Contra Rogue Corps Has a Demo and It Isn't Co-Op? | Nintendo Switch Gameplay

Contra Rogue Corps Has a Demo and It Isn't Co-Op? | Nintendo Switch Gameplay

Nintendo Life

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@almaharo1077 - 22.06.2021 21:55

I came here to see how to do two player and he didn’t show me

@natedavies954 - 27.09.2019 02:12

Anybody play 2 plane style games like Poncho (up to 4 in that case, but still)?
I've always thought Contra as a side scroller but with multiple planes would be amazing.
It's modern without feeling cheap, which Rogue Corps absolutely feels like.
MM11 was actually tough yet fair, and Bloostained is amazing.
But Shattered Soldier and the PS3 Rogue Corps already modernized Contra's look.
Now, let's get a proper Contra with something that's actually new to the series.
This plays like Uncharted 15% or the time and Contra 3's top down levels 85% of the time.
Like PS1 Contra, but worse.

@danfuture4409 - 18.09.2019 20:04

This shit BLOWS

@a1000island - 18.09.2019 06:31

It's called rouge
You can't go rouge together 🙄

@Elwrayx - 17.09.2019 17:50

So they're both controlling the same char? That's co op to me

@azogdefiler25 - 17.09.2019 15:06


@mcgman8058 - 16.09.2019 20:26

The graphics and game speed are laughably bad. I see the game is gonna be on steam also. If you insist on getting this game dont count on Konami to make the port competent on Switch. Just get it on steam and overpower the game engine with your gpu/cpu.

@thejamesthird - 16.09.2019 14:20

Hi Zach...

@raypadilla254 - 16.09.2019 13:17

People are saying this games looks bad! But I think they were trying to give it a retro look! Because as you know the switch can make amazing graphics!! And I pretty sure Konami knows that! But maybe they thought by giving it a retro look more people would buy it! But it might of backfired because people were looking for them to push the hardware limits!!!! I might still get it because sometimes when people give a game a bad review then I play it, sometimes I like the game even if it got a bad review!!!! I hope I'm right! Fingers crossed!!

@raypadilla254 - 16.09.2019 13:17

People are saying this games looks bad! But I think they were trying to give it a retro look! Because as you know the switch can make amazing graphics!! And I'm pretty sure Konami knows that! But maybe they thought by giving it a retro look more people would buy it! But it might of backfired because people were looking for them to push the hardware limits!!!! I might still get it because sometimes when people give a game a bad review then I play it, sometimes I like the game even if it got a bad review!!!! I hope I'm right! Fingers crossed!!

@Cheeselord83 - 16.09.2019 06:27

People are spoiled. I played the Demo. The demo isn't Co-op but the fullgame is, people are just looking for something to complain about there. The gameplay still has that Contra spirit but also has the arcade feel and style of games like Total Carnage, and Expendable. The games graphics are good for what it is, an arcade style run and gun. This is a fresh take on the series and it has alot of style and personality that is void from most Contra games. It's been a hit or miss series.. plenty of sequels but only 2 or 3 of them are actually worthwhile. Too get the most out of this game, as with any Switch title, you need to play in Console Mode. Idk why people even bother playing in handheld mode, it's awful. The Switch should have been a Pure Console. Anyway, I only play in Console Mode and ive had zero of the issues people are whining about. I get ZERO lag, the controls are GOOD and tight - YOU probably just suck at games like this. The graphics are good, i didnt say they were the best but they are good enough, the characters have alot of personality and good voice acting. If you're not a bandwagon rider like most of these commenters are, and you are a fan of classic run and gun arcade shooters, you'll like it most likely. I love it. I can't wait to pick up the full game.

@Dig_Duke_SFM - 15.09.2019 20:00

Man these actors are so American I HATE IT!!!

@JagGentlemann - 15.09.2019 16:56

Who would want to play this coop on the Switch anyway. The game is unplayable, even if at it's core there's a fun game. Awful resolution, bad framerrate, input lag and FREAKING OVERHEATING WEAPONS. The only hope for this game is that someone mods the game on PC to remove the overheat.

@HaohmaruHL - 15.09.2019 15:29

Wtf Konami. Blazing Chrome is a better contra than the official game..

@astrospacenot1607 - 15.09.2019 10:25

Its so ugly, why didnt they make a new 2D version, i am craving a new Contra 2D

@obscur_yoann - 15.09.2019 09:52

Seriously ? This is a DEMO, not the full game here... there IS co-op in the full game. This demo is just a kind of tutorial... 🙄
I am not excited at all by this game, especially after playing this demo, but had to be fare...

