s, where attitudes increasingly shifted towards dodgy territory), and that modern Europeans are in fact descendants of these “mixed race” individuals (not that race is a social construct while ethnicity is not so much, but even then it’s a lot more slippery to pin down a label to than most politicians and/or lawmakers care to admit)

Cheddar Man himself was dark-skinned, dark-haired, blue-eyed, and (ironically given the main export from Cheddar Gorge) lactose intolerant

Pretty much all opposition I’ve heard to this new evidence comes from strictly political quarters, and not just in Britain either (where I have lived my entire life), but there are a great many countries whose entire socio-political control method is based largely off ethnonational mythologies, particularly notorious for this are Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Iran, India, Greece, Hungary, Poland, and several others (to the point many of these countries in the face of contradictory evidence will either withhold or destroy any record of the contradictory evidence and will sometimes even go so far as shutting up the specimens from which they collect the samples or else otherwise go so far as to destroy physical remains that might challenge this, which of course is nothing new), close contenders for such a problematic societal and political control method are Germany, France, and a few others nearer to the Western sphere, and even America, particularly the European population there, are somewhat notorious for their efforts to maintain outdated ethnonational mythologies for their control base. Britain, including Scotland, England, and Wales, can be in certain circles pretty bad about it too, hence why I say all opposition to new evidence comes strictly from said circles, and even Ireland is not blameless. That said, the evidence is largely accepted within the scientific/archaeological community, particularly those not embroiled in political chaff that seems to infest some academic circles to the detriment of the science, who acknowledge that WHG were indeed dark of skin, and that light skin does not emerge until the Yamnya of the PC Steppe, a result of a rare one in millions chance mutation (in other words, “white” people are, in evolutionary terms, a complete accident, statistically speaking we’re as unlikely as you get and in purely statistical terms shouldn’t really be here existing at all, it’s that unlikely a mutation), very late in the Human populating of the prehistoric world, and it was only with inventions like the wheel (the wheel was not singularly invented in Mesopotamia and then suddenly spread out from there, but was instead invented multiple times in different regions independently, sometimes for the same purpose, but others (like the Yamnya) for a very different purpose as well as agriculture) and the war-chariot (yes the war chariot was indeed it turns out invented by PIE peoples, who used it to deadly and harrowing effect as they spread across Europe, the Middle East, and South and Central Asia, separating into Indo-European speaking peoples and Indo Iranian speaking peoples, with the II speakers splitting between Indo Iranian and Indo Aryan (I.E. Sanskrit, Punjabi, Hindi, etc.) speakers, with the IE peoples themselves splitting into various linguistic and ethnic or ethnolinguistic groups, the rest is as they say history) that the PIE peoples were able to spread across Europe, wiping out the indigenous male populations (genetic studies bear that out) and enslaving the female indigenous populations (I hope I don’t have to explain what happened next) in Europe and creating a new people over hundreds of generations that were as they say of mixed blood, and gave rise to the modern Europeans

Interesting vid that aside, despite a few bits of dated terminology, will of course have to check on a few of the details (my dad is an archaeologist and our house has an extensive library, but conceptually an interesting video if nothing else

I will also run things by my mum too, she has a keen and long running interest in archaeo and ethnogenetics, as well as a BA in History and English (one of her lecturers studied under none other than J.R.R. Tolkien, Professor of English and Anglo-Saxon literature (yes it is the same one who also wrote The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings) himself, plus a PhD in Educational Research, so she knows a thing or two besides history about critical analysis and critical theory, so she might know a thing or two, and as I say if neither of them can confirm bits and bobs etc. our house does have a rather extensive library

As for my own knowledge and interests, well I don’t like to blow my trumpet, but interests wise they are quite wide ranging, knowledge wise I couldn’t rightly say for myself, and of course I hate blowing my own trumpet if such there is, so for now I shall simply leave it at everything thus far written above in this comment

KrysB - 13.05.2023 23:06

Lucky for me I'm not a kid of today with attention deficit syndrome. I would rather have an hour long topic over some 15 minute brief that doesn't teach you anything.
The kids of today are the failure of our future.

Turkish Model
Turkish Model - 03.05.2023 01:29

Real Uncorrupted European History :

Haplogroup R1b,R1a (Indigenous Europeans)(Basques, Gaels, Poles)

Haplogroup I (Neolithic Indo European wave from Anatolia.Stone monuments, Polytheism, Pottery,Longhouses, Axes,Sailing ships)(Bosnians,Scandinavians,Sardinians)

Haplogroup J2b (Bronze Age Indo European wave. Ancient Greece, Rome. Writing, Metallurgy) (Modern Cretans)

And some lesser sporadic influxes of Haplogroup E (North Africa) and Haplogroup G (Western Caucasus)

Every single word associated with agriculture in Europe is of Indo-European origin.. There are also many maritime words as well such as "sail". Suggesting the Indo-Europeans were avid seafarers..


Every one of these words came from and with the Indo-Europeans....Suggesting the Indo-Europeans wrere synonymous with the advent of agriculture in the fertile crescent...It also suggests they journeyed by sea..

IRISH_AGGRESSOR_ - 02.05.2023 04:46

Referring to Gobekli Tepe....that it was built by hunter gatherers?! Has anyone from the bbc even been to the site ? It definitely was not built by hunter gatherers, or at least in the way the narrator implies. That site is highly engineered and gigantic. The carvings on the pillars were produced by highly skilled stone carvers......just amazes me how ignorant this documentary is lol wow😮

Jeff - 28.04.2023 06:02

Longform history docs..... I may have found a new channel for my sleeptime selections.

Alex Bowman
Alex Bowman - 27.04.2023 06:07

The depiction of the Hyades and surrounding stars as a bull in a 16,000 year old cave painting strongly suggests an early European common and widespread culture.

J H - 20.04.2023 02:36

They were genocided by White people.

Steven Hines
Steven Hines - 16.04.2023 06:02

As above, so below. These are reflections of ancient auroras mapped onto the ground by ancient sky worshippers

Wildearthproject Bushcraft
Wildearthproject Bushcraft - 14.04.2023 23:19

hunter gatherers have an exhausted life ....mmmmm dont think so , was garden ofeden..dont like it that everyone thinks that ,its totally wrong.

sanne steers
sanne steers - 09.04.2023 07:51

At those times in history, going from hunting and gathering to farming must have given a very experimental feeling. Think, try and overcome errors and misthinking.
Just like now with all the IT-technology and hacks and so on.

Back in history they found out that if you put 'something' into the ground it will (sometimes) grow.
Seeds are little hard things, aren't they.
So the stones of Carnac are, hard things of something the people could use very well.
When I was a child we visited Carnac during vacances. My first thoughts, seeing the stones at Carnac, were: could this have been an experimental cropfield? That someone thought it was worth while giving it a try if stones would grow bigger stones, just like small seeds grow plants and trees? But alas, it didn't work out as wished and hoped for.
Could the originating of Carnac have been something like that, an experimental cropfield? 🌟🪇🌾🪨🪺🙃🤨🙄💥🎉💦 A well thought idea, much hard work and than... It didn't work out as well as hoped for?

sophia pink
sophia pink - 06.04.2023 18:51

thanks for this long vids

John Clark
John Clark - 29.03.2023 18:42

They're probably dead by now, though still alot of people still hunt, gather and share, even animals hunt and gather. The definition of hunter gatherer theme is a hoax, for we still are hunters and gatherers in reality. Every hunting season we gather, drink beer and hunt..so much for those other ideas, maybe the diorite pounding balls they built the pyramids 20 thousand years ago would solve it. Though they shouldn't have known math, geometry and physics but they did.

TheHypnotstCollector - 27.03.2023 03:13

What happened? Well, some deevolved into The English, some deevolved into The French and some became Toasters and Lemurs.

Inuit Women
Inuit Women - 23.03.2023 22:22

They became the Welsh, Irish, Basques. Steppe theory migration is a political propa ganda ploy. Hitler's A r y a n invasion myth.
Neolithic Europeans are the haplogroup I people (Bosnians, Germanics). The real Indo-Europeans.

But anti- semites in the academic world are trying to erase this history, so they try to paint 'Germanics ' as indigenous Europeans .