@Strixiac - 15.09.2019 08:46

Between the subpar graphics, and the enemies hitting the screen like a 3D gimmick makes me wonder... was this supposed to be a 3DS game, but was changed late in production...?

@NeonKnight83 - 15.09.2019 07:40

Whoever developed this hot diarrhea mess of a game should be proud of themselves, they just killed Contra and it will be 10 years before anyone tries to bring it back.

Contra: Rogue Corps developers, FUCK YOU!

@NeonKnight83 - 15.09.2019 07:37

I just downloaded this game and it is fucking TRASH. I don’t go around calling every game I don’t like “shit”, “garbage”, “fucking terrible”, etc. Those words are reserved for games like this.
It straight up looks and plays like a PlayStation One game. THIS IS NOT AN EXAGGERATION. If this game was released 20 years ago it would be ok at best. It’s so blurry it looks like there’s a layer of Vaseline spread across my TV. The textures and models in the game look like they’re from 1995. Square vehicle bodies, muddy & blurry pixelated textures. You can almost count the polygons on the in game models.

@ATWDigital - 15.09.2019 06:31

Holy crap, that looks like ass

@Happymonday2015 - 15.09.2019 04:06

If does have a little bit of that contra feel in combat but otherwise I don't see a purpose for this game, I would prefer a 2D contra game with this artstyle, and that way it would look decent too.

@EpicPalmTree - 15.09.2019 03:48

Am I crazy or are the joy cons in the thumbnail super weird. They both look like the right side controller but one is obviously the left. The rails are on the same side... Am I crazy?

@Gakki_Aniki - 15.09.2019 03:46

This Ain't Contra !

@Gakki_Aniki - 15.09.2019 03:44

Potato Graphics !

@asasial1977 - 14.09.2019 23:50

I tried the demo.
I'd rather play the NES original

@ImaFnT-Rex - 14.09.2019 23:09

not sure I'm liking the look of the way this Contra plays .. and i hope they have the other human also and not just the panda like character O.o

and a life bar? .. really? lol

@Fdatubeofyou - 14.09.2019 23:01

On the plus side...the Contra Collection on Switch is fantastic

@MegaKirbySuperstar - 14.09.2019 22:56

I wish Konami would go out of business.

@aust100 - 14.09.2019 22:46

Yea won’t be picking this up. Looks like trash!

@Real_The_Goof - 14.09.2019 22:38

Dorks. You put both joycons into the grip and play single player.
Yeah, sounds like Konami is dropping the ball big time with this so far.

@Kentama - 14.09.2019 22:29

This looks like it could have come out during the PS2 era. Weirdly outdated graphics.

@markmorris6721 - 14.09.2019 22:22

This is contra in name only not in game play.

@EbefrenRevo - 14.09.2019 22:14

Konami, go back to pacinko please. You are not part of the videogames world anymore.

@Akuzastar - 14.09.2019 22:07

So it's a contra game... known for local co-op play.... that doesn't do co-op..?

Incredible job konami. 👏

@jeffdlr3056 - 14.09.2019 21:20

I think I've seen him on an episode of change my mind with Stephen Crowder

@christopherricca2321 - 14.09.2019 21:05

Wow does this look awful!!!

@SaikoSoda - 14.09.2019 20:57

This definitely convinced me to stop this video and never think about this game for the rest of my life. Trash.

@chilly6470 - 14.09.2019 20:48

Played the demo and it's shit. Crap frame rate too. I can't believe they actually let people play the demo.
Now, nobody will buy it!

@TheRCScotsman - 14.09.2019 20:44

This looks absolutely terrible!

@felipus - 14.09.2019 20:38

It sucks. it's not contra. it's a twin stick shooter.

@asparagusnoodle - 14.09.2019 20:36

Looks worse than a Wii game 🤮

@deeznutsandbolts9676 - 14.09.2019 20:36

This looks like Neo Contra for the PS2.

@israelflores5448 - 14.09.2019 20:30

Just buy the anniversary collection... It's a thousand times better 😎

@zwippie92 - 14.09.2019 20:24

Downloading demo now. Never played a Contra game so the fact that it is 3D doesn't bother me. The gameplay is what will matter for me. Looks like a game that should be in 1st person, like Destiny.

@ThatVoodooThatYoodoo - 14.09.2019 20:24

Dat sound quality tho'

@adrianchrzanowski8639 - 14.09.2019 20:11

Looks surprisingly promising. I really like the character design.

@txmrrxw2937 - 14.09.2019 20:06

This looks incredibly ugly, and definitely this is not Contra

@waluigipiegaming1198 - 14.09.2019 20:03

